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Topic: foo_looks v2.1 (Read 476747 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_looks v2.1

[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']Version 2.1 Available[/span]

foo_looks mirrors


1. Compiled with 0.8 SDK
2. Lua is now integrated into foo_looks and you can remove the lua dlls from the foobar folder
3. Removed "look swap" and all items associated with that functionality.  No longer useful with scripting support
4. Per pixel alpha blending with the desktop.  foo_looks is compatible with Win2K and WinXP only
5. new section window property int blendflag valid values are
  • blendflags.Opaque (use this if your look has no per pixel alpha for better speed)
  • blendflags.Alpha (required if you want to blend to desktop)
6. new rendermap flag - render.Erase used mostly for the background sprite in a look using per pixel blending to prevent "onion skin" effect
7. minor optimization to ignore spectrum data when look is not active
8. lua function change for mouse handlers - x.y passed to all mouse handlers.  Note your current handlers still work since lua is very loose about parameter passing but you must include then in the parameter list if you wish to use them.  These can be used in place of look_mouseX(), look_mouseY() in these handlers.
  • function onleftbuttondown(this,x,y)
  • function onmouseenter(this,x,y)
  • etc.
9. new parameter passed to function onplaybackstop(reason) values for reason are
  • 0 - user
  • 1 - end of file
  • 2 - new track
10. organized Components/look menu and added "looks" popup menu
11. moved all default look assets to "foo_looks\Default" folder.  You need to update your look if you are importing the file.  Also you can delete the default look assets from the foo_looks folder from previous version
12. new lua functions
  • void window_setAlpha(a) -- a is 0 to 100 - sets alpha for entire window regardless of per pixel settings and requires blendflags.Alpha
  • image look_getImage(sprite)
  • look_invalidate(sprite [spritelist])
  • {a,r,g,b} image_getPixel(image,x,y)
  • void image_setPixel(image,lookColor) -- performance issues
  • int image_getWidth(image)
  • int image_getHeight(image)

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #1
foo_looks essential information recap.

[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']1. Installing the plugin[/span]

Step 1
extract the plugin into your foobar2000/components dir

..if you are using win2k, you will also need to install the following:
- GDI+ dll's[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'](from[/span]

IMPORTANT: because of the advanced alpha-blending features, the foo_looks plugin only works on Win2k / XP

Step 2
start Foobar2000, and watch the console for any error messages.
[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'](if you get an error, then paste it in this forum)[/span]

Step 3
hopefully, there are no errors. so go to the components menu in foobar2000, and select Look > Show > Activate
you should now see the default skin on the screen.

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']note: as long as foo_looks is activated when you exit fb2k, you will not be reuired to manually activate foo_looks again for the next session.[/span]

Step 4
download some more skins!!
get them from:
the gallery (needs updating)
the old foo_looks topic (the latest skins are found here, but it requires browsing through 24 pages)

remember to extract the skins to foobar2000/components/foo_looks/

Step 5
if you want to change 'looks', you have 2 choices.
(a) go to your foobar2000 preferences, and go to the preferences for '+Components+Looks'
(b) on the components drop-down menu, select Look > Looks > ..then pick a skin

that's it.


[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']2. Start contributing!![/span]

we need advice, tips, ideas, bug notifications, designs, help, support....
but most of all.... WE NEED YOUR SKINS!!!

we would really like people to contribute skins to the project, either by creating original GUIs, or by asking permission & porting winamp2/3/5 skins

for a complete beginners guide to building a foo_looks skin, check my tutorial

then after reading this, check out the 2 additional how-to guides ( 001, 002 )

for an idea of what sort of things are possible, check out this prototype version of my new skin Graviton:

download (still in development)

if you have any questions, about anything, then i'm happy to answer emails

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']finally, the official foo_looks resource pages contain all the information above, and will soon be updated to contain even more.
- more tutorials
- more skins
- more FAQs

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #2
picking up from the other thread...

sorry it took me so long to get this posted.. my connection was... well.. disconnected..

here's the lid graphic

i can email the entire skin in PSD (or whatever format you'd prefer) if you need it to get an idea of how that lid fits into the skin..


the good news: the recompiling with 0.8 SDK seems to have fixed the exit button crash

the bad news: Always on Top seems to be permanently enabled.. the toggle is stuck in the on position and doesn't respond to clicks.. i've tried updating my script to take the new "Show" submenu into a account, and the toggle remains unresponsive.. the menu command itself doesn't work either..

since there's no real point in having a look activated if it's not always on top, this doesn't seem like much of a problem, but i liked being able to use the "show in taskbar" function without always on top, to keep the look readily accessible but out of the way.. looks with compact modes don't have this problem, but neither of the ones i'm making have a compact mode yet.. (not until i get the standard modes working fully )


ps: @tk: that volume knob script is just about the only thing missing from my first look right now (aside from the aforementioned compact mode).. any progress? apologies if i'm being a nuisance

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #3
I take it from the "because of the advanced alpha-blending features, the foo_looks plugin only works on Win2k / XP" that there was no looking into the Win9x version of GDI+'s "fake" alpha-blending/alpha-transparency? It does seem to work quite nice in the LiteStep modules that use it from what I've heard. It may not be perfect, but at least it works.
"It's the panties fault! The panties made me a pervert!"

