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Topic: foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query (Read 355283 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #175

does it have any special reason because of you again and again tell people to use autoplaylists? This skip component is not by far just a replacement for what you can do with autoplaylists. So there is no reason to let people feel like fools.

I want to skip songs that are played less than a week ago and more than once.

Create an autoplaylist by entering the following string into the Library Seach field (Library > Search):
NOT (%play_count% GREATER 1 AND %last_played% DURING LAST 1 WEEK)
Then select "Create autoplaylist" in the button menu next to the search field.
Or type the exactly same search query in skip field!?

Nice request to have multiple search fields applyable by dropdownbox or mainmenu or whatever.

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #177
does it have any special reason because of you again and again tell people to use autoplaylists? This skip component is not by far just a replacement for what you can do with autoplaylists.

I'll give this answer as long as people request features that are already there, but probably are just not aware of them. Which difference are talking of, other than still seeing tracks in a playlist without foobar actually playing them?

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #178
Found two bugs:
- dont skips mp4 files
- if I manually select files, they should be played even with skip tag (see option for that).
  That works in a normal playlist, also in playlist search - but not in media library search

Hope that helps

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #179
Media Library Search issue reproduced but there is no difference for the component what format files are in. MP4 skipping works just fine for me. In theory there could be an issue with skip string parsing as support for playlist name is a bit of a hack. Post your skipstring and double check your file for tags and other metadata you use to determine skipping.

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #180
Here are some screenshots for you with some mp3tag infos and foobar meta tag infos

my skip string is:
(%rating% IS 1) AND (NOT %playlist_name% IS "Windows Explorer")

it works normal with all file types except MPEG-4 AAC

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #181
Which difference are talking of, other than still seeing tracks in a playlist without foobar actually playing them?

Well, an autoplaylist filters the library by a query and creates a playlist, on the contrary the skip component applies the query on an already existing playlist. Actually nothing more would be left to say but i will repeat extra for you what already herojoker said to you so that you don't have to ask a second time for the difference: there are different playlists than autoplaylists and users of foo_skip are not in the mood to carry about single tracks attributes when creating a static playlist. Furthermore it makes sense to use foo_skip inside an autoplaylist when you are like me and hates to repeat the same part of a query again and again or to bloat foobar2000 with hundreds of autoplaylists just because they became everybodies darling. Enough examples?

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #182
my skip string is:
(%rating% IS 1) AND (NOT %playlist_name% IS "Windows Explorer")

Titleformat string %rating% will return nothing for your file - playback statistics component doesn't check file for tags and only returns data from its database. You can fix the skipping by changing skip string to (%rating% IS 1 OR "$meta(rating)" IS 1) AND (NOT %playlist_name% IS "Windows Explorer").

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #183
Since foo_playcount tracks played, added, last_played and first_played even for mp4 (not only mp3) I thought I'm all fine with %rating%. But its not.
I now use ("$meta(rating)" IS 1) AND (NOT %playlist_name% IS "Windows Explorer")

Thank you very much

PS: woOt. Works only with  that quotation marks. O.o

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #184
I uploaded experimental version here. It fixes the Media Library Search window playback and adds titleformat field %skip_track% that returns 1 for files that will be skipped based on the current string. I didn't make it able to refresh the value on runtime so it will use the skip string that was configured when foobar was started. I'm not sure I'll keep this feature as it is incompatible with playlist name checking and possible future time evaluation.

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #185
This is already quite a long topic, so apologies if I've missed some previous suggestion along the lines of what I do.

I used to use the foo_skip plugin, but now I use a simpler method that works better for me.

I actually store my star ratings in a field called %steve%, explicitly updated in the mp3 headers. Saves losing rating settings if my foobar database gets trashed, and distinguishes my values from anyone else's if (god forbid) files get copied to/from other people's libraries. But the principle should work whatever you call the ratings field.

The key point is that in addition to setting %steve% = 1,2,...5, on the tracks I do like, I explicitly set it to 0 for tracks that I'd rather not have played in normal circumstances. Those tracks can then be distinguished from those that I haven't rated at all, either positively or negatively.

The playlist view pattern for my "Stars" column is...
$if(%steve%,  $if( $greater(%steve%,0),$repeat($char(9679),%steve%),$char(164)),  $char(32))
...which gives me a (relatively) intuitive "bullethole in glass" character for tracks that I've blown out

My primary auto playlist has contents NOT (%steve% PRESENT AND %steve% EQUAL 0), which does it for me.

