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Topic: Vorbis Sample (Read 4029 times) previous topic - next topic
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Vorbis Sample

Reply #1
I've ABXd problems (noise, but also something hollow on piano - weird) without problems at -q 4 with my laptop and poor AC97. But I failed on the same system at -q 5,99.
There's really something wrong with this sample.
Wavpack Hybrid: one encoder for all scenarios
WavPack -c4.5hx6 (44100Hz & 48000Hz) ≈ 390 kbps + correction file
WavPack -c4hx6 (96000Hz) ≈ 800 kbps + correction file
WavPack -h (SACD & DSD) ≈ 2400 kbps at 2.8224 MHz

Vorbis Sample

Reply #2
This problem has the cause of the same kind as "waiting" etc.
In the present condition, the solution has only made quality high.