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Yes, I write or perform music however it has not been recorded.
[ 91 ] (22.9%)
Yes, I write or perform music and it has been recorded.
[ 82 ] (20.6%)
No, I do not write music.
[ 225 ] (56.5%)

Total Members Voted: 464

Topic: Do you write or create music? (Read 75910 times) previous topic - next topic
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Do you write or create music?

Reply #25
You should check out Logic Audio Platinum =)

Please anyone else - don't hesitate to let me/us know what you're up to music wise or what you're doing.

Ruairi - nothing going on

Do you write or create music?

Reply #26
hm...that's what I have....

I used it for midi......tried to set up the audio part but I think my soundcard can't handle it......I have never succesfully set up that kind of program on my soundcard can't handle it......

Do you write or create music?

Reply #27
I don't write music.
All I've done is creating some compils for my own use, some mixed with Samplitude 2496.

Do you write or create music?

Reply #28
What do you mean by "recorded"

Can a demo tape be considered as "recorded" ?

Do you write or create music?

Reply #29
Yes, a demo tape can be considered as recorded.

Basically its the threshold between knowing the path, and walking it.


Ruairi - nothing going on

Do you write or create music?

Reply #30
/EDIT Don't worry, for some reason i got Exceter and Essex mixed up!!

Just wondering, are you also GroovyCarrot from OcUK?? just can't imagine many people with your name living in Exceter. Where does your name originate from, it's very unique, never heard it before!


Do you write or create music?

Reply #31
Hehe - no I'm not Groovy Carrot. Not by a long way! I'm still waiting for OcUK to authorise my forum account with them. I've seen the buy/sell forums - they are interesting, seeing as I've got far too much old kit lying around, and am desperate to have a silent but blazing fast PC.

My name is pronounced "Rory", but spelt in Irish because I was born there. My mother thought it'd be all cool and unique when really its a pain because everyone forgets how to spell it, let alone pronounce it. At school it was always "Claire?", "Here Sir!", "Mark?", "Here Sir", "erm...rrRrru ... RRrooaaa", "It's Rory sir and yes I'm here...!". Even worse my surname is Fullam which is traditionally spelt Fulham so even more so there is a margin for error. So hence now I am rc55.

Christ, I'm boring arent I? Well, its just 9am and I've fallen into work. Arrrhghrrgh...


P.S. Lets get back on topic! =) - nothing going on


Do you write or create music?

Reply #32
Good idea for a poll

I create my own music, all on PC as I don't really have much talent with real world instruments

I use as many programs as I can (cool edit multitracking, fruityloops, tuareg) so that I don't fall into the niche of making the type of sound each program gears you towards making!

I've got nearly 25 tracks pretty much finished now, which would be a mash up of Boards of Canada & Squarepusher.  I'm gonna send a demo cd to the Warp label and cross my fingers

If anyone wants my first album, it's £5
< w o g o n e . c o m / l o l >

Do you write or create music?

Reply #33
Yes, a demo tape can be considered as recorded.

Basically its the threshold between knowing the path, and walking it.

Even if they are 20 years old and done with two analog cassette decks?

Then you might want to visit my homepage, though...
ZZee ya, Hans-Jürgen
BLUEZZ BASTARDZZ - "That lil' ol' ZZ Top cover band from Hamburg..."
INDIGO ROCKS - "Down home rockin' blues. Tasty as strudel."

Do you write or create music?

Reply #34
I sing tenor in a local university choir.  I'm too old to be a university student, but this particular choir is open to members of the community like myself.  We sing a cappella sacred and liturgical music (it's a Catholic university, although I'm not Catholic).  We are currently working on the following pieces, among others:

Laudate Dominum - Mozart.
Ave Maria - Rachmaninoff.
My Soul Doth Magnify The Lord (Magnificat) - John Rutter.

Do you write or create music?

Reply #35
I started playing the guitar and drums at the age of 4, and by the age of 10 keyboards, violin, and singing lessons. I started giving guitar lessons when I turned 18 at a local guitar shop and drum shop.

Now at age 31 I have 27 years of music experience and have recorded (un-professionally) 7 albums, 5 were with various local Death Metal, and Black Metal bands in my area, and 2 were solo efforts - one Death Metal recording, and one Black Metal recording. I have to consider myself more of a studio artist - hence the controlled atmosphere, although playing live from time to time is alright.

