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Topic: foo_looks 2.0 (RC1) (Read 289261 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #575
[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']Version 2.1 Available[/span]


1. Compiled with 0.8 SDK
2. Lua is now integrated into foo_looks and you can remove the lua dlls from the foobar folder
3. Removed "look swap" and all items associated with that functionality.  No longer useful with scripting support
4. Per pixel alpha blending with the desktop.  foo_looks is compatible with Win2K and WinXP only
5. new section window property int blendflag valid values are
  • blendflags.Opaque (use this if your look has no per pixel alpha for better speed)
  • blendflags.Alpha (required if you want to blend to desktop)
6. new rendermap flag - render.Erase used mostly for the background sprite in a look using per pixel blending to prevent "onion skin" effect
7. minor optimization to ignore spectrum data when look is not active
8. lua function change for mouse handlers - x.y passed to all mouse handlers.  Note your current handlers still work since lua is very loose about parameter passing but you must include then in the parameter list if you wish to use them.  These can be used in place of look_mouseX(), look_mouseY() in these handlers.
  • function onleftbuttondown(this,x,y)
  • function onmouseenter(this,x,y)
  • etc.
9. new parameter passed to function onplaybackstop(reason) values for reason are
  • 0 - user
  • 1 - end of file
  • 2 - new track
10. organized Components/look menu and added "looks" popup menu
11. moved all default look assets to "foo_looks\Default" folder.  You need to update your look if you are importing the file.  Also you can delete the default look assets from the foo_looks folder from previous version
12. new lua functions
  • void window_setAlpha(a) -- a is 0 to 100 - sets alpha for entire window regardless of per pixel settings and requires blendflags.Alpha
  • image look_getImage(sprite)
  • look_invalidate(sprite [spritelist])
  • {a,r,g,b} image_getPixel(image,x,y)
  • void image_setPixel(image,lookColor) -- performance issues
  • int image_getWidth(image)
  • int image_getHeight(image)

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #576
excellent work

just amending some of the new function details (getpixel was missing the x,y arguments):
  • image look_getImage(sprite) [span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']-- get the image used by sprite[/span]
  • look_invalidate(sprite) [span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']-- force redraw of sprite[/span]
  • int image_getWidth(image)
  • int image_getHeight(image)
  • table{a,r,g,b} image_getPixel(image,x,y)
  • void image_setPixel(image,x,y,look_color)[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']-- look color is packed format created with look_color() ie. look_color(255,0,0,0)[/span]
[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']note: it is not advised to use setPixel yet, as it causes massive CPU consumption[/span]

i'll be using the new getpixel functions to make a custom drag-map for my graviton progress bar

more info coming soon..

sorry danZ - i keep trying to be helpful and then stepping on your toes

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #577
excellent work

just need to correct one of the above functions. it's missing 2 arguments. should be:


i'll be using the new getpixel functions to make a custom drag-map for my graviton progress bar

more info coming soon..

Indeed.  I updated the post - thx.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #578
@danZ: I think it would be an improvement to change back to a standard layout for the preferences page. It might be "cool" looking, but IMHO it's not very user friendly. One annoying thing is if you first open "Current Looks" and then open and close "Overrides", the former will remain mostly out of view until you scroll. It's those little things that matters

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #579
@danZ: I think it would be an improvement to change back to a standard layout for the preferences page. It might be "cool" looking, but IMHO it's not very user friendly. One annoying thing is if you first open "Current Looks" and then open and close "Overrides", the former will remain mostly out of view until you scroll. It's those little things that matters

Prefs page has never gotten much attention as I'm always consumed with adding features to the actual look engine.

When I get time to spruce it up I'll get rid of the fancy control since I've had other complaints about it.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #580
small problem with foo_look 2.1:

when foobar start, if focus isn't on the first playlist tab, foobar windows isn't correctly drawing at the top left.
if i miniminise foobar to system tray and reopen, windows is correct.

question: never more swap looks?

sorry for my poor english

regards , Melomane
Music is my first love.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #581
small problem with foo_look 2.1:

when foobar start, if focus isn't on the first playlist tab, foobar windows isn't correctly drawing at the top left.
if i miniminise foobar to system tray and reopen, windows is correct.

question: never more swap looks?

sorry for my poor english

regards , Melomane

Not quite following on the drawing problem.

