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Topic: foo_bluetooth_ctrl (Read 48008 times) previous topic - next topic
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I just wanted to let you know that I've made a plugin for controlling your favourite music player using your favourite Symbian-based bluetooth enabled phone. I've implemented this using the Bemused protocol. The client you can find from the Bemused site runs on Nokia 7650/3650/6600/N-Gage and Sony Ericsson P800 phones.

The protocol is well defined and open, so you can use it to create a client on any bluetooth capable device.

The plugin is still in development, but all the functionality I personally use is implemented and there isn't very much functionality left to implement. It's mostly cosmetic UI-issues and code reorganisation that needs to be done.

You can download the plugin at
Sources will be released as soon as I figure out which opensource licence to choose

New version available with added functionality and much improved user interface.

New in v0.2
  • Improved user interface. Should be a bit more intuitive and actually work now
  • Setting for specifying naming format in playlist
  • Autoconnect on startup setting
  • Seeking ought to work
  • Toggle of shuffle/repeat
  • Cleaned up the console info messages
Get it here.

Have fun


Reply #1
Ofcourse I've been waiting for this plugin, but I can't seem to get it to work...
I installed Bemused on my nokia 3650 and tested it with Bemused server and plugin for Winamp, that setup worked. Bemused server connects to com3, so I figure your plugin should be able to work at that port aswell, but when I set it to com3 and hit connect, nothing seems to happen. I am using foobar 0.8beta8. Also, at the first restart, foobar said it was missing msvcp70.dll, so I got it off the net and dropped it in the foobar dir. It did stop complaining, but maybe I got the wrong version of the dll?? I hope you can help me getting it to work, cause I really don't want to use Winamp ;-)
foobar 0.8, addall 0.7.b29.001, audioscrobbler 1.2.1, bluetooth_ctrl 0.4, delete 0.7.b29.001, infobox 1.3.6a, nero 0.3.7, pl_hopper 0.1, quicktag 0.5a, setyear 0.3, syfm 2.5.5, tunes 0.1, ui_columns 0.1 beta 8, text 1.3.6a, write_http, some but not all from special installer 0.8b10


Reply #2
Nice to see someone else interested in using the plugin

I believe the problem here actually is the fact that the UI is a bit confusing at this time..

With this first version (0.1) you actually need to first set the com-port in the preferences dialog, save and close the dialog and then you need to choose Bluetooth control from the Components menu to actually start the plugin and connect.
To verify that everything started ok, open the console window and (in this case) you should see this:
INFO (foo_bluetooth_ctrl) : foo_bluetooth_ctrl: Connecting to serial port
INFO (foo_bluetooth_ctrl) : \\.\COM3
INFO (foo_bluetooth_ctrl) : Connected to serial port.
INFO (foo_bluetooth_ctrl) : Activated
INFO (foo_bluetooth_ctrl) : IO thread started

I'm sorry about this weirdness, I'll make it more user friendly for the next version..

Let me know if there still are problems.



Reply #3
The client you can find from the Bemused site runs on Nokia 7650/3650 and Sony Ericsson P800 phones.

Hehe, just noticed this copy&paste blunder.. Of course the client also works beautifully on the Nokia 6600 and should run equally well on the Nokia N-Gage. Basically any bluetooth enabled Symbian phone.
I've personally only tested the 6600 though.



Reply #5
any chance for a version made to work with the SonyEricsson T616?

A java client shouldn't be that complicated to write, but I personally won't have time to make one anytime soon. And it's not really that high up on my list of interests right now, sorry.

Maybe someone else here in the forum would be interested? A java client would be a nice way to enable most of the bluetooth enabled devices out there..



Reply #6
I was just too hasty and didn't see the entry in the Components Menu, but now it works! Only thing that doesn't here is volume control... 
foobar 0.8, addall 0.7.b29.001, audioscrobbler 1.2.1, bluetooth_ctrl 0.4, delete 0.7.b29.001, infobox 1.3.6a, nero 0.3.7, pl_hopper 0.1, quicktag 0.5a, setyear 0.3, syfm 2.5.5, tunes 0.1, ui_columns 0.1 beta 8, text 1.3.6a, write_http, some but not all from special installer 0.8b10


Reply #7
Only thing that doesn't here is volume control... 

