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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4662817 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Columns UI

Reply #7900
Any chance for the following improvements? Image attached. Thanks in advance.

1. CUI Playlist view: Ability to set the whitespace amount on the left. This whitespace is always present, not user configurable and is drawn before the cover image and all the playlist columns. Would like to set it to 0.

2. CUI Playlist view Groupings: Ability to set the indentation amount when multiple groupings are present. Currently each additional grouping is moved further and further towards the right. Would like to set it to 0 (don't indent).

3. CUI Filter search UI element: Ability to set the border (currently 1 px grey) to None so it's not visible.
Okay I can consider 2 and 3. Does 2 not solve 1 as well?

I take this opportunity to ask music music once again that if a grouping is not fulfilled, it does nothing, while currently it leaves a blank line.
I'm aware of your request. Any new features will be going into 2.1.0 now.

I take this opportunity to ask music music that the grouping that makes a line of separation between albums would not be necessary if he included it in the configuration of the columns ui.
I'm not sure if this is the same or a separate request. There is no forced sorting of playlists by album so such an option does not make sense.

This causes the creation of multiple subfolders: (image)

Is there any way to fix this problem?
When you export, select 'This foobar2000 installation' and it won't embed external files (and instead reference the existing paths).

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7901
Okay I can consider 2 and 3. Does 2 not solve 1 as well?
You are right, 2 would most likely fix 1 as well. You can disregard 1.

Thanks for your hard work on CUI in general, it is very much appreciated by me and many others even if it's not always said  :)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7902
I take this opportunity to ask music music that the grouping that makes a line of separation between albums would not be necessary if he included it in the configuration of the columns ui.
I'm not sure if this is the same or a separate request. There is no forced sorting of playlists by album so such an option does not make sense.


Thank you for your help.

I will try to explain better my request.

I think it would be a great improvement if columns ui included in the configuration (image1) the possibility to choose to make a separation line between albums (image2).

I have managed to do this by creating this grouping:

Code: [Select]
//4. Linea entre Albumes

$if($strcmp($cut(%album artist%,4),'V.A.')

If this was done from the configuration it would avoid me the indentation and also would help people who do not control programming.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7903
I'm currently using TagBox (as are many others) for editing tags in v1 and I'm looking for an alternative that works with v2, and with ColumnsUI I can have an Item Properties panel as part of the core layout so I'm investigating that aspect at the moment.

I've had a look at the various configuration options, and it may be that I'm missed something but is it possible to:
  • Once I'm on the properties panel go into edit mode (without using the mouse)? TagBox always selects/highlights the text of the selected tag (rather than the entire row like ColumnsUI) so you only ever need to just start typing.
  • Move to the next item in the playlist so that I can edit the titles of tracks in an album. TagBox uses tab to move between tags and up/down to move between tracks in the playlist.
  • Only commit all tag changes on Enter instead of every time you leave a field? TagBox has a button to Apply Changes, so if I'm making album level changes that could include modifying up to 16 tags it only writes to each file once.

I appreciate that this may not be the focus of ColumnsUI, just looking for a new home :-)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7904
  • Once I'm on the properties panel go into edit mode (without using the mouse)? TagBox always selects/highlights the text of the selected tag (rather than the entire row like ColumnsUI) so you only ever need to just start typing.
You can press F2 to start editing the current row.

  • Move to the next item in the playlist so that I can edit the titles of tracks in an album. TagBox uses tab to move between tags and up/down to move between tracks in the playlist.
No, it does not have that feature. Item properties is not tied to the playlist specifically, rather what foobar2000 reports as the current selection from the currently focused part of the UI. When the Item properties is focused, there isn't really a current selection in the normal sense – if 'Tracking mode' is set to 'Current selection', you are in fact seeing the selection as it was before you focused the panel.

  • Only commit all tag changes on Enter instead of every time you leave a field? TagBox has a button to Apply Changes, so if I'm making album level changes that could include modifying up to 16 tags it only writes to each file once.
Again, it doesn't have such a mode, I'm afraid. Editing metadata is really a secondary feature in Item properties (the primary feature being for viewing information).

