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Topic: foo_looks 2.0 (RC1) (Read 289257 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #525
i am currently working on the following scripts:
  • improved playlist
  • playlist scrollbar
  • color scheme switcher*
  • impoved volume slider
  • rotational volume
  • rotational jog dial
[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']*might be skin specific[/span]

i will make them all as modular as possible, and include little guides on how to use them in your prjects [span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'](just as i did with the progBar)[/span]

please let me know if you have any suggestions on how you would like these to function, or suggest more scripts you would like to see.

as soon as i have a couple of them done, i'll start collecting all the excellent scripts that have been submitted to the foo_looks community by developers so far

my goal is to create a list of totally modular scripts that can be imported into any skin project and provide expert features to skin designers at every level of experience.

[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']examples of non-standard scripts submitted so far are:[/span]
[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'](i hope danZ doesn't mind, i've classed his set of scripts as 'standard')[/span]

progBar by tk32
[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']- my attempt at a universal progress bar that does everything that the progress bars in other mp3 players can do (and a little extra too)[/span]

textScroll by tk32
[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']- still in it's infancy, and still rather awkward to implement. i am currently thinking how to improve this one. it uses a layer mask to apply super-smooth left/right text scroll. it currently only works on rectangle skins though. (see micropanel for example)[/span]

Patchwork by UpNorth
[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']- UpNorth's impressive string concatenation script that attempts to work around the current single color/formatting restrictions of text sprites[/span]

followFB2K by desigrid
[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']- a neat way of hiding the skin when fb2k is minimized, and showing the skin when it is activated.[/span]

this is just a small example. sorry if i forgot anyone.
there are many more scripts like this available to use that do more simple tasks. you'll see them all when i create the list.
there are also more great submitted scripts, but are not yet truly modular, so i have deferred listing them until they are less skin-specific.

i'll compile the full list soon.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #526
Did I mention you have a good taste in music?

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #527
Did I mention you have a good taste in music?


foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #528
just a quick note to say i've started work on coding 'Graviton'

here's the first prototype

i'll upload an early version for you to try out tomorrow

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #529
Lame idea, support for compositing RGBA images onto the final bitmap AFTER the alpha pre-scaling, to support additive transparency. (For example, the glowing effects around the outside of the above prototype.)

Sure, maybe a bit pointless, but just another step for flashiness, heheheh.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #530

as promised, i have a 'very' early version of Graviton available to test

[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'][/span]

it's only about 30% completed so far - so please don't expect too much. and the the scripts are very dirty & messy right now.

here's a list of the most obvious missing features:
  • progress bar
  • text scroll
  • volume control
  • mini (win shade) mode
  • shuffle/repeat
expect the skin to refine in the next week

btw, i am happy to hear any code recommendations, but unfortunately i can't accept any graphical recommendations - since i am coding this based on a friend's design. [span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'](although the 'in development' sign is my own little addition  )[/span]




foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #531
[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']See through CoverArt[/span]
yes, another one cover art...

screen shoot
- Transparency when mouse isn't over
- when foobar is minimized , albumart is minimized too (use desigrid script): very important, set look always on top AND foobar minimize in the system tray (preferences/display/defaut user interface/system tray)
- very simple to change size cover, only modify one number:
int width 200

here for 200X200 size, please copy, paste and save as
cover text
Music is my first love.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #532
Now we just need drop down visualizations added to some skins, since we have the WinAMP plug-in...

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #533
just a quick note to say i've started work on coding 'Graviton'

here's the first prototype

i'll upload an early version for you to try out tomorrow

I can't wait till the finished version, its so cool looking.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #534

as promised, i have a 'very' early version of Graviton available to test

[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'][/span]

it's only about 30% completed so far - so please don't expect too much. and the the scripts are very dirty & messy right now.

here's a list of the most obvious missing features:
  • progress bar
  • text scroll
  • volume control
  • mini (win shade) mode
  • shuffle/repeat
expect the skin to refine in the next week

btw, i am happy to hear any code recommendations, but unfortunately i can't accept any graphical recommendations - since i am coding this based on a friend's design. [span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'](although the 'in development' sign is my own little addition  )[/span]




as promised, i have a 'very' early version of Graviton available to test

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #535
Lame idea, support for compositing RGBA images onto the final bitmap AFTER the alpha pre-scaling, to support additive transparency. (For example, the glowing effects around the outside of the above prototype.)

Sure, maybe a bit pointless, but just another step for flashiness, heheheh.

Hey kode54,

I'm not sure I follow.  I composite the whole buffer with alphablending support between layers and then hand off the final composited pixel data to the layered window API. 

Can you elaborate on what you were suggesting.

BTW, thanks again for helping me get the layered window stuff working - it has really increased the coolness factor of the looks.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #536

i think something went wrong with your post

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #537
My foolook always showed up like below for some reason. (WinXP) Is this a bug?

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #538
My foolook always showed up like below for some reason. (WinXP) Is this a bug?

I have the same problem...

