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Topic: Efficiency of parametric stereo (Read 2423 times) previous topic - next topic
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Efficiency of parametric stereo

Hello. Does parametric stereo (what used in HE-AAC v2 as addition to SBR) limit the quality of stereo seperation or become less efficient than the standard joint stereo at high bitrates of seperation, or is it more efficient than the standard joint stereo in all cases?

Re: Efficiency of parametric stereo

Reply #1
Use google and chatgpt before opening 20 new topics as you have done asking simple questions.

Re: Efficiency of parametric stereo

Reply #2
Use google and chatgpt before opening 20 new topics as you have done asking simple questions.

I don't trust ChatGPT at all, but I found a Wikipedia page (Parametric stereo) and it says using standard joint stereo is better at high bitrates of seperation, but unfortunately this information lacks citations apparently. Thanks.


Re: Efficiency of parametric stereo

Reply #6