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Topic: Columns UI (Read 4723892 times) previous topic - next topic
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Columns UI

Reply #5800
Set the field to Style. The filter fields either take title formatting, which does not split multiple-entried fields, or named fields, which does split entries.

This is mentioned when you press Help in the Fields section of the Filter configuration, by the way.

I have the same problem as the previous writers. I have tried several things, but I fail to see what is meant, by "Set the field to Style."? Do you mind to explain in further details?


Columns UI

Reply #5801
Do you know where to configure the filter panels? (Display > CUI > Filter tab) Each filter is configured by a pair of Name and Field, and Field is where you enter what to filter by.

I'd just be repeating what it says in the help window that I mentioned: You can either access field information (e.g., for album artist) by entering "Album Artist" or "%album artist%". The former splits multi-valued fields into their own entries, but does not allow you to use titleformatting to further modify the output. The latter allows you to use titleformatting (e.g., the $rgb() function to color the output), but does not split multi-valued fields.

Columns UI

Reply #5802
musicmusic, would it be possible to add $set_style(frame...,) for grouping header (%is_group%)?

Columns UI

Reply #5803
possible bug in 3.8.2... Can't assign button for "sort by" dialog box.

I've tried "edit/sort/sort" and "edit/sort" with selection, current playing item and none...
But the button still does nothing.

fixed in 3.8.3

thx for your work with this essential component!

Gapkiller, how were you able to get this to work? I've installed 3.8.3 and tried both

$textbutton(90,50,110,50,sortbyartist,sortbyartist,COMMAND:'Edit/Sort/Sort by Artist',options1,options2)
$textbutton(90,50,110,50,sortbyartist,sortbyartist,COMMAND:'Edit/Sort by Artist',options1,options2)

with no luck.

Columns UI

Reply #5804
Hi there ,
I've just tried for 24 hours to get an instant search component working in columns ui, but I realized it's impossible, isn't it?
The closest thing i found was typefind, but it is impossible to let it activated all the time just as a normal search box... There is also quicksearch, but it's not instantaneous, and give the results in a new playlist (really boring).

In the default UI, foo_facets or the media library search (not as good) can be utilized and are exactly what i've been looking for.
Have I missed something equivalent for Columns_ui?
For me this is THE most important thing in order to manage my songs, so i finally got back to the Default ui, even if i can't costumize everything really like i'd like to...  After all it's made to listen music and i'm just looking to something more ergonomic...
So i just wondered if some development was made about it? I don't think that i'm the only one looking for this?

Apart from that, columns_ui is really great, keep the good work and thanks!

Columns UI

Reply #5806
May be I miss something, but %is_locked% seems not working anymore in Playlist Switcher (CUI 3.8.3)

Columns UI

Reply #5807
Works for me, what's your code?

Columns UI

Reply #5808
oups!  foo_utils missing

Columns UI

Reply #5809
There is also quicksearch, but it's not instantaneous

Select "inline playlist search" in drop menu

Ok I was wrong XD. I don't know how i managed it not seeing it. I also found how to put the results in the same playlist so that i wonderful (just a bit flashing). Thanks

Also I've got another problem with columns UI. I wanted to put some buttons in order to rate my songs. So I put buttons on the toolbar and link them to the contextual menu options that I want: Contextual menu/ Playback Statistics / Rating/ put rate 1 etc... But it doesn't work. Only the buttons that I make through the menu work. Is there a solution?

Thanks a lot!!

Columns UI

Reply #5810
Gapkiller, how were you able to get this to work? I've installed 3.8.3 and tried both

$textbutton(90,50,110,50,sortbyartist,sortbyartist,COMMAND:'Edit/Sort/Sort by Artist',options1,options2)
$textbutton(90,50,110,50,sortbyartist,sortbyartist,COMMAND:'Edit/Sort by Artist',options1,options2)

with no luck.

I'm not sure what you are trying to do here...
Assuming that you want to draw a button elsewhere than assigning it to a
button on the toolbar and don't know the path for that try

Edit/Selection/Sort/Sort/Sort by...

Edit/Selection/Sort/Sort/Sort by Artist


hope this helps

Columns UI

Reply #5811
Gapkiller, how were you able to get this to work? I've installed 3.8.3 and tried both

$textbutton(90,50,110,50,sortbyartist,sortbyartist,COMMAND:'Edit/Sort/Sort by Artist',options1,options2)
$textbutton(90,50,110,50,sortbyartist,sortbyartist,COMMAND:'Edit/Sort by Artist',options1,options2)

with no luck.

