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Topic: On-Screen Display settings appearance differs between installs (Read 752 times) previous topic - next topic
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On-Screen Display settings appearance differs between installs

I just noticed something odd. The On-Screen Display settings on one install is using some old school Windows checkboxes, where another install shows it normalized with other settings areas.

Both installs are ver. 2.1.6 32-bit on Windows 11, using Columns UI in dark mode. Very curious as to why this is happening.

Here are some screenshots....

funky one

correct appearance from other PC (taken via VNC, so, not sharp)


Re: On-Screen Display settings appearance differs between installs

Reply #2
That is a third party component. My guess is that one is using old original version from kode54, and the correct looking one is using slightly improved version from,124571.msg1031346.html#msg1031346.
No, I had the latest installed (as foo_osd.x86-release.fb2k-component) on both PCs. I grabbed the 32+64 bit component package, which uses the same filename as the old version (oh well), removed the existing components, and installed that one on both. Same result. Double-checked "foo_osd.x86-release.fb2k-component" but no joy on the wonky PC.

I'll reply to razielanarki in the component thread. Thanks for the link.