Volume control hasn't yet been implemented, but will be in the next version. Can't give you an ETA, since I've got a couple of more pressing projects to finish at the moment..
If I know myself correctly I'll get to it as soon as I get a bit of spare time left over



Reply #8
Well I will be enjoying the work you done so far anyway. Weird thing I noticed is that SOMETIMES the filename shows up in the main Bemused screen, but mostly not. It would be a handy thing if it was the other way around, as I can't memorize all the songs being played 
foobar 0.8, addall 0.7.b29.001, audioscrobbler 1.2.1, bluetooth_ctrl 0.4, delete 0.7.b29.001, infobox 1.3.6a, nero 0.3.7, pl_hopper 0.1, quicktag 0.5a, setyear 0.3, syfm 2.5.5, tunes 0.1, ui_columns 0.1 beta 8, text 1.3.6a, write_http, some but not all from special installer 0.8b10


Reply #9
Weird thing I noticed is that SOMETIMES the filename shows up in the main Bemused screen, but mostly not.

This bug and others are (probably ) fixed in the brand spanking new, ultracool, spring water tasting, sparklingly adorable version 0.3.
Built against SDK 0.8 this time, so people still using 0.7 need to upgrade. Also released the source now, so if you're interested in getting the headache of your life, check it out!

Get it here!



Reply #10
Thanks a million for this update!
Custom playlist file-naming, shuffle, volumecontrol, what would we want more??

The filename in Bemused changes when you let Foobar play through a playlist by itself, but when you forward to the next song through Foobar, you got to hop to and fro the playlist in Bemused to see the updated filename (hmm, just checked with Bemused-server and Winamp, this seems to be a Bemused thing)

Shuffle can be turned ON via Bemused, but I can't turn it off the same way (the shufflethingie in Bemused doesn't change as it should). Also, when I choose next in Bemused, it gives me the NEXT song, not a random one. No problems if you just let Foobar play though...
Also foobar just crashed (can't reproduce..) under me whilst playing with the shuffle command...lost my db-entries...not the first time so no worries..

The steps the volumecontrol takes now are a bit big, it's ok if you want it to be quiet, but not convenient if you want to turn it up a bit.

These are my findings, thanks again for this update 
foobar 0.8, addall 0.7.b29.001, audioscrobbler 1.2.1, bluetooth_ctrl 0.4, delete 0.7.b29.001, infobox 1.3.6a, nero 0.3.7, pl_hopper 0.1, quicktag 0.5a, setyear 0.3, syfm 2.5.5, tunes 0.1, ui_columns 0.1 beta 8, text 1.3.6a, write_http, some but not all from special installer 0.8b10


Reply #11
Oooh, oooh! Guess what..
A shiny new version 0.4 was just released, so haul out the big guns and go bug hunting

The new version can be found from the same site, go bang your head against it..

The filename in Bemused changes when you let Foobar play through a playlist by itself, but when you forward to the next song through Foobar, you got to hop to and fro the playlist in Bemused to see the updated filename (hmm, just checked with Bemused-server and Winamp, this seems to be a Bemused thing)

Yup, the client asks for the total playing time, and doesn't ask for info again until that time has passed OR the user has pushed something..

Shuffle can be turned ON via Bemused, but I can't turn it off the same way (the shufflethingie in Bemused doesn't change as it should).

Thanks for noticing this bug, it's fixed in the new 0.4 release

Also, when I choose next in Bemused, it gives me the NEXT song, not a random one. No problems if you just let Foobar play though...

I made it that way, since foobar itself works like that.. But guess what? The new version 0.4 has this as a preference setting! whooptidoo, bring out the champagne

The steps the volumecontrol takes now are a bit big, it's ok if you want it to be quiet, but not convenient if you want to turn it up a bit.

Yup, I know.. The protocol supports 256 different volume levels, which is more than enough for the same resolution as the default foobar UI. However, the client jumps 20 "units" at a time which gives you ~13 actual levels.. Time to get a hackin on the client..

Have fun with the update


Reply #12
What can I say besides: "and I didn't even ask for multiple homedir input"
Thanks again for a plugin I wouldn't want to do without anymore 
foobar 0.8, addall 0.7.b29.001, audioscrobbler 1.2.1, bluetooth_ctrl 0.4, delete 0.7.b29.001, infobox 1.3.6a, nero 0.3.7, pl_hopper 0.1, quicktag 0.5a, setyear 0.3, syfm 2.5.5, tunes 0.1, ui_columns 0.1 beta 8, text 1.3.6a, write_http, some but not all from special installer 0.8b10


Reply #13

Now that I've gotten a little bit of free time from my studies I've released a new version of foo_bluetooth_ctrl.

