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Topic: foo_dumb (Read 337836 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #475

I found an issue with playing some MOD files using the foo_dumb plugin.  The pitch in the played module is wrong, making it sound quite weird.

example problem file:;query=78970

Winamp seems to be able to play it properly, so I suspect some kind of glitch in foo_dumb.  Funnily enough, the modarchive has another version of this module, and the other version plays with the correct pitch...;query=52868




Reply #476
Is the pitch up by one semitone by any chance?


Reply #478

I found an issue with playing some MOD files using the foo_dumb plugin.  The pitch in the played module is wrong, making it sound quite weird.

example problem file:;query=78970




That specific .MOD has non-standard periods stored in the pattern data, and playptmod seems to handle non-standard period wrong (not to be confused with extended periods).
I'll look into this, I'll fix it in ProTracker-win32 as well.


Reply #479
Found another possible issue.

This track has a loop in it which I believe is read into foobar incorrectly. Milky tracker plays the song correctly, but foobar does not.
When importing, the track splits into two pieces.

I've never seen this issue before.



Reply #480
Not an error, merely a side effect of the sub song scanner. The last order is never reached because the global volume fades to zero for a full 10 seconds before that order is reached.


Reply #481
Incorrect playback at the beginning of this song: "9 - Metal World - 02:19" - module: [Impulse Tracker]
Version foo_dumb 1.0.72
Link: Album Chiptunes 2007


Reply #482
Fixed. It was an Oxx offset effect going past the end of a sample, which when old effects mode is disabled, causes the effect to be ignored. Only I extend non-looping samples by 64 points using LPC for the Lanczos interpolation, which made the sample just long enough for the offset command to fit. I've adjusted the offset effect handler to take that into consideration.


Reply #484
Just wondering: Is there any particular reason why foo_dumb ignores replay gain information added by foobar's standard replay gain scanner? (Or is that a problem with my configuration?)

I don't remember the exact version anymore (might have been when the playptmod option was introduced), but quite a while ago the general playback volume of module files was reduced (probably because it made sense), but at that point the replay gain part broke for me.


Reply #485
You'll have to rescan your tracks, sorry.


Reply #486
I did, actually. It's just that there's no audible difference between a track replay gain value of e.g. -8.8dB before the scan and -2.8dB afterwards.
After playing around with the configuration a bit I found that album gain seems to work, only track gain is broken. (Sorry, should have tried that earlier.)


Reply #487
If track gain is broken, you need to rescan the files. There should not be an album gain level in the first place, unless you scanned a series of files as a single album.

Please verify that the gain shows correctly when you forcibly reload the tags, which are stored in a database.


Reply #488
Hmm, it seems the replay gain scanner writes its data to that apev2 database, but the apev2 tag attached to the file doesn't get modified or removed. The track gain/album gain listed by the Foobar UI comes from the database, but the replay gain actually used for playback comes from the file tag.

That thing with the album gain was a attempt to figure out what was going on. I noticed that using album gain had an effect while track gain didn't. The reason was that the apev2 file tag didn't include an album gain, so that was read from the apev2 database instead, or wasn't found at all. For testing, I used a hex editor to remove the apev2 file tag from one mod file and it started applying track gain for it again.

So, why are there apev2 tags in my mod files? Well, I guess the replay gain scanner or some other foobar component added them there.
Can anyone recommend a tool that removes these ape tags from non-mp3 files?

Nevermind, I wrote a simple one that works for my case. Rescanning all module files now, as it seems to have solved my problem. I'm still wondering why display and playback used values from different sources, though.


Reply #489
Mh, it looks like something regarding volume ramping is broken.
I upgraded dumb after skipping a couple revisions and now volume ramping is set to "1/4 tick linear" and the box is greyed out, so i cant change it, resulting in most (if not all) of my modules sounding bad, renaming my old config file didnt unlock the box either.
Is that intended or a bug?


Reply #490
Perhaps I made the incorrect assumption that reduced clicking is preferred to loads of clicking? I can add the option back in, but would love to know what sort of music it makes sound worse.

