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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4723894 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Columns UI

Reply #7375
Thx musicmusic

I know that day would come, spending time on my style :D

After some problems I started over at zero and realised, that any whitespace-character in $set_global() and $set_style() in front of the value makes the function invalid:
Code: [Select]
$set_global(variable name,variable value)
ok (white space after 'variable value'):
Code: [Select]
$set_global(variable name,variable value  )
ok (new line after comma):
Code: [Select]
$set_global(variable name,
variable value)
not ok (white space before 'variable value')
Code: [Select]
$set_global(variable name, variable value)
I used some space between , (comma) and $rgb() to make the parts better visible ('kay, not really neccessary), but more then that at $set_style() where the definitions are longer due to $if()- and $strcmp()-statements.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7376
Loading a playlist (.fpl) via foobar2000 or a file manager (File Explorer, Total Commander), the playlist title always is 'New Playlist'. Only when loading a playlist via ColumnsUI's playlist tabs panel, the correct playlist name is shown.

I tried placing different variables into the playlist title formatting field of the 'Playlist switcher' config dialog, tried the same with 'generate playlist names...' in the 'Drag and drop' dialog, but all to no avail. Is there a way to accomplish this?
For double-clicking FPL files in Windows Explorer, the settings in Shell Integration in foobar2000 preferences should apply. The choice there would seem to be to always send opened files to a particular named playlist, or always send them to the active playlist.

All the 'Load playlist...' commands I could find in foobar2000 used the file name of the FPL file for the playlist name.

After some problems I started over at zero and realised, that any whitespace-character in $set_global() and $set_style() in front of the value makes the function invalid:
Generally, spaces matter in title formatting. Hence, they would be included in the variable name or value as far as $set_global() goes. The same is true of $put(), $puts() and $get(). At one point there was an alternative title formatting syntax available (activated using '#script 1') which had quoted strings, but it was then removed.

Columns UI rating stars & grouping

Reply #7377
Hi there,

I love foobar and use it for many years. However, it was always the default UI for me, I am new to columnsUI and found that the new version works great.

The only problems I have:

1)   I cannot find out how to figure out a rating system within the new playlist. I would like to have empty stars or boxes in there that fill up when I rate a track. 5 items altogether would be ideal. I researched a lot on the web but couldn't so far find a piece of code that works.

2) How can I group albums in the following way: I wish to keep everything within one directory together, groupwise but I would like to add more info to this divider: %genre%, %date%; %bitrate%. Is there a way to display these items but not use them for sorting? I tried but ended up with groups containing one file per group

Any help is GREATLY appreciated.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7378
Generally, spaces matter in title formatting. Hence, they would be included in the variable name or value as far as $set_global() goes. The same is true of $put(), $puts() and $get(). At one point there was an alternative title formatting syntax available (activated using '#script 1') which had quoted strings, but it was then removed.
ok, thanks. Good to point out, with titleformatting and nested functions things tend to get ugly, until you unknot your own strange poem :)
btw. great to see you again and evolving CUI

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7379
I have upgraded from version 0.5.1 to 1.0.0. I have noticed that the height of the column titles in playlist view has increased. The text size has remained the same. Can I somehow restore the old height without modifying the font?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7380
I guess you were using Columns playlist under 0.5.1? As far as I can see, Columns playlist was using font height + 5 pixels while the current playlist view is using font height + 7 pixels. In other words, I make the difference to be 2 pixels. Is that what you are seeing?

There is no way to change the value used for that padding. (Also, it should really scale with the system DPI setting, but currently it does not, so it is a fixed 7 pixels regardless of the what the display scaling factor is set to.)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7381
Yes, i was using Columns playlist under 0.5.1. The height difference is indeed 2 pixels. Thank you for your reply.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7382
I'm working on updating the fcs I had to the new script format, but I'm bumping up against something that feels like it should be simple but I'm not working out.  The fcs uses the following line to set a global variable based on whether there's a tracknumber:

Code: [Select]

But if I convert that directly to what I think should be the equivalent:

Code: [Select]

It causes an [INVALID $IF SYNTAX] error to appear wherever I'm checking that variable.  Am I missing something patently obvious?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7383
That works as expected here. For example, with that in my global variables script, I can put $if($get_global(is_single),true,false) in a column's display script and it outputs true for tracks without a track number, and false for tracks with a track number.

