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Topic: foo_ui_columns configurations (Read 706604 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_ui_columns configurations


Ok, it seems the old configurations thread got a bit messy over time and I thought it would be a nice idea to have something a bit more organized this time. Especially to make it easier for users that just want to browse for a nice config and apply it.

So the idea would be that you upload your configs in the following pattern here:

Make a small post about your config with a small screenshot and use a second post right underneath to upload your config.

Please don't upload any screenshots without configs here, but use the new foobar gallery thread instead.

Also please post your questions and comments about any formatting somewhere else, maybe with a link to the corresponding formatting in case there is one.

Irrelevant posts may be removed from this thread by moderation at any time.

I'll post two quick example posts underneath to show I would think this thread could look like in the future.

Thanks for taking all this into consideration and for everyones participation in the last thread.

Link to old columns UI formatting thread

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #1

Album formatting string supporting user definable custom information. I specifically wrote this for fast rendering speed. This is why I left out most user configurations and tag guessing code. It is heavily dependend on properly tagged files.


Simply replace the default tags in the config part of the globals with the ones you like to be displayed instead. Use the format %tag% for this. The default is : disc, label, composer, performer and date.

Various artist guessing

Will recognize albums as beeing from various artists in case there is an album artist tag present and override the album information with album artist information in this case.  Simpy set album artist to whatever you want to be displayed for various artist albums in your va files.  It will append te artist (track artist) to the title then.

Single guessing

Will display files as singles in case they either contain a singletrack tag, the first three characters of the playlistname are -s- or the directoryname in wich they reside is called "=singles=".


I personally sort my plalist by
Code: [Select]
$if2(%album artist%,%artist%) - $if2(%venue%,%album%) - %__codec% - %disc% - $tracknumber() - $if2(%title%,%_filename_ext%)
for proper display of this formatting.

Thanks to foosion for helping me optimize some part of this code for better rendering speed.

Might be able to speed it up a bit more with columns_ui's new globals handling and will try to do so as soon as I find the time for it.

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #2

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #3
I had a request for this foobar config so here it is.

edit: uploaded wrong one. Just a sec while I fix it.

edit2: fixed.

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #4
Well, I spent some time on this.  I am not too disappointed since I started out not knowing jack when it came to configuring this thing.  I did cheat as I used Leshita's config for most of it, I just changed a lot of the colors.  What I did do differently is I modded the VU meter so that it appeared to be paneled, it isn't, I just removed the caption.  And the one thing that I really don't like about it is that no matter what other windows are in focus, the VU meter is always on top, I am trying to fix that.\hosted\foobar_green.jpg\hosted\

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #5
This config shows your missing tags for
Titel - Album - Artist - Genre - Date - Track
if you want!
Code for "Trackinfo" in download included.
For "Rating-Stars" you need to install "Arial Unicode MS"-Font. (14,72mb)

((((( Strictly4me )))))

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #6
Thanks for the code but I get all greyed circles now.  I can't find out the reason why.  Can you give me a link to that thread you're referring to?

Here's my config:

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #7
Hot Blue

The primary purpose of this config is to demonstrate a working implementation of "hotness".  This means that it's not (currently) designed for public consumption.  Truth is it's not even up to my own standards yet.  Some of its quirks are:

* "Hotness" indicator: A circle on the far right will indicate a track's hotness in shades of orange.
* "Mix" mode: any playlist with the word "mix" in the title will be displayed differently (no album/tracknumber info)
* "Tag editor" mode: any playlist with the words "tag editor" in the title will be displayed differently (with lots of raw tag columns)
* Bitrate indicator: a small column on the left will turn yellow if a track's bitrate is below 160kbps, and fade down to red as it approaches 56kbps.
* Audioscrobbler check: A check will appear next to a track once it is submitted to Audioscrobbler.
* %added% indicator: Tracks with no %added% tag will be yellow.
* Aquarius mode: any playlist with the word "aquarius" in the title will be displayed differently (used when listening to samples from

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #9
I got a request for the fcs-file of my config (Post #655), so here it is.

Changed 23/19/2005.
Always defragment your MP3s to avoid subtle lack in harmonics.

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #10
My new one! 
Same configuration like above (Post #7), but with "Playlist Tree" version 1.4.17 and perfect strings from "marcomk", which you can find [span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%']here[/span]!
Also new "Track-Info" version made by "gob" from [span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%']here[/span]. (Post #259)
Thanks to both of them!
For this config you will also need "Arial Unicode MS"-Font. (Download above Post #7)

With spectrum and Albumview

Without spectrum und Singleview

By this fcs-file you can change between this theme and the theme above! (Post #7)

((((( Strictly4me )))))

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #11
One more. 

Download includes all colour-themes made by myself. - Three now. (See above)

((((( Strictly4me )))))

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #12
[a href="" target="_blank"]

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #13

It shows as single if at least one of following is met :
1) file has SINGLE or SINGLETRACK tag
2) file doesn't have ALBUM tag
3) file doesn't have TRACKNUMBER tag
4) file has TRACKNUMBER tag but the number is zero
5) file has ALBUM but not TRACKNUMBER tag
6) file has TRACKNUMBER but not ALBUM tag

It also shows as Various Artists if file has VARIOUS or ALBUM ARTIST tag.

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #14
For download 3 new styles, based by OLiGhT 2.02

[a href="" target="_blank"]

((((( Strictly4me )))))

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #15
darkblue for 0.9 beta. (screenshots are the same as above and slightly different)

It shows as single if at least one of following is met :
1) file has SINGLE or SINGLETRACK tag
2) file doesn't have ALBUM tag
3) file doesn't have TRACKNUMBER tag
4) file has TRACKNUMBER tag but the number is zero
5) file has ALBUM but not TRACKNUMBER tag
6) file has TRACKNUMBER but not ALBUM tag

It also shows as Various Artists if file has VARIOUS or ALBUM ARTIST tag.

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #16
Someone requested my iTunes style.  Here it is.

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #17
Someone requested my .fcs config so here it is. Unfortunately I don't have anywhere else that this can be uploaded to without trouble. A lot of it is copy and pasted from other configs, but I have done quite a bit of tweaking to suit my needs.

Acid8000 aka. PhilDEE

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #19

Didn't do it myself. Get it here.

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']moderation: please refrain from inlining images larger than roughly 800x600 and 80KB. please use thumbnails and/or links for large pictures instead.[/span]

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #21
updated darkblue, fast rendering config. (this is for 0.9 beta)

-changed font to Tahoma.
-made it easier to customize colours.

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #22

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #23
[a href="" target="_blank"]

foo_ui_columns configurations

Reply #24
Figured I would share my fcs for my latest fooby setup.

[a href="" target="_blank"]