Usefully, foobar's column sort algorithm also distinguishes an explicit value 0 from the field not being present at all, so you get a sensible sequence if you sort by stars on unfiltered playlists.

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #187
Hello. In changelog i can read this:
1.3 (2010-08-23): Allows skipping both the beginning and the end of a track.

How do I set which part I want to skip?


foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #188
Add a tag field named SKIP and give it timecodes to inform what part to skip. For example to not hear first 30 seconds of a track use value -0:30. To skip the last minute of a 5 minute track use value 4:00-. To only hear the first 30 seconds and the last minute of the above 5 minute track use value 0:30-4:00. To skip both the beginning and the end separate the timecodes with a semicolon (-0:30;4:00-).

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #189
Hello case,

setting the range to be skipped by manually writing the tag is somehow inconvenient. What do you think about a simple but intuitive window/ui (f.e. slider)that let's you set the ranges and gives you the opportunity to prehear the results?

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #190
Add a tag field named SKIP and give it timecodes to inform what part to skip. For example to not hear first 30 seconds of a track use value -0:30. To skip the last minute of a 5 minute track use value 4:00-. To only hear the first 30 seconds and the last minute of the above 5 minute track use value 0:30-4:00. To skip both the beginning and the end separate the timecodes with a semicolon (-0:30;4:00-).

now its working, without the "="

Thank you soooo much for this component.  Now there's only one thing left to make me completely forget hell (itunes). (just need to find a component to sync playlists with my mp3-player)
You've made foobar a lot better for me...thanks again!


foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #191
Hey guys, it seems most people here want to skip tracks that have been played already, but I want to skip tracks that I haven't played yet, say under a certain threshold (5 plays). Is there a way to do this?

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #193
Hello case,

i would like to wish a simple bookmark functionality for foo_skip. The skip tag is good for cutting out long intros or outros out of tracks.

On the contrary a boomark tag would store the current playback position in <BOOKMARK> of currently playing track by applying a command (context or main menu) during playback. An autoplaylist could then list all bookmarked tracks. The bookmark tag should have higher priority than the skip tag for the case that both tags are existent. Useful would be also a command to remove bookmark tag. Actually very simple but for me sufficient since i want to get rid of not only the overcomplexity of foo_boomarks but mainly also of the problems it is making in my installations.

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #194
Uploaded version 1.7 that hopefully implements bookmarking in a satisfying way. If you enable automatic bookmarking you get BOOKMARK tag if you manually change track. Automatically added bookmark tag is removed when track ends naturally. Manual bookmarking works from Playback menu and bookmark tags can be removed for current track from Playback menu and for selected tracks from context menu.

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #195
Wow, Thanks!

Edit: Did a quick test and it works! There is one senseful option: when a track which is not bookmarked automatically is stopped either by manually changing track or by normal stopping the last playback position is stored and at end the bookmark is removed. I ask for that option because i am not sure if i like the automatic bookmarking as it could result in endlesss bookmarked tracks so i prefer manual bookmarking.

Edit2: to say it clearer and more understandable, the automatically bookmarked tracks doesn't need to have the update of playback position  necessarily included in itself. IMO an option "autoupdate playback position and remove bookmark at end of track" which is related to manually as well as automatically bookmarked track is more flexible. Whereas automatic bookmarking makes sense only when manually changing track, the autoupdate of playbacvkposition makes also sense at stop button.

Sorry, i am so tired that i am not able to express myself clearly in english.
Good night, you all!

Edit: Before going to bed here a report of an inconsistency. when automatic bookmarking is enabled and a bookmarked is stopped by stop button then the properties window shows the old bookmark position like described in presentation of the update. But doubleclicking the track starts it from position where it was stopped and bookmark tag is changed to it.

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #196
I tried to improve bookmarking features for version 1.7.1.

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #197
Thank you case, all what i need is possible now. 

The bug (?) i mentioned still exists in latest version: an automatically bookmarked is also autoupdated on stop button, solely the bookmark tag is updated not on stop but not till then starting playback again. Another point: while playing around with autobookmarking that causes many tracks bookmarking and removing bookmaks  i noticed that context menu command "remove bookmark" doesn't check in multiple selections if a bookmark tag exists at all: the command is available even if no tag exists. So the presence of the command doesn't give a useful information about the presence of bookmarks.

Here a screenshot how a bookmark panel created with facets could look like:

You even don't need to add bookmarked tracks to a playlist for playing: you can use the "play" command in context menu to play outside a playlist.

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #198
Hopefully there are no more issues in 1.7.2.

foo_skip: skip tracks that match a specified search query

Reply #199
Everything is fine, thank you once again!