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Topic: Like Button (Read 6679 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Like Button

Reply #25
And sure I have longed for a spam filter lately, but then I would want my spam filter, not a bully tool.
How many audiophiles have claimed to be bullied by the people here and this site's insistence upon objective double blind testing? We can supposedly hold people to a higher standard but we aren't allowed to express a simple negative opinion?

False equivalence?

Me, I like the /. forum system where comments are voted up or down and filters can be set to block comments that fall below a threshold.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Re: Like Button

Reply #27
How is indicating that you disagree with a comment non-participation? It seems to me the opposite is true, like and dislike buttons would encourage people who otherwise wouldn't comment to at least leave an opinion.

What are people really afraid of?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Re: Like Button

Reply #28
Fix the forum search instead, so it is possible to find back the valuable posts.
A "like" button will be used at war on Mr. Dense and Mrs. Silly, and that everyday use will drown whatever you would like to retrieve next year.

And sure I have longed for a spam filter lately, but then I would want my spam filter, not a bully tool.

(Hm if the forum doesn't have anything better than google to search, ... what about removing the b0rken search rather than pretend it works?)
Just seizing this "wish list" opportunity to say that something else I think many will agree is missed dearly is a "Original poster" tag.

So much easier to follow a conversation on long, multi-page threads when you know who's who, without having to scroll up all the way to the 1st post and then to back where you were, trying to grasp context!
• Listen to the music, not the media it's on
• The older, the 'lossier'

Re: Like Button

Reply #29
...but, 3 days in and no mod or admin having said anything, it looks like not much will come out of it, does it?

Edit: I didn't meant it as "holding anyone to account", but more as a finding.
• Listen to the music, not the media it's on
• The older, the 'lossier'

Re: Like Button

Reply #30
Hydrogen Audio is supposed to be a refuge for objectivity and rationality. If the truth hurts, that's good.

In my experience, people who don't like critics are the people with the most to hide and who live in their own fantasies unable to grasp the nettle.

Feedback is good, to pretend otherwise is foolish in my opinion.

Point N1:

Any group of people, no matter how smart, will have a certain amount of prejudice and bias. And more often than not, people who are knowledgeable in one area allow themselves to speak about something they know nothing about - the result is too often deplorable and in some cases harmful.

Point N2:

Feedback can actually be good if it's relevant and comes from people who are actually experts in the field.

Point N3:

Expert opinion can too often be swayed by existing voices, even if those voices come from less knowledgeable/more biased people. Even experts sometimes succumb to groupthink.

All of the above is basic group psychology

And lastly audio (quality) is too effing subjective.

Re: Like Button

Reply #31

Klymins ruined HydrogenAudio  :'(

(He didn't said snything here, but he's why all of us are so upset now)

Re: Like Button

Reply #32
I really like C.R. Helmrich's signature: "If I don't reply to your reply, it means I agree with you."

Like = Agree
Dislike = Disagree

You like my post? Good. You agree with me.

You dislike my post? Why? Did I say something wrong? You can't just disagree with someone and not elaborate further.


Anyway, can admin/moderator align text on the Uploads and Recycle Bin category. They look weird on standard 1920x1080 monitor.

gold plated toslink fan

Re: Like Button

Reply #33

Klymins ruined HydrogenAudio  :'(

(He didn't said snything here, but he's why all of us are so upset now)
• Listen to the music, not the media it's on
• The older, the 'lossier'

Re: Like Button

Reply #34
This all gets defused by having a "thanks" button rather than a "like" button.
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.


Re: Like Button

Reply #35
It's not fair you are attacking Klymins as a group. He may be peculiar but I don't think his curiosity has harmed anyone. At least I prefer active forum over a dead one.

Re: Like Button

Reply #36
It's not fair you are attacking Klymins as a group. He may be peculiar but I don't think his curiosity has harmed anyone. At least I prefer active forum over a dead one.

Thank you very much.

Re: Like Button

Reply #37
If anyone didn't understood my point, it is this:
[Almost] nothing seems to be fair in this discussion.

By the way, in my opinion it would be better to have more than like/dislike options if there should exist reactions in the forum.

Re: Like Button

Reply #38
The reason like and dislike buttons are useful is the same reason that free speech is. If you don't want to know what people think, I think that's a problem.
Yeah, but "likes/dislikes" are not really thoughts. They're often no more than animalistic grunts.

Re: Like Button

Reply #39
Yeah, but "likes/dislikes" are not really thoughts. They're often no more than animalistic grunts.
They are simple what they are, a vote, yea, or nay. You'd think voting would be a slam dunk in a democracy.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Re: Like Button

Reply #40
This one definitely has priority #420 ngl. Id rather see a tree view for contributions and a declutter of the message boxes. There is so much unused space in there that im not even sure if this forum was made for desktop and not for billboard. Just directing all of the attention to the text would be cool. Hate to say it but reddit shows how its done in that regard.
And so, with digital, computer was put into place, and all the IT that came with it.