Do you write or create music?

Reply #36
Yes, i create music and it has been "recorded" .

Do you write or create music?

Reply #37
I've been releasing music under the alias 833-45 on for several years now.  I also run an online mp3 label called Nishi.  I've been on a handful of compilations and have a full length CD schedualed for release in a few months.

Do you write or create music?

Reply #38
I started playing the guitar and drums at the age of 4, and by the age of 10 keyboards, violin, and singing lessons. I started giving guitar lessons when I turned 18 at a local guitar shop and drum shop.

Now at age 31 I have 27 years of music experience and have recorded (un-professionally) 7 albums, 5 were with various local Death Metal, and Black Metal bands in my area, and 2 were solo efforts - one Death Metal recording, and one Black Metal recording. I have to consider myself more of a studio artist - hence the controlled atmosphere, although playing live from time to time is alright.

Hey Zeri. 
Nice to see you here. 
Juha Laaksonheimo

Do you write or create music?

Reply #39
Hey Zeri. 
Nice to see you here. 

Thank yaz! 

Do you write or create music?

Reply #40
Finished musical school long time ago. Sometimes play sax, piano's my favorite. Have some piano tunes, mostly cyclic. Hope that quantity leads to quality.
Nowadays trying to get some XP, using Psycle tracker. Missing  without any keyboard...

Do you write or create music?

Reply #42
I also used the "wide" interpretation of recorded.  My music is recorded mostly on an old Teac 2340 in my house.  I have a couple songs that I've sent to friends or family, but thats about it.

My band:
guitar:  Me on an older Peavey Predator.
Bass: Amiga 500, (occasionally me also, on a cheap no-name bass.)
Drums:  Boss DR-550 drum machine, kept in sync by the Amiga.

My Teac limits me to 4 tracks, which is probably a good thing!   

Its all just for fun.  In fact, I was thinking of calling my first album:
All Three Chords   


Do you write or create music?

Reply #43
I play guitar in a few bands now.  I play in two Big Bands and one Wedding/Pub Rock/Everything Band.  The Big Bands play a variety of styles, from Ellignton classics to modern stuff by people like James Morrisson and Maynard Ferguson.  I have recorded a cd with one of the Big Bands, and am going to record another starting July 20.

Do you write or create music?

Reply #44
I have played guitar for 4 years.
I guess I'm okay at this point, I sometimes get some weird musical ideas
and sometimes I record some of them in my computer.

Check 'em out

Do you write or create music?

Reply #45
Give me an old comb and a piece of wax paper and I can really go to town. Plus my sife says I'm the best darn whistler she's ever heard.

  Struth through, I do write a fair number of pieces that become songs, whether they started that way or not. In "real life" I am a writer - among other things - so given my own eclectic musical taste it would be more surprising if I failed to turn some of those efforts into songs!

    - M.

Do you write or create music?

Reply #46
well... i play around with music, i wouldn't say i write it or make it though...  i can't say that until i come up with something i'm happy with.

you guys should hear "digga digga" which a friend and i came up with in fruityloops... it's so so so so wrong.

we looped it, burnt it to a CD (all 80 mins used up) and left it playing on repeat at a local hi-fi department store.  checked back a few weeks later and the disc was still there!

Do you write or create music?

Reply #47
Yes, I write or perform music however it has not been recorded.

I write some music using Impulse Tracker 2.14.
Most of it some kind of trance music.
Well... That's all...

PS. If you want my newest  release you can download from here:
(I recommend using Flashget or something 'cause this server likes to disconnect!  )
Fear my anger. fear my power.
I'm Dark Angel undercover.

Do you write or create music?

Reply #48
Been writing/creating music since the days of the Amiga (4chn mod's), ScreamTracker, Fasttracker, Impulsetracker, and so on. I'm now using Cubase, Reason 2.5, Sound Forge, Audition and various other sound applications to create music (oh, almost forgot my trustworthy old Korg!) -

Do you write or create music?

Reply #49
I create music using mainly Buzz. I love this program  . It's a new generation freeware tracker which uses realtime sound synthesis (virtual instruments).