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Topic: foo_infobox (Read 172749 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #51
The link to the zip file on doesn't work for me either.  Error message "The web page might have been removed or had its name changed" on Firebird.

But the non-zipped version on is fine.


Reply #52
It seem I must find other webhost.That's headache. 

off topic
Does anybody know where could find a good free webhost?

Edit:correct some words
Thanks for tolerating my bad english


Reply #53
Thanks very much for such a useful plug-in

First link worked fine.

Second link didn't work.  Server name resolved OK but the IP address didn't respond to a ping.
Master of Fate. By Fate Mastered


Reply #54

(hope these link work for most people)

-moved "override codepage","change focus","follow cursor" and "prev&next mode" into new config page;and whether or not displaying those items in dialog are optional
-added "sort other meta fields" option
-added a button for font setting in config page
-rearranged some button in window,added a button for opening config page

edit:for your information,the dll link in first post of this thread has been updated to v1.3.1 also.


Reply #55
One word: Great!


Reply #56
Another word: Great! 

The first link didn't work for me.


Reply #57
Another word: Great!  

The first link didn't work for me.

Thanks for report
Hosting problem is painful for me


Reply #58
Same here.  First link is NG.  It looks like a referer problem, i.e. you can't link directly from any page except the member's page.

Thanks again for the plug-in.
Master of Fate. By Fate Mastered


Reply #59
It seem I must find other webhost.That's headache. 

off topic
Does anybody know where could find a good free webhost?

Try this search engine, or pick one from this list.

Good luck!
Over thinking, over analyzing separates the body from the mind.


Reply #60
... thanks a lot for the new infobox! It works great!


Reply #61
Thanks, too, especially for tag sorting: I really love it.

I just noticed a small difference between foo_infobox and the official one.
Fields name are not necessary showed in upper-case. For exemple, I have:

composer = Mozart

with the official info box, same files informations are :

This doesn't annoy me; feel free to correct it, or not
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Reply #62
whoa, great plugin; foobar's default infobox blew me away in comparison to the ones i used before switching to foobar (mostly winamp- fav used to be the winamp ogg infobox), but this one takes the cake~ ^^

just some minor suggestions (using 1.3.1 with Foobar v0.7.2 beta 6):
+ whenever I first open the infobox, it always initially highlights the Title and Genre fields (although I can sorta see the point for Title, I don't see how it'd be useful for Genre) maybe bug?
+ maybe change the order of the fields a bit; it might be better to have the ordering follow what most taggers do (in this case, slightly moving Date, Genre, and Track), i.e.
Title _____
Artist _____
Album _____  Track _____
Date _____  Genre _____
Comment _____

+ stretch the Date field just a bit more. that way, dates entered in the form YYYY-MM-DD can be displayed entirely (again, if the date field moved with the Genre line instead of Album, then there would be more than enough space as the space for Genre isn't nearly as important as Album)

+ move the "edit", "add new", and "remove" buttons to the same line as the "Other meta fields". I don't think it'd hurt that much to make the default width just a bit longer so that it wouldn't cover the "Other meta fields" title, and even if you wanted to resize it smaller, just covering it wouldn't really hurt (the default foobar infobox does this, for example).

+ aw, I was kinda fond of the more-accurate display of the Length (i.e. 2:52.093 as opposed to 2:52). maybe it's just me though :p

+ some alternate space-saving naming:
> "Track number" -> "Track #" or just "Track" (I don't think anyone can confuse what "Track" is :p)
> "Undo change" -> "Undo" (really obvious)
> "Reload info from file" -> "Reload info" or "Reload" (I don't know about this one :p)

+ maybe change file size notations? ("MB" -> "MiB", "KByte" -> "KiB") <- again, I don't know about this. these abbreviations are the recent IEC standard, but I haven't seen them used elsewhere besides BitTorrent tracker sites ;p

of course, everything's up to you. everyone else, feel free to post comments to the above suggestions.

keep up the great work! (and THANK YOU for the tag sorting <3) :D

Edit: SI -> IEC. sorry 'bout that :p (thanks to foosion for pointing that out)
f to c to f to c


Reply #63
Thanks, too, especially for tag sorting: I really love it.

I just noticed a small difference between foo_infobox and the official one.
Fields name are not necessary showed in upper-case. For exemple, I have:

composer = Mozart

with the official info box, same files informations are :

This doesn't annoy me; feel free to correct it, or not

It happens when you reload info from file, but not for all tags :

I don't know if it's the same for everyone though.


Reply #64
Very Good Plugin.

Thanks for your work.


Reply #65
these abbreviations are the recent SI standard, but I haven't seen them used elsewhere besides BitTorrent tracker sites ;p

Perhaps because they're not an SI but rather an IEC standard? At least the page you linked clearly says so:
It is important to recognize that the new prefixes for binary multiples are not part of the International System of Units (SI), the modern metric system.



Reply #66

-most of Silverbolt's suggestions have been applied,too lazy to list them all 
and thank you,Silverbolt
-added "multi-edit" button.
If you were using new 0.7.2beta,you could click this button to open new default "multiple items" file info box

Still haven't found a good webspace,so I uploaded it to
Hmm...I'm missing new dynamic 3rd party plugins site 

download link:foo_infobox.dll

Edit: added a mirror link


Reply #67
great plugin!

i would like buttons for copying info to clipboard:
- filename
- directory
- full filename (path + filename)

i know i can do this using copy info comman, however these could still come handy


Reply #68
Is the project dead?


Reply #69
This plugin seems great. Is it possible to include this in the special version of Foobar at least? I think it could easily replace the default one. Just came right when I needed it.
The object of mankind lies in its highest individuals.
One must have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.


Reply #70
so just a few more suggestions for this plugin..

what'd be really nice in the multi-edit box is if the default fields displayed in the normal, single-item view were there too, similar to iTunes.


Reply #71
What would be really useful (at least for me) is to have some kind of tabbed view over different tagtypes, like one for idv1,idv2 and apev2 tags, also to be able to add(?)/remove a certain type of tag(s) (i'de really like to strip off idv2 tags for example), sometimes i have a hard time keeping track of what tags contain what data 


Reply #72
great plugin!

i would like buttons for copying info to clipboard:
- filename
- directory
- full filename (path + filename)

i know i can do this using copy info comman, however these could still come handy

I missed this post until neoufo51 pump it.
I will add this feature in next version ASAP,perhaps in this weekend.

Is the project dead?

More exactly,it is dormient. Now somebody try to wake it up.

@herr klang
so just a few more suggestions for this plugin..

what'd be really nice in the multi-edit box is if the default fields displayed in the normal, single-item view were there too, similar to iTunes.

Hmm...I just uninstalled iTune a few days ago,and I can't understand what you mean exactly.

This thread has more discussion about multi-type tags.


Reply #73
Is it possible that I could now erase the original "Show File Info". Is there a .dll corresponding to it, so that when I delete it it'll be gone?

Edit: Aha I did it through the Prefs  One needs to catalog all these useful plug-ins. I happened to see this by chance.
The object of mankind lies in its highest individuals.
One must have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.


Reply #74
Great plugin. Very useful. Now if it could automatically goto the multi-edit when you select multiple songs that would be great.
King of all the little people with really big swords.