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #4
the bad news: Always on Top seems to be permanently enabled.. the toggle is stuck in the on position and doesn't respond to clicks..

I am not sure how I can constructively help with this except by posting my own experience. On my machine, "Always On Top" works perfectly, except that the tick to signify whether it's toggled is not there.

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #5
No problems here so far danZ. Excellent work as always.

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #6
IMPORTANT: because of the advanced alpha-blending features, the foo_looks plugin only works on Win2k / XP

I have WinNT 4.0 / SP6a at the office and i got a coloured box instead of the skin( i posted about this issue in another thread). Is there any solution to make it works on WinNT4? ( i got no problems with foo_looks 1.0.x.x and Foobar 0.7)

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #7
I am using foo_looks with the micropanel skin but i just use it in the small mode, so my question is if there is a way for the skin to remember that it was small. It always changes back to the big normal mode when I restart foobar.

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #9
Hi there

I've just tried foo looks for the first time and I really like the default skin ...

I guess this is a really stupid newbie question but where can I set the path to the album art to appear in that little window? I have the album art for every album saved in the respective album folder. I did try to search the forums but I got lost in that 24-page-thread.


foo_looks v2.1

Reply #10
Hi there

I've just tried foo looks for the first time and I really like the default skin ...

I guess this is a really stupid newbie question but where can I set the path to the album art to appear in that little window? I have the album art for every album saved in the respective album folder. I did try to search the forums but I got lost in that 24-page-thread.


It should just work as it looks for the album art in the same folder as the song that is playing.  My guess is the search isn't finding your album art files.  How are they named?

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #11
IMPORTANT: because of the advanced alpha-blending features, the foo_looks plugin only works on Win2k / XP

I have WinNT 4.0 / SP6a at the office and i got a coloured box instead of the skin( i posted about this issue in another thread). Is there any solution to make it works on WinNT4? ( i got no problems with foo_looks 1.0.x.x and Foobar 0.7)

I could probably check the OS version and then have 2 drawing routines - one for XP using alpha and one for the older operating systems that would not support the alpha.  I'll have to see how big of a pain that would be to support.

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #12
the bad news: Always on Top seems to be permanently enabled.. the toggle is stuck in the on position and doesn't respond to clicks..

I am not sure how I can constructively help with this except by posting my own experience. On my machine, "Always On Top" works perfectly, except that the tick to signify whether it's toggled is not there.

Yes, it looks like I missed an SDK change - the way you add a checked state to a menu has changed in 0.8 from 0.7.  I'll get this fixed up next time around.

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #13
It should just work as it looks for the album art in the same folder as the song that is playing. My guess is the search isn't finding your album art files. How are they named?

Thx a lot ... i did not rename the jpegs after downloading ... now it is working.

Looks nice. Just a little bit too tiny with SXGA+. Would be nice to have a (double-size) feature like in Winamp. TV mode is no option for me as it is too large and changes resolution.

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #14
DanZ, back in December in this thread you mentioned that there might be a possiblity of making a look On Top only of foobar2000 rather than all apps:

I used to make foo_looks a child of foobar2000 window which gives this behavior.  I'll see about making it a config option

Meanwhile it could probably be done with my new Lua scripting support in the beta if I add some bindings for hiding/showing foo_looks window and if (the developer formerly incorrectly known as z^6) PP would add some kind of UI callbacks so I could know when the main UI is moved, focused, minimized, etc.

The foo_looks ablumart skin could hide/show in repsonse to foobar UI events and also in response to if album art is available, etc.

I presume this isn't yet possible, as I can't find an appropriate option in 2.1, although I admit I haven't been following the foo_looks thread so I may just have missed it.  Anyway, if it isn't yet available is this still something you would consider adding?

An example of how I would like to use it is to take a transparent cover art look which just shows the album art, similar to the one by melomane here, and place it over the main playlist.

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #15
the bad news: Always on Top seems to be permanently enabled.. the toggle is stuck in the on position and doesn't respond to clicks..

I am not sure how I can constructively help with this except by posting my own experience. On my machine, "Always On Top" works perfectly, except that the tick to signify whether it's toggled is not there.

