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Topic: Newbie in NYC wants to hire audio guru (Read 3300 times) previous topic - next topic
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Newbie in NYC wants to hire audio guru

Hi folks -- I've tried to do this on my own, but I'm a bit of a luddite so it's come to this:

I would like to hire someone in the NY area who can guide me through the process of ripping and archiving my CD collection (~1500 CD's) to an external 250 GB drive.  I would like to use a combination of lossless (FLAC or Monkey's Audio) and MP-3. Ideally, I'd like to find someone who's familiar with the basics of ripping, encoding, compression, normalization and knows how to use FLAC, Monkey's Audio, MP3Gain, EAC, Lame, RazorLame and Foobar2000.

I am on a PC, with XP Home Edition. Please contact me if you're interested.

Thanks in advance, Michael

Newbie in NYC wants to hire audio guru

Reply #1
I would like to hire someone in the NY area who can guide me through the process of ripping and archiving my CD collection

erm ...

you know that you don't need to hire anyone for giving you information around here ? This is definitely the place where you can get all the info you need - for free.

The name was Plex The Ripper, not Jack The Ripper

Newbie in NYC wants to hire audio guru

Reply #2
2nd free advice

-using a lossless format on 1 CD will probably give you a file about 250MB (conservative estimate)
- After formating a 250GB HD you are probably looking at about 235 GB actual storage space
- Therefore you would only get about 900 CDs on it without any in mp3 format
-You should also consider whether you want to back up all this information.

But I could do with some extra coin, if you want to fedex it to canada 

Newbie in NYC wants to hire audio guru

Reply #3
Hi folks -- I've tried to do this on my own, but I'm a bit of a luddite so it's come to this:

I would like to hire someone in the NY area who can guide me through the process of ripping and archiving my CD collection (~1500 CD's) to an external 250 GB drive.  I would like to use a combination of lossless (FLAC or Monkey's Audio) and MP-3. Ideally, I'd like to find someone who's familiar with the basics of ripping, encoding, compression, normalization and knows how to use FLAC, Monkey's Audio, MP3Gain, EAC, Lame, RazorLame and Foobar2000.

I am on a PC, with XP Home Edition. Please contact me if you're interested.

Thanks in advance, Michael

I am capable of setting up EAC for a perfect rip, with CUE sheets using a Plextor drive & encoding to any lossless or lossy format, replaygain, normalization, scan covers if wanted, I have all the needed software+hardware & would do this for free, just as long the person supplied the HDD or CD-R's to back-up thier collection & gave me some time however I live in Melbourne, Australia. Anyone who live's in the area & interested, PM me. 


Newbie in NYC wants to hire audio guru

Reply #4
Please do not offer these kind of things, i see possible copyright violations. To the original poster: Search and read on this forum, and you'll find every answer you need.