Do you have an example of the code that is attempting to use the variable but doesn't work?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7384
musicmusic, you're absolutely right - I woke up in the middle of the night and realized that I only saw the error when i was using that comparison because it was working; once I took it out I couldn't see anything at all.  I found the error, there was an $if in another section where there should've been an $if3.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7385
Weird, some copy/paste problems appeared recently. Namely paste command (control + v) is doubled meaning (in order):

"control + shift + c"  copies info according to preferences - advanced - display - legacy - copy
"control + c" (custom shortcut) copies statistics (it can be a different track, doesn't matter)
"control + v"  (custom shortcut) pastes both 1. statistics and 2. a track into a playlists

"control + v" outside of foobar pastes text info according to tools - display - legacy - copy

Replicated in clean portable.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7386
Copying and pasting tracks and statistics seem like unrelated operations so I'm not sure how they could get mixed up like that.

Perhaps you could post some screenshots or a video to demonstrate? Does it happen with Default UI?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7387
Copying and pasting tracks and statistics seem like unrelated operations so I'm not sure how they could get mixed up like that.

Perhaps you could post some screenshots or a video to demonstrate? Does it happen with Default UI?
I'm guessing the connection is the common "control + v" command that pastes both statistics and a track into a playlists without erasing the previous information(?). Ctrl+shift+c copies legacy copy info (and I'm guessing copies track) and ctrl+c copies statistics. Ctrl+c and ctrl+v are custom keyboard shortcuts.

About the screenshot, I can but I don't know how it would help, it would be a duplicated track in a playlists and a confirmation message about replacing statistics.

I can't explain it better, legacy copy command is "%artist% [%performer% ]%title%" but it shouldn't matter. It used to work in a normal way so if you can't replicate it's no problem of course.

It does not happen in DUI, pasting legacy copy command results in a text, literally "%artist% [%performer% ]%title%"

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7388
What I mean is that if I copy a track using 'Copy', 'Playback Statistics/Paste statistics' is greyed out. If I copy statistics using 'Copy statistics', 'Paste' is not present in the context menu.

I also have no idea why the 'Copy command' title formatting string is considered legacy. Even in the Default UI, it is used if I copy a track and paste it in Notepad.

If you can provide exact instructions on how to reproduce it from a portable installation, I could have another go at reproducing it.

So, something like:

1. Install foobar2000
2. Install Playback Statistics version X
3. Install Columns UI version X
4. Add keyboard shortcut for command X with hot key Y
5. Select a track in the playlist view and press Ctrl-C
6. Press Ctrl-V

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7389
[Thanks for the help and the component, I'm sure it's some low priority problem]

I'll use your example with some modifications:

1. Install foobar2000 1.4.3 portable
2. Install Playback Statistics version 3.03
3. Install Columns UI version 1.0.0
4. Add keyboard shortcut for:
- clrl + c copy statistics
- ctrl + v paste statistics

5. "Preferences - advanced - display - legacy... - copy command"  is "y %artist% [%performer% ]%title%"
6. Select a track in the playlist view and press Ctrl+Shift+C
7. Select a track (can be the same or different) and press Ctrl+C
8. Select a track (can be the same or different) and press Ctrl+V
The result is in my case:

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7390
Thanks, I managed to reproduce it.

I see two strange things:

1. Copy statistics claims to use the Windows clipboard, but does not overwrite what was in the clipboard. You can even copy some text in Notepad, copy statistics, and then paste that text again.

2. Both paste commands are triggered in Columns UI. It looks like the logic to prevent that fails because Paste statistics opens a modal dialog box. I'll fix this.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7391
- Cool. I can add that it's a recent change.
- Ok i checked quickly and playback statistics 3.0.2 works without this problem,

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7392
Is Columns UI still available to download somewhere?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7393
I hope musicmusic doesn't mind sharing it outside his domain. I'll attach the 1.0.0 version here while his site is inaccessible.

Edit: is back up. Attachment removed.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7394
Apologies, it should accessible again now.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7395
Working now. :)

Re: Remove Live Layout Editing Button

Reply #7396
How do you remove the Live Layout Editing button?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7397
Right-click on the buttons and select 'Buttons options'. Scroll down the list and select the entry for that button and then click on Remove. (You will probably also want to remove the separator before it.)


Re: Columns UI

Reply #7398
Thanks musicmusic.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7399
Any chance of increasing the area of 'Use title formatting for playlist titles' textbox? Having only 2 lines makes it fairly hard to edit anything more complex inside the window itself. There's plenty of whitespace left that is currently unused.

Additionally, the edit does not go live until you either switch to another tab or check and uncheck the corresponding checkbox. The 'Apply' button doesn't seem to be aware that a change has been made.