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Topic: foo_looks 2.0 (RC1) (Read 289260 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #500

the rotational knob script you 'borrowed' from hand orb is a prototype

it's not finished yet

but i think your problem of it starting without a light can be fixed

ignore my previous solution - don't set a currentStep

instead change the onattach function to this:

Code: [Select]
function onattach(this)
 local rect = look_getRect(this)
 local initSrcY = look_getSrcY(this) + (currentStep * rect.height)
 minY = -steps
 maxY = steps - 1

i wrote the script assuming that the first 'state' was located at (0,0) since i was using a seperate graphic file for the knob positions

..alternatively, you could wait for me to update the script

i'll keep you informed of when i update it to be fully usable

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #501
awesome.. thanks

now the look starts with the LED in the left-most position.. but i can still turn it down one step which makes the led disappear.. :/

i'm not too worried about it though.. the knob's just for show until i get that code from you

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #502
bogsnarth, I saw you were asking for assistance in the foobar2000 channel on Freenode. I was not at the computer at 5am, but if you (or anyone else) need quick answers, feel free to query me there.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #503
dockuk u done with modifying the skin yet?

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #504
dockuk u done with modifying the skin yet?

what did you want him to modify??

i might be able to help

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #505
for his skin, carbon i asked him to please make it so that the right click on the close button closes foobar and left click closes the look

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #506
for his skin, carbon i asked him to please make it so that the right click on the close button closes foobar and left click closes the look

ok, i'll let him do that

i don't want to start distributing unofficial versions of his skin

he might not like it

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #507
I only want to release new versions when significant changes have been made to the look, or after a while. Furthermore, if you absolutely crave new features, you can modify it yourself.

Also, I don't really want others releasing unofficial versions of the look.


foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #508
as part of my everlasting mission to recruit new skin designers, i am providing yet another basic skin graphic in the hope of generating some interest

so far nobody has decided to take up my homework challenge for the albumart frame skin i posted a few days ago

this one is loosely based on the mac os interface - but i've kept it very simple to encourage you to use some thought of your own

these skins i am submitting are basic & under-developed for a reason - they are only meant to provide some inspiration for other people to go and add to them.
if i did too much work on design & polishing - there wouldn't be enough ways to make it your own!

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']btw, nice rollover & press effects on the buttons[/span]

download here:

the zip file contains the png/ski combo, as well as the original .PSD file (with layers intact)

unfortunately - you will need Adobe Photoshop CS to open the PSD (sorry)

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #509
i actually did start working on the first "homework" project you posted, but i got distracted and forgot about it... so far all i've done is add a neat little progress/scroll bar beween the slide-up screen and the song info box.. i'll see if i can design and implement some playback control buttons for it.. then maybe i'll think about tackling one of the intermediate ones

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #510
i actually did start working on the first "homework" project you posted, but i got distracted and forgot about it... so far all i've done is add a neat little progress/scroll bar beween the slide-up screen and the song info box.. i'll see if i can design and implement some playback control buttons for it.. then maybe i'll think about tackling one of the intermediate ones

thanks for keeping the hope alive bogsnarth


any problems let me know

LUA scripting is great fun - trust me

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #511
docuk, is there anyway u can help me modify ur skin to include that feature? i really love ur skin but that missing feature is the only complaint i have against it,thx

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #513
docuk, is there anyway u can help me modify ur skin to include that feature? i really love ur skin but that missing feature is the only complaint i have against it,thx

Have some patience. I will release the skin when it is ready. YOu have told me numerous times that you want the feature, so shush.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #514
as part of my everlasting mission to recruit new skin designers, i am providing yet another basic skin graphic in the hope of generating some interest

Just to show some interest I'll post a preview called "concept", as that's what it is. I decided to start coding and leave the eyecandy for later. It is a skin that is supposed to "hang" at the top of the screen. It features albumart and a slide down playlist. That's pretty much it for now. It currently looks like this:

Edit: forgot the link 

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #515
nice.. i really like the long playlist.. how did you manage to slide out such a large panel? using tiles to draw the borders??

btw, just thought i'd point out i'm using your "dynamic" formatting string in the screenshot for my look..  i meant to make note of it when i posted but i guess it slipped my mind..

