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Topic: mp3PRO ACM? (Read 5193 times) previous topic - next topic
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Hi there!
I'm just interesting is there any chance to have [in future maybe]
some ACM decoder for mp3pro?
That's why... I've encoded some stuff with Nero in mp3pro but WMP shows like it's in half of real sampling frequency [48kHz becomes 24, 44k -> 22k...] I've tried to encode audio tracks with mp3pro and put them into avi files [music videos].
I didn't actualy get does WMP realy plays mp3pro content on half freq or just indicates so.
So does someone developing such thing or have in plans? Did anyone hear something about?


Reply #1
Originally posted by ak
Hi there!
I'm just interesting is there any chance to have [in future maybe]
some ACM decoder for mp3pro?
That's why... I've encoded some stuff with Nero in mp3pro but WMP shows like it's in half of real sampling frequency [48kHz becomes 24, 44k -> 22k...] I've tried to encode audio tracks with mp3pro and put them into avi files [music videos].
I didn't actualy get does WMP realy plays mp3pro content on half freq or just indicates so.
So does someone developing such thing or have in plans? Did anyone hear something about?

MP3Pro files are actually MP3 files at half the rate + some proprietary extensions. WMP is playing the MP3 parts.



Reply #2
mp3PRO throws out alot of high-frequency information, and leaves some indicators in the bitstream that let it 'rederive' the missing information on decode. Since WMP doesn't include that functionality, all you're going to hear is the raw mp3 data.