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7905
  • Once I'm on the properties panel go into edit mode (without using the mouse)? TagBox always selects/highlights the text of the selected tag (rather than the entire row like ColumnsUI) so you only ever need to just start typing.
You can press F2 to start editing the current row.
I didn't think of the F2 key, I'd tried Insert and everything else I could think of!

Thanks for taking the time to reply. The search continues :-)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7906
Hi, I recently moved to Columns UI after a long time using the Default UI and I absolutely love it.

There is just one thing I miss and I would like to ask if it's even possible to do.

I used to have SimPlaylist with the artwork column pinned so that it would always show even when the tracklist eventually scrolls up.

But with the Playlist component in Columns UI the artwork also scrolls up together with the tracklist.

Is there any way to make the artwork stay in place as SimPlaylist does? It bothers me more than it probably should but is the only thing keeping it from being perfect in my eyes.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7907
There's no way to do that with the built-in playlist view. I doubt it would be difficult to add an option to keep the artwork sticky when you scroll. But keeping the group titles themselves sticky would be more complex to implement.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7908
Thank you very much for your answer. The group titles would be the icing on the cake, but what matters to me most is the artwork.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7909
Guys, I forgot, which component/panel allowed me to do the hierarchical filtering like Refacets does, but in a vertical way? I remember I had 3 vertically aligned components, but what was their name? Not possible in recent ColumnsUI? I need it back so badly, it seems that unfortunately Refacets is not being developed too much rn.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7910
^ In CUI put three 'Filters' under a 'Vertical Splitter'.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7911
I tried to change the font size of the 'Quick Search Toolbar' (QS Toolbar) of NEMO7538's foo_quicksearch. Thought I managed to change it in the past once, but failed now.
As MediaLibrary > Quick Search has no option regadings this AFAICS, I suppose
ColumnsUI > Colours and fonts > fonts > Element > [...]
might be appropiate to change. Though cannot identify the QS Toolbar here.
Do you have an idea how to proceed - or do I need to adress this to NEMO7538 to make it accessible as element or sth. sort of ?
CUI 2.0.0-beta.1, foo_quicksearch 3.6

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7913
Guys, did you manage to unify the playlists? Since the beginning of mankind I am kind of annoyed by the spamming of "long name" playlists of Default UI components and ColumnsUI components. Quickly filtering through the library has no importance for me, nothing valuable in these playlists - I wish I could have just one.

- Library Viewer Selection
- Filter Results
- Filter Results (Playback)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7914
Guys, did you manage to unify the playlists? Since the beginning of mankind I am kind of annoyed by the spamming of "long name" playlists of Default UI components and ColumnsUI components. Quickly filtering through the library has no importance for me, nothing valuable in these playlists - I wish I could have just one.

- Library Viewer Selection
- Filter Results
- Filter Results (Playback)
The library viewer playlist' name can be configured, I have not found a way to change the others though.
So you could unify at least 2 of them. It would be interesting to standardize the 'Auto-send to playlist' setting in all instances where it applies, instead of only exposing it for the album list.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7915
I tried to change the font size of the 'Quick Search Toolbar' (QS Toolbar) of NEMO7538's foo_quicksearch. Thought I managed to change it in the past once, but failed now.
As MediaLibrary > Quick Search has no option regadings this AFAICS, I suppose
ColumnsUI > Colours and fonts > fonts > Element > [...]
might be appropiate to change. Though cannot identify the QS Toolbar here.
Do you have an idea how to proceed - or do I need to adress this to NEMO7538 to make it accessible as element or sth. sort of ?
CUI 2.0.0-beta.1, foo_quicksearch 3.6

ColumnsUI > Colours and fonts > fonts > Element > Common (list items)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7916
The library viewer playlist' name can be configured
To my knowledge the "Album List" panels playlist can be configured - The "library viewer playlist" can not be "configured", but can be renamed and default UI library viewer then respects that.

EDIT: OK, got it. For future reference:

1. Delete "Filter Results" playlist (that's the one from ColumnsUI)
2. Use Default UI filtering at least once, it creates a "Library Viewer Selection" playlist.
3. Rename "Library Viewer Selection" playlist to "Filter Results"
4. If you use Album List panel, configure: "Media Library - Album List Panel - Auto-send to playlist" -> "Filter Results"

It has to be noted: If "Filter Result" gets renamed, it loses its link to being a Library Viewer playlist. So after deletion "Library Viewer Selection" would be created again.