I'm not sure what you are trying to do here...
Assuming that you want to draw a button elsewhere than assigning it to a
button on the toolbar and don't know the path for that try

Edit/Selection/Sort/Sort/Sort by...

Edit/Selection/Sort/Sort/Sort by Artist


hope this helps

Well, when I go to Edit > Sort > Sort by Artist, it sorts the ColumnsUI playlist by Artist, same as if I had clicked on that column's column header. I'm trying to mimic that behavior with a button... am I going about it the wrong way? I tried the commands you suggest, but still nothing. I assumed that that was what you were trying to do, but maybe I've misunderstood...



Columns UI

Reply #5812
I assumed that that was what you were trying to do, but maybe I've misunderstood...



I was trying to assign a button in the buttons toolbar and the commands didn't work in 3.8.2.
In 3.8.3 they were working again...
Try it yourself if you want to:
right click a columns ui button and click customize buttons...
then look for the commands we were speaking of.

Out of the curious, where do you put your code?
PSS or something like that?

Columns UI

Reply #5813
I was trying to assign a button in the buttons toolbar and the commands didn't work in 3.8.2.
In 3.8.3 they were working again...
Try it yourself if you want to:
right click a columns ui button and click customize buttons...
then look for the commands we were speaking of.

Out of the curious, where do you put your code?
PSS or something like that?

Ah, there it is!

Yes, sorry, I was being stupid. I was trying to do this in PSS, and got confused between a problem in PSS and a problem in ColumnsUI  . Doesn't look like what I'm attempting is possible in PSS, but this may do the trick. Thank you!


Columns UI

Reply #5814
Hello, can someone help me out?  Been trying to figure this out for for some time!

I currently have foobar setup with 2 layouts, one using NG Playlist and the other using ColumnsUI Playlist, that way I can switch easily between grouped and ungrouped views.  However, there is some delay switching between the two.  More importantly, when switching from NG to ColumnsUI playlist, my playlist position (at highlighted song) is lost, yet strangely this doesn't happen when switching from ColumnsUI to NG Playlist.  This makes it less seamless than ideal.

1)  Rather than switching layouts, is it possible to setup a custom button to toggle the option "Show groups" under File>>Preferences>>ColumnsUI>>Playlist View>>Grouping ??  That way one could get grouped and ungrouped views quickly.  If so, how do I do this??  I tried making a custom button but can't find the option/command for "Show groups"

2)  If there is no way to toggle groups, how do I get the playlist to remember position when switching from one to the other (NG to ColumnsUI)?

Thanks in advance, your help is appreciated!

Columns UI

Reply #5815
2)  If there is no way to toggle groups, how do I get the playlist to remember position when switching from one to the other (NG to ColumnsUI)?

Thanks in advance, your help is appreciated!

I think you can do it in PSS. This creates a button that switches between the playlists then activates the now playing menu command to get focus back:

//Button, Replace x,y etc with whatever
$imagebutton(x,y,w,h,/images\pref.png,/images\pref.png,PANELSHOW:NGPlaylist:0;PANELSHOW:ColumnsPlaylist:1;COMMAND:View/Columns playlist/Activate now playing;REFRESH,,),
$imagebutton(x,y,w,h,/images\pref.png,/images\pref.png,PANELSHOW:NGPlaylist:1;PANELSHOW:ColumnsPlaylist:0;COMMAND:View/Columns playlist/Activate now playing;REFRESH,,)

Columns UI

Reply #5816
Thanks unclean, I will give that a shot.  Do you know if there is a way to simply toggle the "Show groups" option, whether bound to a hotkey or a button?

2)  If there is no way to toggle groups, how do I get the playlist to remember position when switching from one to the other (NG to ColumnsUI)?

Thanks in advance, your help is appreciated!

I think you can do it in PSS. This creates a button that switches between the playlists then activates the now playing menu command to get focus back:

//Button, Replace x,y etc with whatever
$imagebutton(x,y,w,h,/images\pref.png,/images\pref.png,PANELSHOW:NGPlaylist:0;PANELSHOW:ColumnsPlaylist:1;COMMAND:View/Columns playlist/Activate now playing;REFRESH,,),
$imagebutton(x,y,w,h,/images\pref.png,/images\pref.png,PANELSHOW:NGPlaylist:1;PANELSHOW:ColumnsPlaylist:0;COMMAND:View/Columns playlist/Activate now playing;REFRESH,,)

Columns UI

Reply #5817
I don't think so. You can with ELplaylist, though.

