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Topic: how to remove foobar from Taskbar? (Read 14346 times) previous topic - next topic
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how to remove foobar from Taskbar?

I can't find any info about this. Is there any way to have foobar off the taskbar and running from the tray both maximized and minimized.

how to remove foobar from Taskbar?

Reply #1
No there isn't.  When maximized foobar will always show up in the taskbar as well. Even when "minimize to system tray" is checked.

how to remove foobar from Taskbar?

Reply #2
No there isn't.  When maximized foobar will always show up in the taskbar as well. Even when "minimize to system tray" is checked.

Thats not true.
Take this [a href="]foo_notaskbar[/url] for it!
Just install it. It's nothing to configure!

((((( Strictly4me )))))

how to remove foobar from Taskbar?

Reply #3
I stand corrected, haven't come across that one yet.

how to remove foobar from Taskbar?

Reply #5
Take this foo_notaskbar for it!
Just install it. It's nothing to configure!
Very nice..!
Thanks for posting it...

how to remove foobar from Taskbar?

Reply #6
thanks a bunch

how to remove foobar from Taskbar?

Reply #7
Yes, ive been using foo_notaskbar all along.  As the discribtion says at the plugins website its a bit of a hack, so expect to see it blicker once in a while and avoid fast minimizes/maximizes or youll end up having to restart your computer.  It does the job though.

how to remove foobar from Taskbar?

Reply #8
Just change in the shortcut properties of foobar : RUN : Minimized instead of Run : Normal Window

If you chosen in foobar options to minimize to tray then it will start minimized to tray.


how to remove foobar from Taskbar?

Reply #9
If you chosen in foobar options to minimize to tray then it will start minimized to tray.

Can you please tell your Foobar version? I was not able to find such option for Core in Foobar 0.8.3...

how to remove foobar from Taskbar?

Reply #10
Select "Foobar2000 > Preferences" from the menu.

Then select "Display > Default user Interface > System tray" from the tree.

Checkbox is top-right of the dialogue.
I'm on a horse.

how to remove foobar from Taskbar?

Reply #11
Only, then it shows on the taskbar when the main window's active, as stated earlier.

how to remove foobar from Taskbar?

Reply #12
Yes, ive been using foo_notaskbar all along.  As the discribtion says at the plugins website its a bit of a hack, so expect to see it blicker once in a while and avoid fast minimizes/maximizes or youll end up having to restart your computer.  It does the job though.
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And as such, it is not to be posted at this forum.

User interface component developers are welcome to implement this functionality. ( Create as child of hidden window, use shell API to add and later remove the task button. )

I also attempted to write my own component for this purpose, but it was more for learning than anything, and I never planned to release it, much less actually use it.