I decided to bump the version all the way to 1.0, since I've implemented everything I set out to do in the beginning, and fixed the bugs that were reported to or found by me.

The only shiny new feature in this release is the "Always use specific playlist" setting, which lets you lock the remote controlling to a certain playlist.. Very handy feature after you've accidentally wiped a playlist a couple of times

It can be downloaded from



Reply #14
I'm not really sure if this is a Bemused bug or a foo_bluetooth_ctrl one

but here goes,

when playing a dir in bemused, all the songs add ok but the problem is that it starts playing the last song in the dir instead of the first one.

My music is stored in directory form and not in playlist files.

any possiblity that there could be an option added to the foo_bluetooth_ctrl configuration tab that could fix this problem ?

or should i get onto the bemused guys ?


A Man Eating Duck
Who are you and how did you get in here ?
I'm a locksmith, I'm a locksmith.


Reply #15
when playing a dir in bemused, all the songs add ok but the problem is that it starts playing the last song in the dir instead of the first one.

I actually had noticed this little bug a couple of times, but never given it any thought whatsoever. Weird

Well, it's fixed now in the 1.01 release. Grab it here.



Reply #16

you've made a great plugin, perfect.
Who are you and how did you get in here ?
I'm a locksmith, I'm a locksmith.


Reply #17
Looks like i spoke too soon,

looks like i've found another bug, but with 1.01 this time

there is something wrong with the bemused refresh list function,

in the foo_bluetooth_ctrl config i have entered D:\Download Music;F:\Albums for places for it to search for music.

when i refresh the list on my phone, it shows either the root of C: or the root of F:.
if i try to change the directory after the list is refreshed foobar crashes

here is the first crash log

Code: [Select]
Illegal operation:
Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 009024C2h
Access violation, operation: read, address: 00000000h
Call path:
This is the first crash logged by this instance.
Code bytes (009024C2h):
00902482h:  D2 49 00 00 8B 44 24 18 6A FF 8D 4C 24 1C FF 10
00902492h:  50 8D 4C 24 50 E8 05 4A 00 00 6A FF 68 58 A2 90
009024A2h:  00 8D 4C 24 50 E8 AC 49 00 00 8B 54 24 48 8D 4C
009024B2h:  24 48 FF 12 50 FF 15 0C A1 90 00 83 C4 04 8B E8
009024C2h:  8B 45 00 6A FF 8B CD FF 50 04 50 8D 4C 24 38 E8
009024D2h:  CB 49 00 00 8B 55 00 8B CD FF 52 0C C1 E8 04 A8
009024E2h:  01 0F 84 37 01 00 00 8B 45 00 6A 01 68 54 A2 90
009024F2h:  00 8B CD FF 50 04 50 FF 15 A0 A0 90 00 83 C4 0C
Stack (0012FC38h):
0012FC18h:  0012FDA4 7FFDE000 84A11020 0012F904
0012FC28h:  00000018 0012F92C B58F4DD8 B58F4AB8
0012FC38h:  7C001A52 00923FB0 0012FD98 00000000
0012FC48h:  00923FB0 009247A0 0090A194 00924760
0012FC58h:  00000011 00000011 00000000 00000007
0012FC68h:  0090A194 00000000 00000000 00000000
0012FC78h:  00000000 00000000 0090A194 00924780
0012FC88h:  00000018 00000018 00000000 0000000A
0012FC98h:  0012FCF4 0090950F 00000005 00902BAF
0012FCA8h:  0090A194 00924708 00000017 00000017
0012FCB8h:  00000000 00000006 0090A194 009246A8
0012FCC8h:  00000011 00000011 00000000 00000000
0012FCD8h:  0012FC1C 00000000 7C001A52 00923FB0
0012FCE8h:  00000000 0012FCC0 0012FCA8 0012FD50
0012FCF8h:  009095B0 00000000 00902FE9 0090A194
0012FD08h:  009246E8 00000017 00000017 00000000
0012FD18h:  00000006 00008000 00903C40 54534C44
0012FD28h:  00C317D2 00C3522C 54534C44 00000000
0012FD38h:  0090A194 009245F0 00000023 00000023
0012FD48h:  00000000 00000016 0012FDF0 009093C8
EAX: 00000000, EBX: 00000000, ECX: 0089D008, EDX: 00260003
ESI: 009247A0, EDI: 009247A0, EBP: 00000000, ESP: 0012FC38
Crash location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h