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #539
we have been given kind permission, by SacRat, to port the AstAmp skin used in astonshell.
i've not been able to find out who the original artist was - but SacRat has told me we are free to use the graphics.

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'](the real skin is about 2x this size)[/span]

i'll get around to coding it eventually, but i'm a little busy with Graviton.

so if anyone would like to try to make a start and get as much done as they are able then i would greatly appreciate it

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'](anything you are not able to code i will add later on)[/span]

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #540
My foolook always showed up like below for some reason. (WinXP) Is this a bug?

I have some debug code in foo_looks that shows which region of the look is being redrawn by filling in the invalid region with a random color.  I used this to make sure my minimal redraw optimization was working.  This is only supposed to draw like this if you press and hold F9.  I have no idea why it would be doing it all the time.  Try pressing F9 and see if anything changes.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #541
My foolook always showed up like below for some reason. (WinXP) Is this a bug?

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #542
My foolook always showed up like below for some reason. (WinXP) Is this a bug?

I have some debug code in foo_looks that shows which region of the look is being redrawn by filling in the invalid region with a random color.  I used this to make sure my minimal redraw optimization was working.  This is only supposed to draw like this if you press and hold F9.  I have no idea why it would be doing it all the time.  Try pressing F9 and see if anything changes.

No, pressing F9 doesn"t do anything, still showing an empty colour-box.... 

Hum, I don't really know what could cause this - do you have F9 assigned as a hot key in foobar or any other program?  What happens if you open another look? Just grasping for ideas.

I'll remove this code in the next release and leave it only in my debug builds.

Sorry for the trouble.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #543
you could also try reinstalling GDI+ & making a copy of the gdi.dll in the foobar dir

i saw a problem like this before - it was because the user had previously installed some windows shell replacement (styleXP?), and it screwed around with things

he said it looked this this:

it was fixable though. and not the fault of foo_looks

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #544
quick note..

i updated Graviton & added my first attempt at the slightly complicated volume bar script

the textscroll & progress bar are still to be implemented, as is the winshade mode

feedback on using the volume bar would be appreciated though - let me know how i can improve it

the most important question is..
'shall i keep it as a sliding bar, or should i only allow the L.E.D's to fully be on/off. if i adjust the code to work based on the lights it will restrict the control of the volume to only 11 different positions [span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'](each LED marks ~9%)[/span]. what do you think?'

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']p.s. don't try to use any of my code in your own skins, as it is very experimental & bound to be drastically improved with each update[/span]

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #545
quick note..

i updated Graviton & added my first attempt at the slightly complicated volume bar script

the textscroll & progress bar are still to be implemented, as is the winshade mode

feedback on using the volume bar would be appreciated though - let me know how i can improve it

the most important question is..
'shall i keep it as a sliding bar, or should i only allow the L.E.D's to fully be on/off. if i adjust the code to work based on the lights it will restrict the control of the volume to only 11 different positions [span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'](each LED marks ~9%)[/span]. what do you think?'

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']p.s. don't try to use any of my code in your own skins, as it is very experimental & bound to be drastically improved with each update[/span]

You might consider to keep it as a drag but only turn on whole LED graphics.  That is, the led would only come on after the threshold for the LED was met.  So, some minor volume changes might not show up visually unless the volume changes enough to turn on/off a whole LED.

So set the width of the lED display sprite on fixed increments only and use the 9% threshold deciding when to turn one on/off.

Just and idea.  Looks awesome overall.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #546
the most important question is..
'shall i keep it as a sliding bar, or should i only allow the L.E.D's to fully be on/off. if i adjust the code to work based on the lights it will restrict the control of the volume to only 11 different positions [span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'](each LED marks ~9%)[/span]. what do you think?'

Half filled leds doesn't look good to me. How about you keep the slider as is, but make the leds turn on for every 9%? Is that an option?

Btw: I don't use the volume dsp, so it won't matter to me anyway.

Edit: Seems like my idea wasn't that original 

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #547
I agree with danZ and upNorth about the half-filled/fully-filled LED. Like them, I think the slider should remain, as it's rather intuitive for most people to slide their mouse across volume controls.

Another thing I would personally prefer would be that the lighted up rollover LED (the brightest) follows the mouse. Currently, if you mouseover a particular LED, clicked, and slide, the first-clicked LED remains lighted up. I tried to see if this behaviour could be changed by making changes to core_led1's statemap, but it didn't seem to work.

Overall, great job with the look! Very impressed

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #548
thanks for the comments

it seems the statemap get's stuck in press mode while i'm dragging

i might try to remove the statemap altogether and do that part using onmouseenter/leave

i'll start work on making full LED changes tonight


foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #549
thanks for the comments

it seems the statemap get's stuck in press mode while i'm dragging

i might try to remove the statemap altogether and do that part using onmouseenter/leave

i'll start work on making full LED changes tonight


Yes, while the mouse is down after pressing a sprite the mousestates are frozen as the clicked sprite has "captured" the input.

Doing custom handling of the graphics is probably the only way.  Or did you try setting the press statemap graphic to the same offset as the normal state???