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Topic: How to PLAY dts-waves ? (Read 14477 times) previous topic - next topic
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How to PLAY dts-waves ?

Hey there,

I have an ASUS A7N8X-deluxe mobo, and logitech Z680 speakers.  The Z680s have DTS decoding built right in - when i'm playing a DVD with a DTS audio track, I simply tell the player to output straight to SPDIF, and my speakers correctly autodetect the DTS and play it wonderfully.

I now have a bunch of DTS-wave files on my comp. The closest I can get to playing them is running wav2dts on them and then playing in PowerDVD5, but then it sounds like the chipmunks in 5.1 - I surmise that PowerDVD5 is playing at 48khz, when the source is 44.1khz...

I've tried installing and ... But neither seemed to do anything. I read somewhere that one has to install other filters also? Or something along this manner.  Thing is - I don't need to change the encodings of these files! I just want to output them straight to SPDIF.  How do I do this? I'd like to do it in winamp2 if possible, but i've also grabbed foobar2000 in case that helps.



How to PLAY dts-waves ?

Reply #1
try using a DirectShow Player.

after "wav2dts" or "DTS Parser", i use :
"ActiveMovie ActiveX Control" or "Windows Media Player 9"
and "" and "Cyberlink Audio Decoder" (from PowerDVD 5 Deluxe) never worked for me, work fine.

How to PLAY dts-waves ?

Reply #2
try using a DirectShow Player.

after "wav2dts" or "DTS Parser", i use :
"ActiveMovie ActiveX Control" or "Windows Media Player 9"
and "" and "Cyberlink Audio Decoder" (from PowerDVD 5 Deluxe) never worked for me, work fine.

Ok, but what do you play it with? You mention WMP9, I have tried WMP8 (refuse to install 9), and Zoom Player - ZP is DirectShow; both do the same thing, they just sit indefinitely at 00:00 of any .dts file i've made with wav2dts (and i've tried a few). I have installed, and Cyberlink Audio Decoder is there also.


How to PLAY dts-waves ?

Reply #3
i use ActiveMovie to play everything :
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe c:\windows\system32\amovie.ocx,RunDll

sometimes, files converted with "wav2dts" do not work,
use "DTS Parser" with "Rebuild Stream"
BeSplit.exe -core( -input xxx.wav -output yyy.dts -type dtswav -fix )

How to PLAY dts-waves ?

Reply #4
i use ActiveMovie to play everything :
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe c:\windows\system32\amovie.ocx,RunDll

I do not have this amovie.ocx file. What's that from?


How to PLAY dts-waves ?

Reply #5
i use ActiveMovie to play everything :
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe c:\windows\system32\amovie.ocx,RunDll

I do not have this amovie.ocx file. What's that from?


it came with windows 98 and windows ME
it work fine on windows xp

How to PLAY dts-waves ?

Reply #6
Well, after some researches and obscure threads that in most cases don't resolve the question, here is the definitive :

[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']GUIDE TO PLAY DTS-RIPPED CD WITH WINAMP[/span]

[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']Software Needed :[/span]

- Winamp Latest Version Full Package

- Ac3 Filter

- Dts Source Filter

- DTS Parser

[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']Installation :[/span]

1) Install Winamp with Full Options

2) Install AC3 Filter

3) Unpack Dts Source Filter, and then from DOS Prompt :

regsvr32 <path>/

replacing <path> with the full path of the unpacked directory

4) Unpack DTS Parser

[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']Usage :[/span]

1) Start Winamp

2) Go to :

Options -> Preferences -> Plug-Ins -> Input -> Nullsoft DirectShow Decoder

3) Click to configure the plugin

4) Add to the extension list the word "dts" (without quotes) and then OK.

5) Start DTS Parser

6) Enable the "Rebuild Stream" Option

7) Choose the Dts ripped ".wav" file with the button "DTS File..."

8) The program will produce a ".fixed.dts" file

9) Drag the .fixed.dts file to Winamp Playlist

10) Click Play

[span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%']ENJOY! [/span]