Loaded modules:
foobar2000                      loaded at 00400000h - 00452000h
ntdll                            loaded at 77F50000h - 77FF7000h
kernel32                        loaded at 77E60000h - 77F46000h
USER32                          loaded at 77D40000h - 77DCC000h
GDI32                            loaded at 7E090000h - 7E0D1000h
ADVAPI32                        loaded at 77DD0000h - 77E5D000h
RPCRT4                          loaded at 78000000h - 78087000h
ole32                            loaded at 771B0000h - 772D4000h
COMCTL32                        loaded at 71950000h - 71A34000h
msvcrt                          loaded at 77C10000h - 77C63000h
SHLWAPI                          loaded at 70A70000h - 70AD5000h
utf8api                          loaded at 10000000h - 1000D000h
comdlg32                        loaded at 763B0000h - 763F5000h
SHELL32                          loaded at 773D0000h - 77BC2000h
foo_albumlist                    loaded at 008D0000h - 008DA000h
foo_ape                          loaded at 008E0000h - 00900000h
foo_bluetooth_ctrl              loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
MSVCP70                          loaded at 7C080000h - 7C0F7000h
MSVCR70                          loaded at 7C000000h - 7C054000h
foo_cdda                        loaded at 00930000h - 0093E000h
foo_clienc                      loaded at 00940000h - 0094B000h
foo_console                      loaded at 00950000h - 00957000h
foo_diskwriter                  loaded at 00960000h - 00972000h
WINMM                            loaded at 76B40000h - 76B6C000h
foo_flac                        loaded at 00A00000h - 00A16000h
foo_input_std                    loaded at 00A20000h - 00AC2000h
MSACM32                          loaded at 77BE0000h - 77BF4000h
foo_masstag                      loaded at 00AD0000h - 00AE1000h
foo_null                        loaded at 00AF0000h - 00AF7000h
foo_output_asio(dll)            loaded at 00B00000h - 00B31000h
foo_output_std                  loaded at 00B50000h - 00B59000h
foo_out_dsound_ex2              loaded at 00B60000h - 00B69000h
DSOUND                          loaded at 51080000h - 510DA000h
VERSION                          loaded at 77C00000h - 77C07000h
foo_rgscan                      loaded at 00B80000h - 00B8B000h
foo_scheduler                    loaded at 00B90000h - 00BA2000h
foo_ui_columns                  loaded at 00BB0000h - 00BD3000h
foo_ui_std                      loaded at 00BE0000h - 00BF7000h
foo_vis_bacon                    loaded at 00C00000h - 00C14000h
MSVCR71                          loaded at 7C340000h - 7C396000h
foo_vis_manager                  loaded at 00C30000h - 00C38000h
uxtheme                          loaded at 5AD70000h - 5ADA4000h
Powrprof                        loaded at 74AD0000h - 74AD7000h
appHelp                          loaded at 75F40000h - 75F5F000h
CLBCATQ                          loaded at 7C890000h - 7C911000h
OLEAUT32                        loaded at 77120000h - 771AB000h
COMRes                          loaded at 77050000h - 77115000h
cscui                            loaded at 76620000h - 7666E000h
CSCDLL                          loaded at 76600000h - 7661B000h
browseui                        loaded at 71500000h - 715FD000h
SETUPAPI                        loaded at 76670000h - 76757000h
ntshrui                          loaded at 76990000h - 769B4000h
ATL                              loaded at 76B20000h - 76B35000h
NETAPI32                        loaded at 71C20000h - 71C6E000h
USERENV                          loaded at 75A70000h - 75B15000h
shdocvw                          loaded at 71700000h - 71849000h
wdmaud                          loaded at 72D20000h - 72D29000h
msacm32                          loaded at 72D10000h - 72D18000h
midimap                          loaded at 77BD0000h - 77BD7000h
KsUser                          loaded at 5EF80000h - 5EF84000h
imagehlp                        loaded at 76C90000h - 76CB2000h
DBGHELP                          loaded at 6D510000h - 6D58D000h

