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Topic: [USELESS] Vorbis zealotry example (Read 5641 times) previous topic - next topic
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[USELESS] Vorbis zealotry example

LOL! Thats why I love Ogg Vorbis. If you want to be 100% legal w/o tricks you have to make dBpowerAMP both paid and expensive for end-user to cover your expenses for Thomson. Three options: PAY, move to Russian server, switch to Ogg Vorbis and tell dBpowerAMP users - "Hey, I have to pay for mp3, I don`t want to pay e.g. $15,000 y/r!, Please use Ogg Vorbis instead "

[USELESS] Vorbis zealotry example

Reply #1
Just host the offending components on an offshore server, and have the program download them off the internet automatically on first launch.
[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=227771"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

NICE, but we all know that it will be bypassing of LAW. In fact dBpowerAMP WILL USE mp3 encoder/decoder w/o $ for owner of patent.

This is wider problem - why indenpend developer, even who sell his program and say that piracy of his own program is BAD, use tricks to bypass LAW and steal(?) intellectual property of e.g. Thomson? I don’t say here about Spoon, about some developers in general...

Patents for software are BAD  Big companies have enough $ and own patents to not worry about patents of another people/companies. But small comapnies, developers will go out from market. Spoon - are you from USA? In UE patents of Thomson have no power since there are no patents for software there...

[USELESS] Vorbis zealotry example

Reply #2
This is one thing I will not bend over and take it ** *** ****, I will fight as much as possible, I have a strong view of what is fair and what is not.
I belive that most of HA community, including myself, are with you  Good luck!
Compare this: [a href="][/url]
As you may have noticed on today (August 27), I'm participating in a protest against the planned European Software patents. The European Union plans software patents and logical patents similar to the USA. This would give us ridiculous patents like the Amazon "One click" order patent. Software patents are a big thread to shareware authors like myself, because almost any trivial idea can be patented. Unfortunately Switzerland (my country) almost always adopts changes to the Patent system in the EU, although Switzerland isn't part of the EU.

Since many methods are the only logical way of doing something in software, software patents can effectively block the development of any similar software. Only big corporations with many software patents will then be able to sell software, because they have patent cross licencing agreements with all other big corporations. Small companies like ourselves will vanish from the market.

If you don't want that Total Commander disappears, please participate in the protest against software patents too!

[USELESS] Vorbis zealotry example

Reply #3
NICE, but we all know that it will be bypassing of LAW. In fact dBpowerAMP WILL USE mp3 encoder/decoder w/o $ for owner of patent.
This is wider problem - why indenpend developer, even who sell his program and say that piracy of his own program is BAD, use tricks to bypass LAW and steal(?) intellectual property of e.g. Thomson? I don’t say here about Spoon, about some developers in general...

dbpa is free ... this is the reason why Vorbis rules