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #516
excellent work UpNorth

it's great to have a creative mind like yours on the team - your common sense & innovative ideas are very refreshing

the skin is awesome - and i'll enjoy seeing it improve further bit by bit [span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'](although i love it's current simplicity)[/span]

i'm loving the patchwork script. ingenious!

and i'm very impressed that you got relative positioning working


[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']btw, i did notice some 4-value srcoff's still in the code (playlist gfx section). tut tut![/span]

if there are any tasks you would like to delegate to me, then just ask. (however, don't be surprised if i start asking you for advice now)

i'll be glad to assist in any way

this is getting exciting now - thanks to URMEL/anza/bogsnarth/desigrid/UpNorth for sharing

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #517
It currently looks like this:


with playlist

I like it a lot! Keep up the good work.

Maybe a choice of colour schemes though? Purple isn't my flavor. Some nice blue or green would be awesome.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #518
speaking of which

i was devising a plan to support colour schemes via colour overlays

this skin might be a good one to try it out on


alternatively, people could just open up the png in photoshop and colorize it to their favorite hue

i'll type up some instructions of the best way to do it if necessary

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #519
First of all thanks for all the positive feedback 

@bogsnarth: I haven't looked into tiling yet. If you have a look at that png, you will see that the whole playlist is one piece. To make this possible I just modified danZ's sliding script slightly and added resizing of the window rect. I was alot easier than I feared at first (all the credit for making it easy goes to danZ).

i'm loving the patchwork script. ingenious!

and i'm very impressed that you got relative positioning working
The current patchwork script is pretty hardcoded. I hope I can make it more versatile and make scrolling possible too.

Concerning the relative positioning, I had big plans for it. I started out by making everything relative, and I worked, at least sort of. I think the main problem is that it's not very efficient to use it for everything, and the other problem I faced was timing. The latter might be because I don't have the full understanding of everything yet, but it was very frustrating. It's great for e.g. the text to the right of the albumart in my look though. And I might extent it like I planed to (the "figure" in my common file).

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']btw, i did notice some 4-value srcoff's still in the code (playlist gfx section). tut tut![/span]
My trademark    I feel like I was really underestimating danZ when I did that stupid mistake 

if there are any tasks you would like to delegate to me, then just ask.
Further improvment of the progress bar would be nice. All the features from "micropanel" would be a nice addition. I don't see any reason to try to "reinvent the wheel", so if you like to improve the one you made, that I'm currently using, I would be happy to.

I'm hoping to be able to have a resizable playlist some time. One problem I'm aware of is to be able to add more lines to the playlist display dynamically. If it could just fill in lines in a given rect, with a given fontsize, it would be perfect. I don't know how easy that is to implement though. I have just thought about it and not tried anything.

(however, don't be surprised if i start asking you for advice now)
We're not there just yet 

Btw: I like the idea of color overlays.

@DocUK: I guess purple is a little too girly. It just happend to turn out that way
It's just a few things I would like to do, before using time on the graphics again.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #520
ok, until i get time to work on a 'code-based color-scheme switcher' i've made some alternative source graphics for UpNorth's excellent new 'concept' skin

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']Note to UpNorth: all i did was add a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer on top of everything and played with the Hue/Sat/Light levels[/span]

to use the custom schemes, download the zip file and extract any or all of the graphics to -


to use a custom graphic, you will need to open the and change the image filename (very simple)

for example - to use color scheme 02, then you would need to use:

Code: [Select]
section globals
string image "concept/concept_02.png"

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']Note: you may need to change some of the purple text colors to get the best results[/span]


LOL - i totally forgot about the purple filled text display when the mouse leaves the skin! guess this makes my graphics kind of useless


perhaps i can get UpNorth to use part of the graphics as a background instead of filling it with the default purple color. that would solve it.

sorry for wasting your time guys - i'll get on to a code-based color scheme switcher right away.

let this be a lesson to you all... shortcuts & hacks don't always pay off!!

one last tip:

use this online javascript color picker when choosing RGB colors for your skins.
it works just like the one in Photoshop, but doesn't require you to load the rest of that huge piece of software.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #521
i've updated my progBar script as requested

[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'][/span]

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'](note: i dropped the Mk1 bullshit)[/span]

it now supports 'right-click scanning' [span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'](as featured in micropanel)[/span]:
  • right-click anywhere in the progress bar, and the track will scan in 2% increments until it reaches the cursor position
  • if you wish, continue pressing the RMB and drag left/right to scan in that direction
  • tap the RMB for short burst increments of 2-4%
for more info, read the original post

the only change i may decide to make to this feature is to code a better increment calculator [span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'](for example, one that changes depending on distance from the cursor)[/span] but this will be transparent to users & developers, so don;t worry.

