LAME 3.96b1 vs. 3.90.3 Discussion
Reply #28 – 2004-03-24 13:45:29
I still wonder about the criteria’s an encoder has to meet in order to be recommended by HA, though. If the goal was to get it most close to transparent --preset 320 should be chosen. However, it hasn't. So it must be somewhat connected to the file size. But at what extend? --preset 128 gives probably the best ratio of quality / file size but it's still not recommended. So who makes the criteria’s for that? Lame 3.96 gives in general a significant lower bitrate at --aps than 3.90.3. Let's assume LAME 3.96 would overall perform a bit worse than 3.90.3 does (I know that you can only tell from the tested samples). Why wouldn't the people here accept this slightly quality drawback for the benefit of the much lower bitrates? I mean they did the exact some thing when choosing LAME 3.90.3 --aps...otherwise --preset 320 was chosen, right?! I think it's essential to clarify first what's expected from a HA recommended version. In addition, I think the samples should be rated in terms of their improvements made. For instance, if 5 files sound slightly better with LAME 3.90.3 but only one file was turned from totally horrible to perfectly transparent using LAME 3.96, 3.96 should still be considered as recommended. If all improvements were just counted equally it wouldn't give a true picture of the encoders’ quality. Overall an encoder could sound much better, but still be beaten by another one that just produces tiny enhancements on samples but fails even harder on others...