Regarding the swap looks it is not longer valueable with scripting.

If you simply want to "hot swap" between two looks then take a look at

Preferences->Core->Keyboard shortcuts

You will see an entry for each look in the current look folder and you can assign a hot key any of them.

Same strings can be executed in scripts if you want to make a button that "swaps" to another look.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #582
ok, i have see shortcuts, thanks!

about drawing problem:

use playlist with multiples tabs, choose second or what you want tab but not the first.
look can be enable or not.
close foobar
open foobar

on my screen foobar window isn't correctly drawed on left top
perhaps i am the only one to having this problem
Music is my first love.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #583
Not quite following on the drawing problem.

I experience this problem too. I don't think it is related to foo_looks though, but I haven't done anything to track down the cause.
The upper left corner (a square including menu and window title) is transparent/not drawn when I start foobar. I haven't bothered reporting it because I havent' had the time/motivation to remove all plugins, do a clean install and so on. As Melomane said a simple hide/show fixes it anyway. Sorry about the lack of "team spirit". 

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #584
thanks upNorth, i haven't problems of video drivers!

I think it is related to foo_looks because the problem is appeared when i have upgraded to foolook1 to 2 ; i have tried to remove foolook2 and it solve problem.
Music is my first love.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #585
I think it is related to foo_looks because the problem is appeared when i have upgraded to foolook1 to 2 ; i have tried to remove foolook2 and it solve problem.

That seems to have solved it for me too. I removed foo_looks and some other plugins (foo_columns, foo_dynamics and a few more) and the problem is gone.

Btw, foo_columns was not my active UI at the time the problem occurred.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #586
hi danZ
is it possible that your skin remebers the layout i chose?
it always loads in Standard Layout.


foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #587
hi danZ
is it possible that your skin remebers the layout i chose?
it always loads in Standard Layout.

Hi dano

remembering states/settings was classed as a b-list feature - so it was put on hold while more crucial things were coded

however, danZ still plans to add this kind of support

perhaps in version 2.2
[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']however, there is a way you can set the default appearance for the skin.
1. open the ski file in notepad and scroll down to line 54
2. this is where the default layout is set, it says: int startLayout layouts.standard
3. the choices are: mini, compact, standard, cover, tv

hope that helps.[/span]

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #588
thx tk32, that helps me

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #589
[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']Version 2.1 Available[/span]

shouldnt we be starting some new threat? to somebody like me, that needs to follow it, it is toooooooooooooooooooooo long ... 24 pages!

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #590
[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']Version 2.1 Available[/span]

shouldnt we be starting some new threat? to somebody like me, that needs to follow it, it is toooooooooooooooooooooo long ... 24 pages!

Sure I'll start one [span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']HERE[/span]

Let this thread trickle down then.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #591
I have wrote skin for foo_looks 2.1 and i do not know how I can share it.
I was on the Foo_looks 2.0 resource pages and no liknk find to share my skin.
There in gallery are not much skins and no link to fix it :| .. why ??.

I was on the page "" and i find mail adres to send my skin. But on the page are only foo_looks 1. xx skins but i send e-mail.

This is my first post not in my language hehh .... 

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #592
The thread for sharing skins, comments, and suggestions is here.

Thanks very much for contributing to the foo_looks community, and your English is not bad at all

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #593
Thank You DocUK. But I need simply answer. Is difficult to mi to read many pages in Eanglish  I can't find the right post when I click Your link. Plece write for me this few words.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #594
hi Hadda,
do you need webspace for your skin ? or do you want to announce you've made a skin for foo_looks users ? DocUK gave you a link to the thread where we all announce, discuss about foo_looks skins/looks : just add a reply at the end like you did here
and ... welcome ! i'm quite new to foo_looks skinning and english isn't my native language too 

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #598
New look:

Aero has updated his AeroAmp look which should work with any Winamp 2.X skin (provided you extract the assets from the zip file) with only slight modifications (fonts, colors, etc.).

[a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=173806"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

Erm, anyone have a valid URL to this?