to use the script in your own skins, open the ski and read the install guide at the beginning. here is a transcript:

usage guide:
[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']first of all, make sure you have correctly saved the file into your skin folder.
then start by importing the script into your current skin project using the following import command:[/span]

Code: [Select]

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']to attach the script properly, you will need a total of 2 sprites (3 if you want a grip)[/span]

Step 1.
[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']the first sprite is the visible 'bar', or 'fill',  of the progress bar.
it can be a graphic, a fill, or even invisible (if you only want the grip to show).

important notes:
  - this sprite never recieves mouse input (so we use 'bool enabled false')
  - the width of this sprite should be set to 0 (the script will update the width automatically)

here is an example:[/span]
Code: [Select]
sprite progBar
bool enabled false
list rect int { 10 60 0 22 }
list rendermap int { render.fill }
list fillcolor int { 150 150 150 150 }

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']notes:
to use a graphical progbar, you need to do 2 additional things:
- change the rendermap to render.image
- add the srcoff coordinates[/span]

Step 2.
[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']the second sprite will be an invisible outline of whole width of the bar, and will be the part that receives clicks & movement from the mouse. so our script will be attached to this sprite.

important notes:
  - this sprite will be invisible
  - this sprite have a set width of the entire progress bar
  - the script will be attached to this sprite
  - we can include the previous sprite to save us repeating some values
  - when attaching the script, we must tell it the name of our 'bar' sprite (as above)

here is my sprite as an example (i've chosen to use an added gray border):[/span]
Code: [Select]
sprite progBox
string include progBar
int width 216
list rendermap int { render.border }
int borderwidth 1
list bordercolor int { 150 150 150 150 }
list scripts string { "tk32_progBar[bar=progBar]" }

Step 3.
[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%']to add a grip, simply add a basic grip sprite like this:[/span]

Code: [Select]
sprite progGrip
bool enabled false
list rect int { 10 60 38 22 }
list srcoff int { 12 217 }

[span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'](note that this sprite is disabled too, since we don't want it to receive mouse commands)

lastly, we need to change the script arguments in the 'box' sprite (step 2) so that it looks like this:[/span]

Code: [Select]
list scripts string { "tk32_progBar[bar=progBar grip=progGrip]" }


please let me know if you have any problems or find any bugs


foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #522
@tk32: Nice work!  No reason for me to get into progress bar coding when you do such a good job 

How about you do "the same thing" for the playlist? I already use your playlist script, but if it could be imported and "operated" without touching the code, it would be even better IMHO.
Something like this:
Code: [Select]
list scripts string { "playlist[pln = { ple_1, ple_2, ple_3, ple_4 }]" }

If so, I have some ideas:
-Stop scrolling after the last track in playlist.
-If another tab is selected and it has fewer tracks than the previous, scroll to make the last tracks visible (fill playlist) if outside the range of tracks in the new tab.
-Fix this small bug: If you highlight the track being played and then a different one, the playing track tends to remain hightlighted untill you scroll.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #523
@tk32: Nice work!  No reason for me to get into progress bar coding when you do such a good job 

How about you do "the same thing" for the playlist? I already use your playlist script, but if it could be imported and "operated" without touching the code, it would be even better IMHO.
Something like this:
Code: [Select]
list scripts string { "playlist[pln = { ple_1, ple_2, ple_3, ple_4 }]" }

If so, I have some ideas:
-Stop scrolling after the last track in playlist.
-If another tab is selected and it has fewer tracks than the previous, scroll to make the last tracks visible (fill playlist) if outside the range of tracks in the new tab.
-Fix this small bug: If you highlight the track being played and then a different one, the playing track tends to remain hightlighted untill you scroll.

The playlist script is actually something I threw together for the default look (which is looking pretty crappy these days compared to all the new stuff).  tk32 used that in his look and now you've used it in yours.  If tk32 is up for it I'd suggest the same thing - split it out into its own import file and make it more robust.  At the time it was mostly just a proof of concept that a playlist could be scripted so I'm sure there is lots of room for improvement.

The improvements you suggested would be pretty easy I just didn't tackle them when doing the default look because of other priorities.

foo_looks 2.0 (RC1)

Reply #524
i've been procrastinating working on the playlist script for a long time

since it woked 'ok' i always found more exciting tasks

but it's definitely time to make it neater & easier to use & customize

i'll make a start tonight