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Topic: Channel Mixer (foo_channel_mixer) (Read 557717 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Channel Mixer (foo_channel_mixer)

Reply #500
With Matrix mixer, I want to change a standard 5 channels song into a 5.1 song
So, from  5 continuous channels  to    Fl, Fr, Fc, Lfe (zero), Bl, Br
I use this Matrix but it does not work ? Any idea ?

   Fl   Fr   Fc   Lfe   Bl   Br
Fl   1   0   0   0   0   0
Fr   0   1   0   0   0   0   
Fc   0   0   1   0   0   0
Lfe   0   0   0   0   0   0
Bl   0   0   0   1   0   0   
Br   0   0   0   0   1   0

Another question : Channel mixer and Matrix mixer do not work with dsd or dst files.
You confirm ?

Re: Channel Mixer (foo_channel_mixer)

Reply #501
Channel mixer and Matrix mixer do not work with dsd or dst files.
If you use direct DSD output (without decoding to PCM) then no DSPs will work.


Re: Channel Mixer (foo_channel_mixer)

Reply #503
The last version of the skipyrich foo_channel_mixer,, is attached here.

Re: Channel Mixer (foo_channel_mixer)

Reply #505
64 bit version, please?

Re: Channel Mixer (foo_channel_mixer)

Reply #506
64 bit version, please?
With the addition of the long hoped-for 64 bit version of foo_vis_vumeter by oops, this one seems to remain on a lot of users' wish lists, mine also.  The fact that nobody has been able to locate the source code of the original doesn't help.

Re: Channel Mixer (foo_channel_mixer)

Reply #507
Me hoping for 64bit version too :)