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Topic: Metadata Tags Updating Issues (Read 8760 times) previous topic - next topic
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Metadata Tags Updating Issues

I have a question I hope I can get some help with.
I currently have a QNAP Nas that contains my music collection of 60,000 tracks.
I have Jellyfin ver 10.10.1 installed.
I also have Plex version 4.141.0 Premium installed
I have Foobar2000 version 2.24.1 installed on a Windows 11 laptop.
I use Foobar2000 to edit my music collections meta data, specifically ratings and genre
I understand that ratings do not transfer from Foobar2000 to either Jellyfin nor Plex
I am trying to get the "genre" field to be synced between the three programs.
I have for example, a genre in Foobar2000 that contains 78 tracks.
I have rescanned my music library in both Jellyfin and Plex
When I go to Jellyfin, it shows I have 65 tracks
Plex shows 73 tracks.
I went into Plex and updated the genre metadata to match the 78 tracks that Foobar2000 shows.
Then rescanned the Plex library, and then the Jellyfin library.
Plex matches Foobar2000, but Jellyfin still shows 65 tracks (instead of 78).
There is several other genres I modified in Foobar2000 that are not carrying over accurately to Plex or Jellyfin.
Is there something I'm missing that causes these results?
Please advise.

Re: Metadata Tags Updating Issues

Reply #1
I presume you are accessing your music library from FB2K as a network drive, and not through any streaming service – in other words that FB2K should have read/write access to the music files.

As a rule, when you edit the metadata in FB2K (eg "properties" on the right-click menu), the metadata only updates FB2K's cache and not the files themselves.  Therefore any changes will only be visible in FB2K.  If you want to commit the changes to the file, you need the shift-right-click menu (IIRC – I'm not on a FB2K system at the moment), and there is an option to write changes to file.

Note that this behaviour is fairly common in DJ software in general.
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: Metadata Tags Updating Issues

Reply #2
Thank you for the quick response!
I not seeing a "write changes to file" option

Re: Metadata Tags Updating Issues

Reply #3
Shift-right-click > Tagging > Rewrite file tags
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: Metadata Tags Updating Issues

Reply #5
Well the post says "shift-right click"

That means hold the Shift key before right clicking.

Re: Metadata Tags Updating Issues

Reply #6
@NetRanger must have shift-right-clicked to get the Tagging options at all.  Perhaps there is a version difference (I'm using 1.6.12 and DUI), or he's customised it somehow.  However, I note the "Edit file tags" option, which would get the job done.
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: Metadata Tags Updating Issues

Reply #7
Sorry, but the information about tag edits only going to cache and requiring special commands is not true at all.

Care to check what file format the tracks that Jellyfin has problems are in? Different audio formats use different tagging standards and some of them can be quite poorly supported out there.

Re: Metadata Tags Updating Issues

Reply #8
Sorry, but the information about tag edits only going to cache and requiring special commands is not true at all.
It is my direct recent experience.  I edited tags in FB2K, and they were only committed to the file when I used the "Rewrite file tags" command.  Prior to that my edits were only visible in FB2K (not MP3Tag).
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: Metadata Tags Updating Issues

Reply #9
I don't know how that could happen. An optional component External Tags can take the tag into its database if configured to take over tagging, or if the format in question doesn't support tagging. But when that happens calling tag write to happen again will just repeat the same action.
And a buggy component not doing tag commit when asked could lie that tagging worked ok even if nothing was written to the file. But again, the same bug should also affect the manual command to write tags.

The "Rewrite file tags" is hidden for a reason as it's not generally needed. But you can force tag rewrite for example if a component had fixed a tagging bug and you need a rewrite to fix the file. Or in a hypothetical scenerio, foobar2000 database has good tags for a file, you have replaced a corrupted file from a backup but backup was made before tags were fixed. And file size/timestamp hasn't changed so foobar2000 hasn't reloaded information from the restored file. In such scenario you could force foobar2000 to write the cached contents back to the file.


Re: Metadata Tags Updating Issues

Reply #10
I'll check my findings, but I admit I am using an outdated version.
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: Metadata Tags Updating Issues

Reply #12
Sorry, but the information about tag edits only going to cache and requiring special commands is not true at all.

Care to check what file format the tracks that Jellyfin has problems are in? Different audio formats use different tagging standards and some of them can be quite poorly supported out there.

All my music tracks are in FLAC or MP3 format
The genre specifically mentioned in my original post contain both FLAK and MP3 formats "missing" in both Jellyfin and Plex

Re: Metadata Tags Updating Issues

Reply #13
please be specific. for example i use Ape Player.

Re: Metadata Tags Updating Issues

Reply #14
I'll check my findings
Case's comments confirmed, but I'm not using the same machine at the moment.  Certainly I have been able to edit tags in FB2K and there is no problem with the same being displayed in MP3Tag.  If I manage to reproduce my problem (on the other machine) I'll et you know.
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: Metadata Tags Updating Issues

Reply #15
FLAC tagging is very simple and anyone supporting that won't (or at least shouldn't) choke on any specific genres. Looks like a Jellyfin issue. I tried github search "genre" to see sources where that is handled, but instead I found various bug reports related to genre. For example this: Looks like genres in general have worked with delay there for years.

Re: Metadata Tags Updating Issues

Reply #16
Thank you so much for the help!
Yes, I have verified it's a Jellyfin issue.
I rescanned my library replacing all the metadata and the genre populated correctly.
I then edited another track for genre in FB2K and it did not update in Jellyfin.
I guess my workaround is to do a bunch of edits and then rescan with replacing metadata.
Its just a pain because of it takes a couple hours each time to rescan that way.
Thanks again!