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Topic: foo_uie_tabs (Read 246372 times) previous topic - next topic
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This is something I've been working on. It's not finished, but I have exams to study for.

Source code

Also requires foo_ui_columns  v0.1.2 beta 4 or greater.

After you've copied the plugin to your foobar components directory, right click in the foo_ui_columns sidebar and select General->"Tabbed panel stack". Then right click on the empty window and use the "Add tab" sub-menu to add whichever extensions you like.

You can also make the tabs appear at the bottom of the window through the "Tab-bar  position" sub-menu (right click on a tab to find that). However, Windows XP with themes enabled has issues with using a tab control in tabs-on-the-bottom mode. But it's not my fault, I promise


Reply #1
. Wow, thats a great idea. Maybe you could change the name from "Tabs" to something like "Panel Stack"?

It caused me one weird problem though. If the tabs is in the sidebar on foobar startup, it causes no mouse button down/up/conext menu messages to be recieved anywhere in the main window except the sidebar. The problem goes away when your panel is removed from the sidebar, it does not happen if your ppanel is added to the sidebar after foobar starts.

I'm not sure if its your fault, I don't have time to look into it anymore than that.

I'll fix this as soon as I figure out a way to detect clicks in an empty tab window(?).
I think they are sent to the parent window.


Reply #2


Reply #3
I have a little problem with this plugin.
It work fine the first time i enabled but after close foobar and run it again I´m unable to click in any place. 

I´m doing something wrong...? 

And another question...

How I can get the extend search in the sidebar?


Reply #4
Strange, am I the only one who has no problems with this plugin? 
Now if only we could figure out a nicer way than tabs, as they are too large for my somewhat minimal taste  Anyhow, I'm glad there's the autohide option for the sidebar


Reply #5
I'm searching for the extended seach plugin(for columns_uie), can someone help me?

this is my fb2k


Reply #6
I'm searching for the extended seach plugin(for columns_ie), can someone help me?

this is my fb2k

[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249537"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

nice windows theme, what is it?


Reply #7
It's window XP classic setting, but I changed some colors.
and I used azreal column setting for my fb2k. 
nice windows theme, what is it?


Reply #8
I've just Just switched to columns_ui and I'm loving it! But how do you get the Album List to display in the sidebar like that?


Reply #9
ProfH, check here.

Phi, Could it be possible to edit the name of the tabs manually?


Reply #10
Nice idea, though I have a few things to make your todo list a little longer.
  • The component crashes at start-up when a previously added ui_extension is no longer available.
  • If the component does not crash at start-up (i.e. all added ui_extensions are present), I get the same behaviour as described already by Cenobita. The left mouse button is essentially disabled, and the main window titlebar has the "inactive window" appearance. I've tested this with a minimal set of components to verify that it really is foo_uie_tabs that causes this.


Reply #11

many thanks! The database explorer extension is pretty cool, too. 
Gradually moving away from Winamp after >5 years 


Reply #12
. Wow, thats a great idea. Maybe you could change the name from "Tabs" to something like "Panel Stack"?

Thanks . I can make that the default. I'll probably let you choose eventually. I just didn't bother with a config dialog for this initial version.

It caused me one weird problem though. If the tabs is in the sidebar on foobar startup, it causes no mouse button down/up/conext menu messages to be recieved anywhere in the main window except the sidebar. The problem goes away when your panel is removed from the sidebar, it does not happen if your ppanel is added to the sidebar after foobar starts.

I'm not sure if its your fault, I don't have time to look into it anymore than that.

I'm sure it is my fault. I'll look into it.

I'll fix this as soon as I figure out a way to detect clicks in an empty tab window(?).
I think they are sent to the parent window.

That's weird, I'm not getting any window messages at all (in the tab control or the parent) when there are no tabs. Probably related to the above problem.

I have a little problem with this plugin.
It work fine the first time i enabled but after close foobar and run it again I´m unable to click in any place.

Hrmm... that doesn't sound good. I'll see what I can do.

Nice idea, though I have a few things to make your todo list a little longer.
  • The component crashes at start-up when a previously added ui_extension is no longer available.

  • If the component does not crash at start-up (i.e. all added ui_extensions are present), I get the same behaviour as described already by Cenobita. The left mouse button is essentially disabled, and the main window titlebar has the "inactive window" appearance. I've tested this with a minimal set of components to verify that it really is foo_uie_tabs that causes this.

No problem, thanks for testing. What OS are you on?

edit: I got an idea! What about having (optionally, of course) those tabs as something like the column headers are? That way it would look much more sleek imho

I could eventually draw the tabs myself to make them look a little nicer (or more minimal or whatever). They do look a quite large on your set-up.

Phi, Could it be possible to edit the name of the tabs manually?



