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Topic: Are These Setting Good For Perfect Rips? (Read 4281 times) previous topic - next topic
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Are These Setting Good For Perfect Rips?

NOTE: I only and always rip in wav with paranoid mode on, even if it's a brand new cd. My Drive is a Plextor Professional PXL-910s
CueRipper & Tools Settings:

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Re: Are These Setting Good For Perfect Rips?

Reply #1
I can't comment anything about CueRipper as it's unknown to me, but the option to decode HDCD during extraction makes your rip the opposite of perfect. Perfect rip means 100% identical to the data on disc.

I'd highly recommend keeping HDCD data intact without permanently decoding it. No existing HDCD decoder is perfect, they even have bugs. Keeping the data intact allows you to use hardware HDCD decoders, if you ever run into one, or enjoy updates and improvements in software HDCD decoding at a later time.
Not to mention that majority of HDCD discs are not even true HDCD. If you convert those to 24 bits you will do nothing but waste space. Though upside with these is that they can be losslessly restored back to 16 bits.