foo_ui_columns configurations
Reply #1 – 2005-01-27 22:34:26
Insomnia Album formatting string supporting user definable custom information. I specifically wrote this for fast rendering speed. This is why I left out most user configurations and tag guessing code. It is heavily dependend on properly tagged files.Custominfo Simply replace the default tags in the config part of the globals with the ones you like to be displayed instead. Use the format %tag% for this. The default is : disc, label, composer, performer and date.Various artist guessing Will recognize albums as beeing from various artists in case there is an album artist tag present and override the album information with album artist information in this case. Simpy set album artist to whatever you want to be displayed for various artist albums in your va files. It will append te artist (track artist) to the title then.Single guessing Will display files as singles in case they either contain a singletrack tag, the first three characters of the playlistname are -s- or the directoryname in wich they reside is called "=singles=".Sorting I personally sort my plalist by $if2(%album artist%,%artist%) - $if2(%venue%,%album%) - %__codec% - %disc% - $tracknumber() - $if2(%title%,%_filename_ext%) for proper display of this formatting. Thanks to foosion for helping me optimize some part of this code for better rendering speed. Might be able to speed it up a bit more with columns_ui's new globals handling and will try to do so as soon as I find the time for it.