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Topic: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query (Read 366936 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #625
This is probably a bug of foo_customdb or foobar itself. I'm writing here because customdb thread is closed.
Help me to understand where to send bug report so no one else won't affect this in future.

foobar 2000 1.6.2
foo_customdb 0.1.0_beta1
foo_skip 1.32

I have both components installed, but no such issues. I use cutomdb 9a, though. Why do you think this odd behaviour of foo_skip is caused by customdb, BTW?
I'm late

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #626
I have both components installed, but no such issues. I use cutomdb 9a, though. Why do you think this odd behaviour of foo_skip is caused by customdb, BTW?

Well, lucky for you. It's might not be behaviour of foo_skip because it just reads what's in database and doesn't write to it. I opened database in sqlite browser and I saw there new records like skip_track=1.

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #627
Well, lucky for you. It's might not be behaviour of foo_skip because it just reads what's in database and doesn't write to it. I opened database in sqlite browser and I saw there new records like skip_track=1.

I see, so you set foo_skip to skip tracks based on the value of a customdb field? I'm afraid this is really off topic here, but the problem might depend on how you set the customdb actions. It's hard to tell without knowing how you edit the skip_track field.
I'm late

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #628
I see, so you set foo_skip to skip tracks based on the value of a customdb field? I'm afraid this is really off topic here, but the problem might depend on how you set the customdb actions. It's hard to tell without knowing how you edit the skip_track field.

Is there other options to keep information about skipped tracks? Where it will be stored? I did my setup a long time ago so customdb seemed the best option at that time. I am at Columns UI and to skip track I use hotkey with "Skip Toggle" action. Bug is probably occured on skipping track with hieroglyphs and other fancy non-typical symbols.

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #629
I just released a new version that can skip streams. You'll have to enable the option "treat query as titleformat string" and then use titleformat string instead of the newer query language as the skip string.
At its simplest if you wish to skip everything from some artist you can use string $stricmp(%artist%,some artist).

It works with one artist but how can I skip everything from 3 artists?
Thanks in advance

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #630
I just released a new version that can skip streams. You'll have to enable the option "treat query as titleformat string" and then use titleformat string instead of the newer query language as the skip string.
At its simplest if you wish to skip everything from some artist you can use string $stricmp(%artist%,some artist).

It works with one artist but how can I skip everything from 3 artists?
Thanks in advance

Hi. This is how: $stricmp(%artist%,some artist)$stricmp(%artist%,some artist)$stricmp(%artist%,some artist)

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #631
Thanks a lot Paaufo

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #632
Hi Case :)

I just updated and noticed skipping of a particular stream (saved in m-TAGS) when the option is not on - i.e. with normal query syntax. I replicated on a fresh install -

FB 1.6.4 / 1.6.5 + Skip Track 1.33 + m-TAGS 1.2 + Playback Statistics 3.0.4

Seems m-TAGs makes no difference, same result using 'Add Location...' -
Code: [Select]

Add 'Skip query' -
Code: [Select]
%last_played% DURING LAST 5 DAYS
(All other preferences boxes are default - 'Treat query as title format string' off, etc.)

Play stream for a minute to get statistics updated. Stop, double-click to play again (which usually overrides skipping) -

Console log -
Code: [Select]
Opening track for playback: ""
Using decoder shim instead of DSP: Skip Track
Skipping track based on dynamic info....

When turning off Playback menu > 'Skip tracks...' it plays fine. Strangely I'm only getting it with this particular stream... no, other streams with dynamic info also skip, so I guess it must be that particular query (?)


Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #633
My component always runs the queries. I thought query isn't parsed for streams but apparently core internally only skips metadata queries. Playback statistics come from a different component and that doesn't seem to be so discriminating.

You could add extra check to require path to contain file:// or possibly ignore http:// and https://. Or do you want a checkbox that allows toggling the component off for streams?

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #634
Adding an extra check works, I should've thought of that.

Code: [Select]
AND NOT "$info(@)" HAS http

Cheers :)

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #635
Hello, I would like to report a possible bug : Skip Track completely skips some tracks that have no skip tag at all.

Here is the behaviour :
- I'm playing a track
- I press "next"
- Sometimes, the next track just gets skipped and foobar goes to the "next-next" track

I have tried removing Skip Track from the DSP manager and saving changes. Then when I do the previous sequence again, the same track gets skipped again.
Then, going back to the DSP manager, I see that Skip Track has "auto-added" itself to the DSP chain, even though I had removed it and saved changes:o

The only way to deal with this issue is completely uninstalling Skip Track. But then I can't use it anymore for my other tracks that require it.
I have tried re-installing it (latest version from component repository) and the problem appears again. I seem to be able to reproduce it 100%.

Can somebody help ? Thank you.

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #636
Then, going back to the DSP manager, I see that Skip Track has "auto-added" itself to the DSP chain, even though I had removed it and saved changes
This is by design.
The DSP is automatically enabled when playback is started on foobar2000 v1.5 series and disabled on foobar2000 v1.4 series

- I'm playing a track
- I press "next"
- Sometimes, the next track just gets skipped and foobar goes to the "next-next" track
Are you sure your mouse single click is not working as double click sometimes?

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #637
Are you sure your mouse single click is not working as double click sometimes?
Hi Rollin. Uninstalling Skip Track solves the issue, and reinstalling Skip Track recreates the issue again.
So it has nothing to do with mouse clicks. It really seems to be related to Skip Track.

Plus I have keyboard shortcuts. I don't use the mouse here. ;)
Let's name tracks : track 1, track 2, track 3.
- Track 1 is playing.
- I press "next".
- Track 2 skips (after about 0.2-0.5 sec - it's very briefly hightlighted but there's no sound), and track 3 plays.
- Then I press "previous".
- Track 2 skips again, and track 1 plays.

