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Topic: Gaps (Read 10762 times) previous topic - next topic
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I remember reading some tomes regarding gaps between songs on live CDs etc, but am not sure where I saw it. Is it true that an MPC rip of a CD does not have this problem as does mp3? I ripped a live CD and played it in Winamp using the winamp playlist from EAC, and there were still gaps between tracks. How do I overcome this problem?

By the way, I love MPC after some agonising which format. I should have signed up to this forum as Agony Aunt! I'm still not sure it sounds better than mp3 most of the time, but sometimes it definately does. The files are of comparable, or smaller size, however, and mppenc is much faster than LAME (4X v. 1.4X)

Don't let the uncertainty turn you around,
Go out and make a joyful sound.


Reply #1
MPC is "mostly" gapless, meaning that I don't think extra samples are inserted in the files.. however on some occasions there can be an extremely slight pop or tick between tracks.  I think Frank is working on fixing this though.  On many of the albums I have ripped this problem isn't there, but occasionally you can hear this.

As for winamp... Winamp 2 itself does not allow gapless playback.  That means you could even play back the wavs themselves consecutively and there would be gaps.  To fix this you need a gapless output plugin.  Not one of those crossfade gap removal plugins, and actual gapless output plugin that doesn't close the wave device between tracks.

You can find one for winamp here:

You will also need to use this plugin for other formats which offer gapless playback such as vorbis.


Reply #2
ta Dibrom,
When you use this plugin, does this mean that all tracks join up? That is, do you have to select gapless output each time you want it, and switch back to the standard output module for other track lists? If so, that is very painful!

Don't let the uncertainty turn you around,
Go out and make a joyful sound.


Reply #3
It means that if you have multiple files in queue to be played, it plays them back gaplessly.  It inserts no extra spaces of silence between, thats all.


Reply #4
Fine, I've got it now!

Yes, it works beautifully. This alone would be a good reason to use MPC as a collection archiving format.

It's not just live albums that this affects, but gapless albums like:

Neil Finn - One Nil
The Avalanches - Since I Left You
(to name just 2 of many in my collection)

I think some producers relish the thought of stuffing up mp3 internet sharing by running tracks together with clever segues.

thanks Dibrom - this site is a breath of fresh air re objectivity and data reduction formats!

Don't let the uncertainty turn you around,
Go out and make a joyful sound.


Reply #5
My intitial elation has subsided! Still small clicks noticable betweeen tracks. Oh well.
Don't let the uncertainty turn you around,
Go out and make a joyful sound.