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Topic: Why can't I start new topic in Foobar forum? (Read 2355 times) previous topic - next topic
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Why can't I start new topic in Foobar forum?

I'm in Recent Topics page in Foobar Forum and there's no START NEW TOPIC icon.
I can reply to other member topics but cannot start a new one.
What happened?


Re: Why can't I start new topic in Foobar forum?

Reply #1
Of course there isn't.  "Recent Topics" is a compilation of discussion threads across multiple sub-sections of the forum.  Where would a New Topic button start a new topic?

Scroll down to "Sub-boards", choose the appropriate one for your enquiry, and then you'll see the New Topic button.
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: Why can't I start new topic in Foobar forum?

Reply #2
Of course there isn't.  "Recent Topics" is a compilation of discussion threads across multiple sub-sections of the forum.  Where would a New Topic button start a new topic?

Scroll down to "Sub-boards", choose the appropriate one for your enquiry, and then you'll see the New Topic button.

Now I got it. Thank you so much.