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Topic: Albumart support of foo_looks (Read 6622 times) previous topic - next topic
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Albumart support of foo_looks

From ver 1.08 foo_looks can show albumart.
Until 1.08 come, I was not interested in this component,Because If i need to see skin with audio player,I just use winamp or QCD.
But now I like foo_looks very much.I can enjoy playing music with albumart very simply.thanks you for good change.
I find one problem.foo_looks can't read albumarts embedded in ID3tag by iTunes for windows.
I wish next update will fix this problem.

Now I use but this one was not nice for me.
I need to modified but I don't understand strings well.
I have some question

1 Can I background be made transparent when the album art is not specified?
2 I wan to add right-click menu to order>shffule and "shuffle album"
How can I do this?

Now I can't find good skin for albumart.So I am waiting for somebody make cool skin for showing albumart.

Albumart support of foo_looks

Reply #1
Never thought I would say this, but I like albumart too. 
My only problem is that I can't find a good way to use it. I only have a 1024x768 screen resolution and I simply can't make room for it. It would be great if albumart could pop up at a specified place only if a picture is found. If it could be "on top of foobar" but not true "always on top" it would be even better. In fact what I would like is the ability to run two looks at the same time, one "always on top" as in this screenshot and another one that shows on top of foobar when foobar is in focus and a picture is present.

This may be a little too much to ask, but I thought I could at least share my view. I will still use foo_looks all the time anyway

Btw: If I'm not mistaken foo_looks still has a problem with "sticky" transparent areas. I once tried to make a look that had a large transparent area most of the time, but not on mouseover (grew on mouseover). IIRC the problem was to get back to transparent. If this is possible now, or it can be solved, I guess I could use that as a workaround.

Albumart support of foo_looks

Reply #2
Never thought I would say this, but I like albumart too. 
My only problem is that I can't find a good way to use it. I only have a 1024x768 screen resolution and I simply can't make room for it. It would be great if albumart could pop up at a specified place only if a picture is found. If it could be "on top of foobar" but not true "always on top" it would be even better. In fact what I would like is the ability to run two looks at the same time, one "always on top" as in this screenshot and another one that shows on top of foobar when foobar is in focus and a picture is present.

This may be a little too much to ask, but I thought I could at least share my view. I will still use foo_looks all the time anyway

Btw: If I'm not mistaken foo_looks still has a problem with "sticky" transparent areas. I once tried to make a look that had a large transparent area most of the time, but not on mouseover (grew on mouseover). IIRC the problem was to get back to transparent. If this is possible now, or it can be solved, I guess I could use that as a workaround.

If you really want to you can copy the foo_looks.dll, say to foo_looks2.dll and both will load with foobar allowing you to have two different looks active at the same time.

Albumart support of foo_looks

Reply #3
It would be great if albumart could pop up at a specified place only if a picture is found. If it could be "on top of foobar" but not true "always on top" it would be even better. In fact what I would like is the ability to run two looks at the same time, one "always on top" as in this screenshot and another one that shows on top of foobar when foobar is in focus and a picture is present.

Forgive me if this has since been discussed elsewhere, I am aware this thread is a couple of weeks old.  I too would really like the option for a look window to be on top when Foobar has the focus but not when other applications have focus or foobar2000 is minimized.


Albumart support of foo_looks

Reply #4
It would be great if albumart could pop up at a specified place only if a picture is found. If it could be "on top of foobar" but not true "always on top" it would be even better. In fact what I would like is the ability to run two looks at the same time, one "always on top" as in this screenshot and another one that shows on top of foobar when foobar is in focus and a picture is present.

Forgive me if this has since been discussed elsewhere, I am aware this thread is a couple of weeks old.  I too would really like the option for a look window to be on top when Foobar has the focus but not when other applications have focus or foobar2000 is minimized.

I used to make foo_looks a child of foobar2000 window which gives this behavior.  I'll see about making it a config option

Meanwhile it could probably be done with my new Lua scripting support in the beta if I add some bindings for hiding/showing foo_looks window and if (the developer formerly incorrectly known as z^6) PP would add some kind of UI callbacks so I could know when the main UI is moved, focused, minimized, etc.

The foo_looks ablumart skin could hide/show in repsonse to foobar UI events and also in response to if album art is available, etc.

Albumart support of foo_looks

Reply #5
this is answering the old questions - AlbumDisplay v0.1 displays albumart and has a swappable minimode. v0.2 is ready for release when danZ releases Foo_looks 1.11 (ie not Beta) and i'm working on a skin currently which has toggable albumart,  so u can choose when to show it.

@danZ - the new config options sound interesting