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Which lossy format are you using?

[ 191 ] (28%)
Ogg Vorbis
[ 139 ] (20.4%)
[ 76 ] (11.1%)
[ 194 ] (28.4%)
[ 8 ] (1.2%)
[ 0 ] (0%)
AC3 / Atrac
[ 1 ] (0.1%)
[ 2 ] (0.3%)
No lossy - lossless for me
[ 68 ] (10%)
[ 3 ] (0.4%)

Total Members Voted: 803

Topic: Which lossy format are you using? (Read 106915 times) previous topic - next topic
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Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #50
mpc 1.14, --quality 6 --xlevel. ideal for me :-D

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #51
i picked mp3.

looking at the current results, i'm suprised that mpc still holds the top spot. i guess most HA members would sacrifice hardware compatibility for quality. also suprising is vorbis still trailing behind mp3 and mpc despite recent availability of hardware players.

it might be too early to tell though. 

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #52
I still prefer the stable quality of MPC at moderate bitrates, but with latest development Vorbis really get's my interrest again. Lossless is not quite right for me, yet. I'd prefer FLAC or Wavpack though.

Regards; ilikedirt

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #53
I voted lossless, because that's what I use most of the times. After several years of ripping and encoding I got tired of grabbing the same cd again from one of my shelfs to encode in some (exotic) format for whatever reason. I bought a big hd, and a second one is on his way and the plan is to rip my collection one final time. Transcoding then is clean and easy.

I do use lossy though. I weekly record two shows from fm radio that I encode to mp3,  so I can make my friends happy who still use mp3 only.

My favorit lossy codec is mpc though, great quality, fast encoding, etc etc.

Lossless is the best solution for me, but lossy is more fun. 

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #54
Primary use : listening to music from my computer exclusively, I'm no fan of portable devices, not enough room to keep my CD collection at home, not enough GB of hard disk to go lossless.

Xing Mp3 long ago (), then Lame -aps, then a few tries with Ahead AAC...
now MusePack q6 and I'm quite satisfied with it.
Newborn MPC, Matroska and Foobar enthusiast.
Thanks to all the authors and developers =)

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #55
Hardware support is very essential to me. MP3 therefore is still my choice. Anyway, I use MP4-AAC in my computer.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #56
Last time, I chose Ogg Vorbis.  And again, in this poll, I'm choosing Ogg Vorbis again, though I am using iTunes AAC for my brand new iPod now.  So Ogg Vorbis is mainly for computer listening as well my expermental tunings. 

Ogg Vorbis is free, is open source, and has a lot of potential for further improvement, as aoTuV recently demonstrated.  Now if only someone managed to optimise Tremor for the ARM7, then Ogg Vorbis support on the iPod is within reach (currently it runs at 80% realtime)

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #57
I use Wavpack lossy, 450 kbps (wavpack -b 450 -h -x). Because I often need to transcode and I can't afford lossless archival.
Stupidity is root of all evil.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #58
Ogg Vorbis

to me the most complete encoder that has good overall quality.
i tried aac when vorbis development was almost dead but i have to say that was very dificult to do simple things like tagging or replaygain. not to mention that there are several formats or containers that can only be played with certain players. i can't remember exactly what it was and if it still is a problem but to me it seems just more easy to drop a wave file into oggdrop and that's it. i can play those files on any platform and my ihp140 hardware player plays them also.

other codecs like aac may have better quality but i just like vorbis for it's completeness. it's just working. (not to mention what the 128kb test showed)

but this are just my personal preferences

i don't want to sound offending against other codecs.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #59
I voted Ogg Vorbis. I was impressed by the aotuv improvements at low bitrates, making it really good to my ears at around 128kbps, it is my format of choice at this average bitrate. I don´t have a portable myself, but it´s a good reason to choose Vorbis if I ever get one.

For music I feel is really important to me (less than 1% of the albums I have access to), I still use lossless archiving (usually Monkey´s Audio CD Image, but also started to experiment with FLAC).

Anyway since portability is not an issue for me, I like to experiment with different formats, using Musepack and MP4-AAC whenever I feel the urge to do it .

I´d say since the aotuv tunings, for general music Vorbis -q4 sounds really good to me.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #60
MP3 all the way (at least until 2006). I like AAC and Vorbis, they have GREAT potetial but I still choose to rip in MP3, and preset -extreme sounds BEAUTIFUL in my krappy ears  .
still LAME 3.96.1 --preset extreme -q 0 -V 0 -m s at least until 2005.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #61
Appreciated the new Poll. 

Windows Media Audio 9 Professional
VBR Quality 75, 44 kHz, 2 channel 24 bit 1-pass VBR


Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #62
I hate mp3 format,but it is seen everywhere.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #63
I can't say I hate the mp3 format since LAME has brought it up to be quite transparent with aps.  I can say I hate most of the 128kbit mp3s on the internet.  I'm more than happy to teach people how to encode with LAME and actually taught someone yesterday.
Nero AAC -q0.45

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #64
voted for vorbis since i have a iriver that i fill with vorbis and also use vorbis for video encodings.
I also keep a backup archive of my CDs where newer rips are mpc and older ones mp3. This is just for in case i damage a CD or lose one which unfortunately happens or at least happened a lot in the past.

But i listen almost exclusively from the iriver nowadays (and therefore mostly vorbis) because i dont need to run a software player like this and can leave it running all day without having to change disks all the time.
i was into audio a bit, but i lost myself and found me again in video

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #65
still Ogg Vorbis and I don't think I'll change!
I love the moderators.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #66
I rip to FLAC for PC use, and to MP3 alt preset extreme for my portable (although standard would probably be sufficient)

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #67
I voted for mp3 as its still the main codec I use.  However the real picture is like this:

Archiving, Home listening - Flac
Portable mp3, but it would be aac/mp4 if I had a portable player which played aac files

I have noticed someone voted for "other", whats "other"?

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #68
I have noticed someone voted for "other", whats "other"?
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=232789"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Anything that doesn't fit the others. WAV, ADPCM, WavPack and OptimFrog lossy, some of the bizarre stuff you can find at ReallyRareWares...

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #69
I have noticed someone voted for "other", whats "other"?
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=232789"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Anything that doesn't fit the others. WAV, ADPCM, WavPack and OptimFrog lossy, some of the bizarre stuff you can find at ReallyRareWares...
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=232803"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Maybe somebody encodes their music with MS ADPCM 4:1 or mu-law 

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #70
I use Musepack Xlevel Quality 6
Earlier - Musepack Quality 5
Much earlier: MP3
Fear my anger. fear my power.
I'm Dark Angel undercover.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #71
I would love to shift to Musepack, but it currently has no hardware support AFAIK. That's why I am sticking with MP3. Besides, for me, LAME 3.90.3 APS MP3s are transparent enough.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #72
Same for me. 

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #73
In the beginning i made a lot of mistakes and ended up ripping multiple times. I still haven't finished. Now everything is ripped to Flac, transcoded to mpc q5 for listening then the flacs are archived to dvd. I could have even stored them on cd-r a year ago.

I may even use hybrid lossy for listening and transcoding but its hard to give up the quality / size bargain of mpc.

No matter which route you choose - rip it once.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #74
Forgot: I still use mp3 for discman portable. Settings are lame 3.96.1 apfm / apfs -Y / apfs, transcoded from mpc or lossless.