There's just the "Filter Results (Playback)" left, nothing can be done about it, but I don't do that often, so no problem.

I agree with this posting:

I did notice that filters are using "Filter Results" for single click and "Filter Results (Playback)" for double click. I agree that simply changing the base "Filter Results" for both playlists wouldnt be a very good approach.

I suppose what I'm asking for would be a text box under File> Preference> Display> Columns UI> "Filter" Tab Just below the checkbox "Auto-send selection to playlist" to define the name of the playlist for the single click action. Similarly an additional box to define the name of the doubleclick playlist name. And if a user sets both fields to the same name it would follow that both actions would use that same playlist.

As a suggestion I think that any time any component generates a custom playlist there should be an option for the user to customize the name of that playlist. Many people have many different ways of managing playlists and being locked into a hardcoded name can be rather bothersome.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7917
Yep your quote is what I have suggested too.
To simply expose the same settings for both panels. If we can choose the playlist name for the Album List panel, It's counter-intuitive that you can not do the same for the filter panel.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7918
ColumnsUI > Colours and fonts > fonts > Element > Common (list items)
well, this actually changes the output of different panels, e.g. item properties or biography view, as being a common option.
It also seems to require then to change modes of all other panels, which are currently set to 'Common (list items)'. This does not make sense.
I guess a dedicated option for 'Quick Search toolbar' is the key - will adress this to NEMO7538.

Thanks for helping.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7919
Hi, I have a custom Added column which simply stores plain text, or otherwise returns Playback Statistics %added%.

Code: [Select]

Then I have Masstagger shortcuts to copy values there from either %added%, %last_modified%, or Playcount Sync's %lfm_first_played%, depending on what is appropriate.

I would like to code something that compares %added%, %last_modified% and %lfm_first_played% and returns the earliest date. The Enhanced Playback Statistics component has the %added_enhanced% field which already did this, but it was unstable with v2.0 so I switched to Playcount Sync, and besides, it didn't observe %last_modified%, which I would prefer.

This is in a bid to save on the number of date-related columns I have in my interface, and instead create "the one date column to rule them all." Any pointers?

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7920
ColumnsUI > Colours and fonts > fonts > Element > Common (list items)
well, this actually changes the output of different panels, e.g. item properties or biography view, as being a common option.
It also seems to require then to change modes of all other panels, which are currently set to 'Common (list items)'. This does not make sense.
I guess a dedicated option for 'Quick Search toolbar' is the key - will adress this to NEMO7538.

Thanks for helping.

It is obvious that it is best to create a specific option in colours & fonts.

I don't use Quick Search toolbar anymore since I installed foobar 64-bit since there is no 64-bit version.
I replaced it with the Qsearch add-on from marc2k3  +  filter search (columns ui)

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7921
Message for music music:

I have detected a bug in album list panel since I installed version v2. I don't know if it started when I installed columns ui 2.0.0-beta.1.

The error is that some of the scripts disappear as if by magic.

When I detect the error I have already saved the fcl that carries the error. I am forced to restore a previous fcl (album list view only).

It would be interesting if you could add an option to import/export the scripts from the album list panel.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7922
I would like to code something that compares %added%, %last_modified% and %lfm_first_played% and returns the earliest date.

^ (This question should be posted in General since it has nothing to do with Columns UI)

Just briefly, convert the dates to a number with $replace, use $min to get the lowest number = earliest date, then re- $insert the date formatting.

Code: [Select]

You could use this with Masstagger as a 'Format value...' for your ADDED tag. Note: The above only handles the $date part and ignores the $time part, so not complete if you need the exact date to the second, just an example... Edit: And $min returns 0 if a field like %lfm_first_played% is missing, so probably needs more checks...

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7923
Apologies, I assumed column coding was component-specific, since I don't remember DefaultUI doing anything like this. I hesitated to make a new thread fearing that would be wrong... ㄟ㋛ㄏ

Thanks anyway, that's given me some food for thought. I'll continue this elsewhere later if necessary.

Re: Columns UI

Reply #7924
Edit: And $min returns 0 if a field like %lfm_first_played% is missing, so probably needs more checks...

Since you want it to be ignored if missing, I'd write $if2(%lfm_first_played%,999999999999999)