Columns UI

Reply #5818
EDIT: Doh nevermind I think I got it.  So basically in layout, I insert a panel stack splitter.  Then I put columnsUI playlist and NG playlist underneath the splitter.  Then I paste what you wrote into the script "per track" area.  You then arrange the two panels on top of each other and use the button to show one over the other?  I think that's right?  Also in the code I had to reverse 1 and 0 for the 2nd line in order for anything to happen.

Is there anyway to get it to show the state that I left it in when closing foobar so that when I startup it is using the view I last used?  Right now NGPlaylist always shows up first when starting foobar but I'd like it to show whatever playlist (columns or Ng) that I was using before.

I don't think so. You can with ELplaylist, though.

Columns UI

Reply #5819
Okay, I guess I left a lot of steps out. You have the right idea though.

To get the panels in the same place you have to go to Splitter Settings, then check "forced layout" for each of the playlists. If you don't want absolute positioning you can use %_width% and %_height% and math functions (add, sub, mul, div) in the left, top, width and height boxes - $sub(%_width%,200) for example is the width minus 200.

Is there anyway to get it to show the state that I left it in when closing foobar so that when I startup it is using the view I last used?  Right now NGPlaylist always shows up first when starting foobar but I'd like it to show whatever playlist (columns or Ng) that I was using before.

Check "hide panel on startup" on the playlist you don't want to use first.

Columns UI

Reply #5820
Also I've got another problem with columns UI. I wanted to put some buttons in order to rate my songs. So I put buttons on the toolbar and link them to the contextual menu options that I want: Contextual menu/ Playback Statistics / Rating/ put rate 1 etc... But it doesn't work. Only the buttons that I make through the menu work. Is there a solution?

select "now playing item" or "selection" in "Item Group" in "Command picker" dialog

Columns UI

Reply #5821
Great, got everything working now, thanks again!
Somewhat complicated, would love to see musicmusic put in a command item for "Show Groups" / "Disable Show Groups" so that people can bind it to buttons and hotkeys!
Anyone know how to reach him to request features?

Okay, I guess I left a lot of steps out. You have the right idea though.

To get the panels in the same place you have to go to Splitter Settings, then check "forced layout" for each of the playlists. If you don't want absolute positioning you can use %_width% and %_height% and math functions (add, sub, mul, div) in the left, top, width and height boxes - $sub(%_width%,200) for example is the width minus 200.

Is there anyway to get it to show the state that I left it in when closing foobar so that when I startup it is using the view I last used?  Right now NGPlaylist always shows up first when starting foobar but I'd like it to show whatever playlist (columns or Ng) that I was using before.

Check "hide panel on startup" on the playlist you don't want to use first.

Columns UI

Reply #5822
Anyone know how to reach him to request features?

you already did, by posting here

I requested just the same, some time ago: "Menu > View > Grouping > Grouping script name" option to be available

The way I'm dealing with it right now is by hiding the grouping script on playlists which matches some name pattern:
[font= "Lucida Console"]*queue*;*singles*;*search*;*similar*;*-s-*[/font]

so, i.e. if I add "-s-" in the playlist name, groping script wont be considered, or if playlist name has some of the above words in it - grouping script wont be considered

Columns UI

Reply #5823
Oh ok, good.  I'm aware of using playlist filters but would like it to be independent of playlist names.  How great would it be to switch between grouped and ungrouped views and not have to think about sending playlist contents to another properly named playlist or renaming a playlist to match a filter.

In addition, it would be awesome if we could have more than one ColumnsUI config so we could have multiple playlist views setup, that would make for some cool layout switching possibilities.

Anyone know how to reach him to request features?

you already did, by posting here

I requested just the same, some time ago: "Menu > View > Grouping > Grouping script name" option to be available

The way I'm dealing with it right now is by hiding the grouping script on playlists which matches some name pattern:

so, i.e. if I add "-s-" in the playlist name, groping script wont be considered, or if playlist name has some of the above words in it - grouping script wont be considered

Columns UI

Reply #5824
How can I hide the bars which resize the panels?