Reply #13
New version uploaded (redownload from link in my first post). Fixes all of the bugs reported so far.


Reply #14
ProfH, check here.

Phi, Could it be possible to edit the name of the tabs manually?
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249548"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

I second this idea .... It would enable to switch easily between your multiple views of the albumlist without waiting for the refresh, a nice feature in my opinion.


Reply #15
I just ran into a problem. I had foo_temple as a tab, but because of a problem with foo_temple that causes it to revert to a dialog/window on first restart (see this post), every remaining tab in  foo_uie_tabs stopped working after restart. All that showed up when I right clicked inside album list or history was "foo_temple configuration".

Edit: Forgot to thank you for this promising plugin. I like the way it makes the interface tidier, and that each panel gets a larger visible area when viewed. Looking forward to future versions.


Reply #16
edit: I got an idea! What about having (optionally, of course) those tabs as something like the column headers are? That way it would look much more sleek imho

I could eventually draw the tabs myself to make them look a little nicer (or more minimal or whatever). They do look a quite large on your set-up.

Cool, thanks

I made a quick mock-up of what it could look like, what do you think?

(meh, my ftp connection seems to be dead somehow so I can't upload it on my webspace. I'll upload it to the upload forum in no time - if it works...)

edit: ok, [a href="]here[/url] it is, would something like this be possible?

Phi, Could it be possible to edit the name of the tabs manually?

[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249608"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Thanks in advance


Reply #17
New version uploaded (redownload from link in my first post). Fixes all of the bugs reported so far.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249620"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

It´s working fine now.

Fast and efficience fix 

Only one thing is drives me crazy...

Where´s the extended search tab?

Thanks for all your nice work


Reply #18

Instead of tabs could you make an option to use a dropdown list instead? like "playback order".

And why isnt it possible to add volume, seekbar and button panels?



Reply #19
New version uploaded (redownload from link in my first post). Fixes all of the bugs reported so far.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249620"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Cool, another minor bug is that when you have a single tab, you can still move it right (which then causes problems)


Reply #20
I just ran into a problem. I had foo_temple as a tab, but because of a problem with foo_temple that causes it to revert to a dialog/window on first restart (see this post), every remaining tab in  foo_uie_tabs stopped working after restart. All that showed up when I right clicked inside album list or history was "foo_temple configuration".

I think janjan is still working on that extension. But I'll see if I can improve the error checking in uie_tabs to make sure a "rogue" extension can't interfere with the other tabs.

Edit: Forgot to thank you for this promising plugin. I like the way it makes the interface tidier, and that each panel gets a larger visible area when viewed. Looking forward to future versions.


I made a quick mock-up of what it could look like, what do you think?

edit: ok, [a href="]here[/url] it is, would something like this be possible?

Yeah, that should be possible. I'll need to learn how to do the drawing first though, so it might be a while before it gets added.

Only one thing is drives me crazy...

Where´s the extended search tab?
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249714"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

It was more of a concept thing, and was only ever released in source code. I suggest you wait until panel support is added to the database search plugin.

Instead of tabs could you make an option to use a dropdown list instead? like "playback order".

And why isnt it possible to add volume, seekbar and button panels?
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249728"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Not a bad idea. I won't do anything like that for a while, but I'll add it to my "todo-one-day-in-the-future" list.

New version uploaded (redownload from link in my first post). Fixes all of the bugs reported so far.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249620"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Cool, another minor bug is that when you have a single tab, you can still move it right (which then causes problems)
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249824"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]


Edit: Oh and ep0ch, I forgot to say, the current version doesn't let you add toolbars (seekbar/buttons etc), but I only excluded them because I didn't think they were all that useful inside a tab. I'll re-enable them in an upcoming version.


Reply #21
Awesome plug-in, definitely helped organize the panel pane! Thanks!


Reply #22
Hi, thanks for this plugin!

A request: Could it be possible to have a minimum height (like the album list panel)? In the case that you want to insert tabbed panel stack outside the sidebar...


Reply #23
Awesome plug-in, definitely helped organize the panel pane! Thanks!

Thanks for saying so.

Hi, thanks for this plugin!

A request: Could it be possible to have a minimum height (like the album list panel)? In the case that you want to insert tabbed panel stack outside the sidebar...
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=249957"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Umm... maybe. Definitely not until I add a config page though, since I guess you'll want a say in what that minimum height value actually is.


Reply #24
Another feature I would like is having multiple Tabbed Panels or would this need a change to ColumnsUI?

(background: I'd like one tabbed panel used for Visualisations stuff e.g Vis and HTTP Buffer and another tabbed panel used for sliders e.g. seekbar and volume control.)

Edit: forgot to say "thanks!"