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Topic: How To Format Files As Artist - Song Name In CUERipper? (Read 2482 times) previous topic - next topic
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How To Format Files As Artist - Song Name In CUERipper?

How do I set it up so the ripped files is named as Artist - Song Title in CUERipper?


Re: How To Format Files As Artist - Song Name In CUERipper?

Reply #1
By files I assume tracks mode (one file per track).

Do want the track artist or the album artist? These are often the same but not on Various Artist rips.

In Options
This track filename template will give you the track artist(s)
Code: [Select]
%artist% - %title%

%album artist% only exists when the track artists are different so the track filename template is a little more complicated.
Code: [Select]
$if2(%album artist%,%artist%) - %title%
This template returns %artist% when %album artist% doesn't exist.

By omitting the track number you may have an issue with sorting (tracks played out of order). This depends on the player and type of audio file (untagged .wav files for example).

Re: How To Format Files As Artist - Song Name In CUERipper?

Reply #2
By files I assume tracks mode (one file per track).

Do want the track artist or the album artist? These are often the same but not on Various Artist rips.

In Options
This track filename template will give you the track artist(s)
Code: [Select]
%artist% - %title%

%album artist% only exists when the track artists are different so the track filename template is a little more complicated.
Code: [Select]
$if2(%album artist%,%artist%) - %title%
This template returns %artist% when %album artist% doesn't exist.

By omitting the track number you may have an issue with sorting (tracks played out of order). This depends on the player and type of audio file (untagged .wav files for example).
I always format my files as Artist - Song Name (Ft. Artist)