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Topic: Strange crashes on shutdown after having resumed from long hibernation (Read 1289 times) previous topic - next topic
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Strange crashes on shutdown after having resumed from long hibernation

Hello, this is not a critical issue, but Foobar 2.24 preview (at least all the last 32bit releases since 3-4 months) frequently crashes on shutdown if it was resumed from a 1-day long hibernation.

To be clear, I noticed this behavior only on Windows 10, 32bit, and it happens only if the hibernation period is somehow long, let me say, it happens only if the PC is resumed the day after. The crash takes only during shutdown phase.

All crash reports sent as usual.

Anyone else experienced this?
Regards, Andrea

Re: Strange crashes on shutdown after having resumed from long hibernation

Reply #1
The question as always is... does it crash with zero third party components installed? That should always be the first step for anyone reporting crashes of any kind.

Maybe you don't use 3rd party components at all but this information should be provided up front so we don't have to waste time going round in circles asking 20 questions.

Re: Strange crashes on shutdown after having resumed from long hibernation

Reply #2
Found matching report, looks like CRT Abort exception in foo_spider_monkey_panel 1.6.1
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Strange crashes on shutdown after having resumed from long hibernation

Reply #3
Dear All, here another crash report of few minutes ago.
Again, for me nothing critical, it happens only during shutdown.
Kind regards, Andrea


Re: Strange crashes on shutdown after having resumed from long hibernation

Reply #4
I read biography script on the log, have you updated the package? Just to check if it's the crash on exit while there are active network requests, which has been fixed.

Re: Strange crashes on shutdown after having resumed from long hibernation

Reply #5
I read biography script on the log, have you updated the package? Just to check if it's the crash on exit while there are active network requests, which has been fixed.

Hello @regor , it is version 1.4.2, the last one available from Will-B.
Regards, Andrea

Re: Strange crashes on shutdown after having resumed from long hibernation

Reply #8
I told you, go to the thread at this forum. Download last version there from me. Wil-B is no longer maintaining it.

Re: Strange crashes on shutdown after having resumed from long hibernation

Reply #10
Yep, that is.

Everybody should be updating Biography to that package, otherwise you will get crashes on shutdown. Wil-B was warned about it but since he is absent.. I can not do anything but just offer that fix at the thread.

Re: Strange crashes on shutdown after having resumed from long hibernation

Reply #11
Thank you @regor , I was not aware of this new release because I am not monitoring that thread having subscribed to github notification service.
Again, thanks and kind regards, Andrea