Yes, it looks like I missed an SDK change - the way you add a checked state to a menu has changed in 0.8 from 0.7.  I'll get this fixed up next time around.

good to know..

i figured out a slight work-around.. it will probably be made redundant by the next update but for anyone else having this problem, here goes: i've been able to successfully activate and de-activate Always on Top mode using the menu command.. the LED toggle switch in the look doesn't follow automatically, but when AOT mode is off,  and the LED is on, the LED can be clicked off.. but then the menu must be used to turn AOT back on, and the LED can then be clicked to the on position.. basically i guess checkAOT() can't check, hence the script won't work..

that's probably incredibly obvious to everyone already, but i had to type it out like that to understand it myself.. so..


foo_looks v2.1

Reply #16
just to let everyone know that i'm home again, and i can start to answer all your questions one-by-one

i'll try to answer all questions and emails by this evening

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #17
An example of how I would like to use it is to take a transparent cover art look which just shows the album art, similar to the one by melomane here, and place it over the main playlist.

use mine...

Music is my first love.

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #18
An example of how I would like to use it is to take a transparent cover art look which just shows the album art, similar to the one by melomane here, and place it over the main playlist.

use mine...

What I would really like is to see the cover art within the main foobar GUI (or foo_ui_columns if that is what I am using).  Unfortunately there does not seem to be a way of doing this or even really a suitable place to put it.  So my idea was to use foo_looks with a transparent cover art look like yours (but without the mouseover functionality) over the playlist, so the album art effectively appears as a background to the playlist.

The problem is I don't know how to acheive this.  The look should only stay on top of the foobar2000 main window.  But if I select  Always On Top then it stays on top of every application, and if I deselect Always On Top then it becomes hidden behind everything, even the foobar2000 main window.  If I understood DanZ's comments correctly, the functionality to acheive this doesn't currently exist within foo_looks.  This is what I was asking for.

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #19
...So my idea was to use foo_looks with a transparent cover art look like yours (but without the mouseover functionality) over the playlist, so the album art effectively appears as a background to the playlist.

The problem is I don't know how to acheive this.  The look should only stay on top of the foobar2000 main window.  But if I select  Always On Top then it stays on top of every application, and if I deselect Always On Top then it becomes hidden behind everything, even the foobar2000 main window.

Use mine... (reload it )

set look "always on top" AND foobar "minimize in the system tray" (preferences/display/defaut user interface/system tray)

to kill mouseover functionality change this:

alpha = 40
fadeto = 40

function onupdate(this)
   if (look_insideSprite(this,look_mouseX(),look_mouseY())) then
      if (alpha < 100) then
         alpha = alpha
   elseif (alpha > fadeto) then
      alpha = alpha

Music is my first love.

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #20
Did I mention I now use Gravitron to convert Winamp Users to foobar? ^^
go tk32 go!

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #21
Did I mention I now use Gravitron to convert Winamp Users to foobar? ^^
go tk32 go!

in that case i'll have to get to work on the missing features

apologies that i've been AWOL most of the week - had a busy work schedule

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']EDIT: i have a free evening tonight - so i'll be available & adding new features over the next few hours[/span]

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #22
bogsnarth, animating drawers / sliding trays is much easier than trying to do a lid, because you can slide them behind something

like this...


if you want to animate a lid like you showed me, then it depends on where you imagine the lid going when it's open

if you imagine a 'real life' sliding lid, it can either slide up & over/under something else, or else it can slide on an arc into the skin (like a garage door)

.. in other words - i need a little more info before i can code it for you

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']Moderation: large image linked[/span]

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #23
[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']Open Projects[/span]

the following projects have been started, but not completed (for whatever reason)

anybody is free to download the files and continue working on them

you are even permitted to edit the graphics in any way

[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']1. AstAmp[/span]

a port of the winamp skin used for the AstonShell GUI replacement.
includes all graphics required

info & download:

screenshot: see image
this screenshot is half-size

[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']2. Mac Attack[/span]

something i made in a hurry and never developed.
requires more graphics (which is why i included the PSD file)

info & download:

screenshot: see image

[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']3. Albumart Frame[/span]

something i put together in a hurry to demonstrate albumart, sliding drawers & toggle display
see the info link for details of what features you can try to add

info & download:

screenshot: see image

foo_looks v2.1

Reply #24
AlbumDisplay has been updated for Foolooks 2.1. It now features a coverart only mode, so if u want coverart and don't want to use foo_looks for commands etc then u might like this. It features no text and only one small button in the bottom corner to load up the full look again (appears on mouseover only). This can most probably be hardcoded out altogether when i add in more .ski comments.

I'll post a link when a few ppl have tested it for me.

EDIT: Any suggestions why
function onrightbuttonup(this) fb2k_menuCommand('Foobar2000/Exit') end]

results in a foobar failure error?