FAKE EDIT: Volume ramping is back, defaulted to full. You'll have to turn it off manually if you don't like it.


Reply #491
Well, with full ramping it sounds better then when the option was locked, but somehow it still doesnt sound "right" compared to what I was using previously, XM=lin, else log.
Im listening to XM modules most of the time (from an archive as well as selfmade ones) which are also the "problem childs", the rest sound about the same as before now.

I can upload/list a few songs that sound bad (using openMPT and my memory as reference as I dont have older dumb versions around) if you want.


Reply #492
XM plays with ft2play now, which is a player based on Fast Tracker 2 source code. The only real difference between ft2play and FT2 is that ft2play uses its own mixer, which uses 1/4 tick ramping, which is a lot more sensitive than FT2 itself. For note on and override, it uses 1ms ramps instead.

To compare the two with similar volume ramping settings, leave the volume ramp setting alone, but toggle the modplay/playptmod checkbox.

Do note that ft2play also uses a different panning law than DUMB, which uses pure linear for all formats.


Reply #493
Hi there,

I would like to ask if the new Renoise format (.XRNS) could be supported.
It seems to consist of XML and FLAC inside a ZIP.


Reply #494
Hm, enabling modplay/playptmod messes up a couple of instruments Im using in my modules, but I guess thats a quirk of oMPT. "Real" Xms play fine though.
Guess Ill have to deal with it.


Reply #495
Please upload any affected modules. ft2play does not support Modplug ADPCM samples at this time, and I did not have any songs to test this with, as OpenMPT does not support saving that crap, so the only real way to generate them is to break out an ancient copy of Modplug Tracker or Modplug Player and compress the samples.

Some S3M files with Modplug compressed samples would be nice as well, as I haven't tested my attempt at real-time decompression, rather than unpacking on load.


Reply #496
As for the songs, here. The only instrument thats affected as far as I can hear is the "Hardsynth", specifically, note-off commands that follow in the row right after the note was played are ignored and the sample then fades out slowly.
As for compressed files, here, they have been compressed using modplug player. Note that these are not mine.



Reply #497
Note off should cause an envelope fade, note cut should cause a cut to volume 0 while leaving the instrument running. I'll see if I can fix the sensitivity of volume changes affected by note cut in XM.

EDIT: Okay, I see the problem. The envelope is too long and the fade out rate is too low. Go ahead, try them in FT2, they'll sound just as bad there.

EDIT 2: modplay/ft2play now supports ADPCM samples in XM files. modplay/st3play already supported them, but loops may be a little odd, I'm not sure. Maybe I should switch it to decode them at load time instead of in real time.


Reply #498
The latest foo_dumb versions seem to cause some clicking noises in Unreal Tournament's firebr.xm (at start of the bass beat - instrument 45, sample 39) and (at the start of the sonar-ish sound - sample 2) tracks. (Link to both tracks)
This must be somehow related to ramping, at least changing ramping in other players can cause or suppress the effect. (XMPlay: clicks with ramping off (both) or full (, but not with sensitive, OpenMPT: no clicks at default sample ramp-in 16, increasingly audible at lower values)


Reply #499
Note off should cause an envelope fade, note cut should cause a cut to volume 0 while leaving the instrument running. I'll see if I can fix the sensitivity of volume changes affected by note cut in XM.

EDIT: Okay, I see the problem. The envelope is too long and the fade out rate is too low. Go ahead, try them in FT2, they'll sound just as bad there.

gah, I found the problem that caused this: the hardsynth was using a hack that set two envelope points on one tick. editing the envelope and moving one of the points one unit (so they dont share the same tick) fixed it (of course a hack wouldnt work in something based off the original code, making it behave weird)

EDIT: found something else: this module contains panned notes during the first two patterns. When playing it with ft2play, the panning is ignored. (this time oMPT doesnt report any hacks besides some samples being stereo, and those dont seem to be a problem when playing other modules)