Stack dump analysis:
Address: 7C001A52h, location: "MSVCR70", loaded at 7C000000h - 7C054000h
Symbol: "strncmp" (+00000000h)
Address: 0090A194h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 0090A194h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 0090A194h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 0090950Fh, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 00902BAFh, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 0090A194h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 0090A194h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 7C001A52h, location: "MSVCR70", loaded at 7C000000h - 7C054000h
Symbol: "strncmp" (+00000000h)
Address: 009095B0h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 00902FE9h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 0090A194h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 00903C40h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 00C317D2h, location: "foo_vis_manager", loaded at 00C30000h - 00C38000h
Address: 00C3522Ch, location: "foo_vis_manager", loaded at 00C30000h - 00C38000h
Address: 0090A194h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 009093C8h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 00903CB2h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 00903C40h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 77D43A50h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DCC000h
Address: 00903C40h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 00903C40h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 77D43B1Fh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DCC000h
Address: 00903C40h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 77D7390Ah, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DCC000h
Symbol: "CreateAcceleratorTableA" (+0000032Dh)
Address: 77D99B68h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DCC000h
Address: 77D444F5h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DCC000h
Symbol: "PostMessageA" (+000000ADh)
Address: 00903C40h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 77D7390Ah, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DCC000h
Symbol: "CreateAcceleratorTableA" (+0000032Dh)
Address: 77D99AF8h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DCC000h
Address: 77D44525h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DCC000h
Symbol: "PostMessageA" (+000000DDh)
Address: 00903C40h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 77D43D79h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DCC000h
Symbol: "GetMessageW" (+00000125h)
Address: 77F75DA3h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 77F50000h - 77FF7000h
Symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+00000013h)
Address: 00903C40h, location: "foo_bluetooth_ctrl", loaded at 00900000h - 00911000h
Address: 77D444A8h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DCC000h
Symbol: "PostMessageA" (+00000060h)
Address: 77D43A09h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DCC000h
Address: 77D43C7Dh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DCC000h
Symbol: "GetMessageW" (+00000029h)
Address: 100036D3h, location: "utf8api", loaded at 10000000h - 1000D000h
Symbol: "uGetMessage" (+00000016h)
Address: 00412435h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 00452000h
Address: 70A9F1ABh, location: "SHLWAPI", loaded at 70A70000h - 70AD5000h
Symbol: "Ordinal125" (+00000027h)
Address: 0041021Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 00452000h
Address: 004110DCh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 00452000h
Address: 00438D25h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 00452000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 00452000h
Address: 70A9F1ABh, location: "SHLWAPI", loaded at 70A70000h - 70AD5000h
Symbol: "Ordinal125" (+00000027h)
Address: 00438D50h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 00452000h
Address: 0043C320h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 00452000h
Address: 77E814C7h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 77E60000h - 77F46000h
Symbol: "GetCurrentDirectoryW" (+00000044h)
Address: 70A9F1ABh, location: "SHLWAPI", loaded at 70A70000h - 70AD5000h
Symbol: "Ordinal125" (+00000027h)
Address: 77E94809h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 77E60000h - 77F46000h
Symbol: "SetThreadExecutionState" (+00000097h)
Address: 77E91210h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 77E60000h - 77F46000h
Symbol: "OpenConsoleW" (+0000EDBEh)
Address: 00438BF1h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 00452000h

Version info:
foobar2000 v0.8.2
------------------------------------Fixed with foobar reinstall----------------------------------------------
One more thing, the adding of dir's actually did work using 1.01 for a short while before the crashing happend, now the when you try to add dirs it doesn't work, if you have foobar open at the same time you can see life but no file are added. i've reverted back to version 1.0 and they still will not add.
if you have songs in foobar when you add a dir in bemused, those songs are removed from the list and the list remains blank.
------------------------------------Fixed with foobar reinstall----------------------------------------------

There is a short cut in bemused for you to add files (enqueue) to the playlist, number 4 on the keypad, that doesn't work.

Also the playback setting in bemused is set to play but when a file is played it gets enqueued first and then plays, shouldn't it just open the one file for playback, well thats how it worked in version 1.0. there is an option in bemused for that.

i have a feeling that the bulk of these problems are on my side anyhow, but i have reinstalled bemused on my phone.

hope it helps

Keep up the good work

EDIT: from code to codebox
Who are you and how did you get in here ?
I'm a locksmith, I'm a locksmith.


Reply #18
there is something wrong with the bemused refresh list function,

in the foo_bluetooth_ctrl config i have entered D:\Download Music;F:\Albums for places for it to search for music.

when i refresh the list on my phone, it shows either the root of C: or the root of F:.
if i try to change the directory after the list is refreshed foobar crashes

I've been trying to reproduce this without any luck. From the dump I see you're using foobar2000 v0.8.2, but what version of the bemused client are you using?
Everything is working just as it should on my equipment...
Are you able to reproduce the crash with a certain course of action? If so, would you please list each step you take so that I can try.