I can do that as many times as I want, back and forth, so it's not a double click or a double-press problem.
And if I double click on track 2 directly, it plays without any issues.
Track 2 is perfectly OK : it's a FLAC track, integrity check OK.

It's like foobar doesn't want to play that particular track with "next" or "previous", but it plays it without issues with double click. And it happens only when Skip Track is installed.
And it's not just on one particular track : it happens on a number of tracks without apparent reason.


Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #638
Thanks Rollin, you have been busy and active in several topics.

@wcs13, what kind of skip query have you configured for Skip Track? Skip tag is only used for partial skipping, it's not required for the full track skipping behavior, which was the original purpose of this component.

The default skip query for example skips all tracks that you have given a rating of one star. So if your problematic track is rated 1 and you haven't touched anything, it will get skipped.

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #639
Thank you very much Case. It was the default skip query.
I had modified it in one of my foobar configs, but I had completely forgotten about it in the other.
Problem solved !

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #640
A question on SKIP tag for partial skipping:
When using partial skipping at the start of Youtube tracks (e.g. SKIP -30), sometimes foobar is not capable to realize skipping (for whatever reason) and starts at 00:00, meaning the track plays from its very beginning. Seems to be not reproducable and not related to specific tracks.
No real problem for me if that occurs from time to time.
However, if this is happening, then I experience as well that the SKIP tag entry ('-30') is automatically deleted.
Any way to protect the SKIP tag value from unwanted deletion?

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #641
This component shouldn't eat your tags away. The component will nowadays only write tags when it removes old "BOOKMARK" tag to replace it with the new metadb index based entry. And when that is done there will be a console report about it.

I'm guessing the SKIP doesn't work because something eats the tag away and Skip Track doesn't see the tag entry at all. But this is just a guess.

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #642
Hmm, I did not even think of the possibility that 'eating the tag' by another instance could be the root cause for the failed skipping - I thought it is the other way round - that is interesting...
Another observation: When both front and rear skip are defined (e.g. -30;2:30-), then only the front part gets 'eaten'. Therefore the SKIP field then would be changed to '2:30-' in this example.
Anyone who can reproduce this behaviour?

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #643
Maybe somebody can help: I recently had to switch OS and lost my old foobar install. Thus I ended up with the latest foobar 1.6.6 and foo_skip 1.3.3. Bookmarking was working fine with the old version of foobar (forgot which 1.x ist was exactly). No I can see that a bookmark is added whenever I want this but when I go back to the track it starts from the beginning. When I used foo_skip when it was working (same 1.3.3) I didn't need to configure anything else. I also don't see any errors in the console.

Any idea how I can identify the problem?

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #644
Maybe somebody can help: I recently had to switch OS and lost my old foobar install. Thus I ended up with the latest foobar 1.6.6 and foo_skip 1.3.3. Bookmarking was working fine with the old version of foobar (forgot which 1.x ist was exactly). No I can see that a bookmark is added whenever I want this but when I go back to the track it starts from the beginning. When I used foo_skip when it was working (same 1.3.3) I didn't need to configure anything else. I also don't see any errors in the console.

Any idea how I can identify the problem?

Sorted it out myself: forgot to enable: Playback / Skip tracks & use bookmarks and the skip track needs to be the first item in the DSP chain

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #645
Using the Skip dsp on the converter produces a bug on tracks being randomly cut when they don't have a skip tag, totally destroying the conversion output.

- Track A (3:00)
- Track B (4:00) (skip tag at 01:40)
- Track C (2:00)
- Track D (2:30)
Output becomes
- Track A (3:00)
- Track B (1:40)
- Track C (1:40)
- Track D (2:30)
... (randomly, some next tracks get cut to 1:40).

Tracks which are cut seem to be random, since not all are cut.




EDIT: have tried with other encoders and deleting all other DSPs and the problem persists, so it's something added on the latest releases (worked fine previously at an old version).

EDIT2: All other versions up to 1.19 have the same bug. Don't know which version I used before at 2020 which worked fine.

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #646
Thank you for spotting the bug and reporting it. Fixed version uploaded.

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #648
It just doesn't work for me anymore... Skipping is enabled, query is the same since few years, Skip DSP present in the chain (does it matter on which position?). I just accidentally spotted it today. foobar 1.6.7 (updated, initially I spotted it in 1.6.7 beta 16, latest foo_skip (updated in attempt to solve the issue), Windows 7 x64 SP1 PL...

It seems something has changed over the time or I am missing something. I deleted the Skip Track DSP plugin from DSP chain and now it works fine. Is it supposed to be like that?

OK, I see that when I enabled back the skipping function, now Skip Track DSP was readded at the top of DSP chain.
I think there is something messed if certain DSP, which does not transform the sound requires me to be added at the beginning. Plus there are more DSPs that want to be at the beginning, like Dynamic DSP which I use too.

Re: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #649
Yes, skip track may be the first along other dsps. But skip must be the first. Once you want to skip a track it makes no sense to process the other dsps, so the rest must be added below. I'm also using DSPs meant to be "first" without problems, but obviously you have to choose an appropriate order.



In my use case, mono is converted to stereo. Then resampled to desired value and channels adjusted for multi-channel audio (5.1 to 4.1). Dynamic DSP is applied on the resulting audio (mostly EQ, declick or swapping channels according to tags or device being used for room correction), since audio is already resampled it becomes easier. Finally de-emphasis if playing a CD with that flag.

Changing the order would make no sense, tracks would be skipped after being processed, thus resulting on audio hiccups when finding a track with skip tags. Not saying your specific use-case may have not found a problem, but you should probably check the order since it may be fixed without incompatibilities.