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Topic: foo_shuffle (Read 124714 times) previous topic - next topic
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finally a shuffle plugin! thanks kode

minor request: is it possible to also add a shuffle-menu-entry for the systray?

- Lyx
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.


Reply #1
kode54: Awesome, exactly what myself and others were looking for.  Is it possible to maintain the functionality of Follow Cursor while using shuffle?


Reply #2
Thanks Kode54.

Indeed another great plugin from you.
Do you think it's possible to add a "minimum" jump range to the shuffle ? to be able to avoid playing next song in the album (fustrating when the playlist is big).



Reply #3


Reply #4



Reply #5
great plug in !!


Reply #6
Nice; is it possible for you to add a "random album" mode (play all the songs of an album in order and then random to another album etc.) ?



Reply #7
Random Album is exactly what I'm looking for. Also, I'm looking for it to shuffle between playlists as well, I like to sort my genres between different playlists.


Reply #8
Controlling which playlist the core plays from is beyond the power of a playback flow control service such as Shuffle.

Shuffle album is not. I'll see what I can do.


Reply #9
Uploaded v1.0.3.
  • Added album mode. Jump settings do not apply within album track selection.
It may need some tuning, or perhaps a proper way of staying a sufficient distance away from the previous track in the album, without screwing up the range. For now, it just uses the MT random function to pick from the unplayed tracks of the current album. When it finishes with the current album, it uses the original method to pick a new random track.


Reply #11
Quality plugin! Nice work kode54! Thanks for making it.

Any chance of being able to choose which field it uses for Album Shuffle? This would make it even more powerful (shuffle within categories, genres, artists etc.)

Ooh and a Next Album shortcut key would be wonderful too


Reply #12
...being able to choose which field it uses for Album Shuffle? ... shuffle within categories, genres, artists etc.

this is a GREAT idea  simple feature, endless possibilites

- Lyx
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.


Reply #13
Uploaded v1.0.4.
  • Added tag set rule mode.
A set of unplayed tracks will be compiled based on the tag rule set.


Rules: -album|+genre

Previous track:

genre is unset

Only the album rule will be observed, in which case the choice list will contain all unplayed tracks with unset album, blank album, or non-matching album.

If no matches are found, it will fall back on the standard shuffle track jump behavior.

For now, it only supports the first defined tag for each rule. More than one is possible, but will be complicated. (new conditions, ie. at least one match, or all must match; each value present in the checked tracks will have to be verified against all of the values collected from the previous track)


Reply #14
Uploaded v1.0.4.
  • Added tag set rule mode.
A set of unplayed tracks will be compiled based on the tag rule set.


Rules: -album|+genre

Previous track:

genre is unset

Only the album rule will be observed, in which case the choice list will contain all unplayed tracks with unset album, blank album, or non-matching album.

If no matches are found, it will fall back on the standard shuffle track jump behavior.

For now, it only supports the first defined tag for each rule. More than one is possible, but will be complicated. (new conditions, ie. at least one match, or all must match; each value present in the checked tracks will have to be verified against all of the values collected from the previous track)

great! even better than I'd hoped (in theory). But..

If I understand your descriptions correctly, if I put +album as the rule and choose Shuffle tag set for the order, it should behave the same as Shuffle album? I tried this and it just seems to do normal random shuffle (not within album)... In fact I can't seem to get any + rule working..


Reply #15
kode54, could you add another kind of "random album" ?
it takes any album , starts at track 1, play all of them in order until the album is finished, then starts another album ?

Thanks already for your great foo_shuffle


Reply #16
Uploaded v1.0.5.
  • Fixed tag set + condition. (stupid typo)


Reply #17
kode54, could you add another kind of "random album" ?
it takes any album , starts at track 1, play all of them in order until the album is finished, then starts another album ?

Thanks already for your great foo_shuffle

Uploaded v1.0.6.
  • Added second album shuffle mode that does exactly what you want.


Reply #18
kode54, could you add another kind of "random album" ?
it takes any album , starts at track 1, play all of them in order until the album is finished, then starts another album ?

Thanks already for your great foo_shuffle

Uploaded v1.0.6.
  • Added second album shuffle mode that does exactly what you want.

where at??


Reply #19
"Shuffle album 2" in the order control list.

Note that if the history is smaller than the number of tracks in the current album, it will cycle through the album endlessly. If this is a problem, add more tracks to your playlist, or increase the history size. :B


Reply #20
no.  1.0.6 has not been uploaded anywhere

your site still has 1.0.5


Reply #21
Oops. Issue corrected.


Reply #22
i don't suppose there is any way to play the randomly selected album in order (starting from track 1), then move on to another album?

i figure some sort of internal queue could be used to queue up the entire cd in order or something.

just a thought.


Reply #23
i don't suppose there is any way to play the randomly selected album in order (starting from track 1), then move on to another album?

i figure some sort of internal queue could be used to queue up the entire cd in order or something.

just a thought.

Uhm, that's what "Shuffle album 2" is supposed to be doing, unless your files lack proper TRACKNUMBER values.

Maybe if everyone could vote on a better name than "Shuffle album 2..."


Reply #24
Component name - foo_shuffle
Component type (appropriate section) - General
Which foobar2000 version the component works with - 0.7.1
Short description of the component - Shuffle control with play history.
Compile date - October 17, 2003
Download link -
Author website link -

This pluggin is amazing !!!  Great work kode54