Also, what do you mean by "change the directory"? Do you mean changing the directory in the client?
If that's the case I really can't see how this would cause a crash, since no interaction between the client and server parts take place while browsing the structure on the client. It has to be something that has gone wrong sometime before, which would suggest that the crash is triggered by something else.

Another interesting thing to note is that the code for handling the directory listing etc. hasn't changed at all since v1.0, so if v1.0 works fine so should v1.01.

There is a short cut in bemused for you to add files (enqueue) to the playlist, number 4 on the keypad, that doesn't work.

I wasn't aware of this shortcut, and it doesn't seem to be working for me either. This is, however, an issue with the client and nothing can be done in my plugin.

Also the playback setting in bemused is set to play but when a file is played it gets enqueued first and then plays, shouldn't it just open the one file for playback, well thats how it worked in version 1.0. there is an option in bemused for that.

Seems my code said one thing and my comments in it another (schizophrenic code? ), so I followed the comments, which apparently led to changed behaviour.. If I find the other bug, or change something else, I'll change this back, but I don't think it warrants another release on it's own.



Reply #19
I've been trying to reproduce this without any luck. From the dump I see you're using foobar2000 v0.8.2, but what version of the bemused client are you using?
Everything is working just as it should on my equipment...
Are you able to reproduce the crash with a certain course of action? If so, would you please list each step you take so that I can try.

Also, what do you mean by "change the directory"? Do you mean changing the directory in the client?
If that's the case I really can't see how this would cause a crash, since no interaction between the client and server parts take place while browsing the structure on the client. It has to be something that has gone wrong sometime before, which would suggest that the crash is triggered by something else.

Another interesting thing to note is that the code for handling the directory listing etc. hasn't changed at all since v1.0, so if v1.0 works fine so should v1.01.

I am using the 1.01 release, the problem has seemed to fix its self somewhere, after i've reinstalled foobar and bemused.

by the dir listings even though i entered D:\downloaded music;F:\albums\ for the location of the music.

it would show on the phone,

C:\documents and settings\
C:\new folder\
C:\program files\
and so on
(basicly showing all the dir's and files in the C:)

say i wanted to see what files that are in the new folder dir, when i clicked on it to go into the folder, foobar crashed with the 2 posts above log.

I wasn't aware of this shortcut, and it doesn't seem to be working for me either. This is, however, an issue with the client and nothing can be done in my plugin.

Thing about this that it did work on the 1.0 release, which is a little weird.

Seems my code said one thing and my comments in it another (schizophrenic code? ohmy.gif), so I followed the comments, which apparently led to changed behaviour.. If I find the other bug, or change something else, I'll change this back, but I don't think it warrants another release on it's own.

thats cool, i understand that.
Who are you and how did you get in here ?
I'm a locksmith, I'm a locksmith.


Reply #20
Allrighty then people,

v1.02 released.

Changed the behaviour back so that if you select play on a file the playlist is replaced. I also cleaned up some stuff in the code.

Let me know if there are major bugs.



Reply #21
any chance for a version made to work with the SonyEricsson T616?

Check out [a href="]FloAt's Mobile Agent[/url]. With the CarpediWebMouse-1.3a script loaded, I can control Winamp and iTunes (among other things). Assuming you know vbscript, Foobar support should be fairly easy to implement.

(As an aside: IMO, once FMA supports Foobar and Media Player Classic, I practically won't need a keyboard anymore!)


Reply #22
Good evening,

I just released a new version of foo_bluetooth_ctrl that fixes a couple of bugs, and should increase the reliability of the plugin. Get it at the usual place

Also all those who do not own a symbian phone can try the Java™ client. I havent tried it myself, but it might be worth a shot. MIDP 2.0 phone required.

Ahve fnu.


Reply #23
Is there anyway to remove a single file from the playlist?


Reply #24
i brought a bluetooth dongle today to get this working on my p900..

I downloaded bemused, installed it on my phone..

Installed the bluetooth adapter..

connected via BT to my phone.. it connected two com ports on my machine which mapped to my phone.. serial one being 16.. using this in the bemused server or in your foobar plugin and it connects, sometimes it lights up my phone when i first connect but whenever running bemused on my phone and i go to find server.. it brings up my PC.. i click it, it scrolls a progress bar connecting, and then says failed to find bemused server..

HELP!!! is the dongle just not compatible, is it THAT fiddly? wish i'd of known if thats the case..
