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Topic: Recent interview with Monty (Read 6372 times) previous topic - next topic
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Recent interview with Monty

Recent interview with Monty

It's good to know what Vorbis development is going continue after OggFile is finished.

Recent interview with Monty

Reply #1
Interesting, but mostly about the software patent mess in the US, and spreading elsewhere.

Recent interview with Monty

Reply #2
While American and Eurpoean companies A, B and C, are busy 'innovating' with their lawyers, caught in an endless death spiral of locking down every reproducable aspect of every technology, non-Western companies X,Y and Z will simply ignore the mess and actually move forward. If this patent insanity continues, developing markets that are smart enough to avoid the mess will hand us our heads.

I think he's right. It has already begun... We will see.

Recent interview with Monty

Reply #3
Richard Stallman held some interesting (and entertaining IMO) speeches on the topic of "sofware patents".

Videos in Ogg Theora (hurray!): (Richard Stallman) (FSF representatives IIRC)

Genereal info:

Recent interview with Monty

Reply #4
Yay!! Ogg Theora!!    Now that's the first time I've seen Richard Stallman and he seems to look a bit different to what I had expected

Recent interview with Monty

Reply #5
I had seen him already, including in person (Brazil is all into OSS these days). He looks like a hobo :B