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Topic: JSP3 Script Analog VU Meter (Read 5248 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: JSP3 Script Analog VU Meter

Reply #25
BinExtractor 1.2 is now available from BoringName:

- Added a "Save Bin File" button. This will save the currently loaded bin as a single Bin file using LZMA compression. It will be saved in the same location as the loaded bin with "_new" appended to the file name.
Use cases -
- Repackage a bin using BZip2 compression to use LZMA which loads a lot faster.
- Repackage an uncompressed bin to use LZMA compression and take up less space.
- Repackage bin files stored as separate files for left and right meters into a single bin file. eg) Accuphase A-46 1.bin, Accuphase A-46 2.bin will be saved as a single bin file Accuphase A-46 _new.bin. May be handy for skin creators to deploy a single file instead of 2."

Re: JSP3 Script Analog VU Meter

Reply #26

Thanks for update 29.

I've been using binextractor (1.2) and it provides me with an easy way to extract the background, which I then can alter and use in an AIMP skin.

The FB2K skins from within your script do work, but all the extracted needle png's are riddled with artifacts to the sides of the needle, which makes the FB2K skins unbearable to watch.

For now I strictly will use binextractor for extracting the background (L_0) and will only use the AIMP skins with your script.
How can I enable a LED light (L_3, L_4?) to be displayed with alpha value based on peak value as an overlay on background?


Re: JSP3 Script Analog VU Meter

Reply #27
The change from script version 1.0.23 to 1.0.29 came with some major changes to how options/preferences were selected/adjusted.

One of the things that I "re-noticed" today is there is no longer any direct access to the JSP3 raw script via right-clicking in the panel window and choosing "configure," which I frankly miss.  Is there some JSP3 hotkey I missed that would do this?  If not, consider this a request to ilovefb2k that this access be restored.

Tied closely to script was the ability to make settings changes via a "Properties" (or was it "Options"?) choice in the context menu that brought up a simple GUI that seemed (the action word) to have more choices than the new standard right-click select your option menu now in use for 1.0.29.  My next request is if it would be possible to bring that GUI back as an OPTION, not a replacement, to the new menu scheme.  For those who never saw that one it looked like the below; thanks for considering!

Re: JSP3 Script Analog VU Meter

Reply #28
The change from script version 1.0.23 to 1.0.29 came with some major changes to how options/preferences were selected/adjusted.

One of the things that I "re-noticed" today is there is no longer any direct access to the JSP3 raw script via right-clicking in the panel window and choosing "configure," which I frankly miss.  Is there some JSP3 hotkey I missed that would do this?  If not, consider this a request to ilovefb2k that this access be restored.
You can get access with SHIFT-WINKEY-RIGHTCLICK

Re: JSP3 Script Analog VU Meter

Reply #29

I sorely misss the mousewheel ability to change the movement of the needles and asked for it repeatedly.

If you add these lines to the script you get rudimentary control if you set the meter to follow RMS:
Code: [Select]
function on_mouse_wheel(s) {
properties.rms_db_gain = properties.rms_db_gain - s;

Re: JSP3 Script Analog VU Meter

Reply #30
You can get access with SHIFT-WINKEY-RIGHTCLICK
Wow, provides access to BOTH the original GUI ("Edit Properties") and the JSP3 script ("Configure"), who knew??  YOU did, THANKS!

ilovefb2k I formally drop the requests I made above  O:)