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Topic: Apple AAC CoreAudioToolbox Win vs Mac (Read 1727 times) previous topic - next topic
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Apple AAC CoreAudioToolbox Win vs Mac


I'm using Apples AAC via QAAC/Foobar2000 combo since QAAC first release.
Apple released the latest CoreAudioToolbox.dll ( around 2017 for iTunes on Windows.
I'm quite happy with this combo, even when i used opus a short time, and returned because compatiblility issues.

Now i have access to Windows and macOS and i know that CoreAudio AAC is build in to macOS.
Does anyone know how to get the version number that is used by macOS? (are they compareable to windows itunes version?)
Does anyone know apple has further developing aac on macos platform?
Is XLD on macOS recommended for flac to aac conversion, in terms of gapless encoding or hardware playback?

A lot of questions...