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Topic: 2 errors in Foobar2000 for android. (Read 3616 times) previous topic - next topic
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2 errors in Foobar2000 for android.

Hi everyone! So my first problem is that when I want to add ReplayGain information to any audio file it does nothing. It can be anything like mp3, flac, m4a. It doesn't add it to the metadata. This error comes after the 1.3.1 version. Anyway I have android 11 on my LG K51S phone. Another thing (which happens in every versions, and also in every android audio player that supports ReplayGain) is that I can easily hear that there are changes in volume. So one song is still can be heard as louder or quieter than others. I don't know why is this happens? I tried everything like gain + peak, only gain and only peak, but nothing solves the problem.

Re: 2 errors in Foobar2000 for android.

Reply #1
Looks like a bug slipped in, long ago, causing ReplayGain info not stored in file tags to be not actually used for playback, making built-in ReplayGain scanner not very useful if you don't let it update the tags. Problem has just been corrected in today's beta build.

Another limitation is that scanned info isn't matched (never was) if file is played through folder browsing, rather than library browsing. It will be addressed in a later update.
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Re: 2 errors in Foobar2000 for android.

Reply #2
Looks like a bug slipped in, long ago, causing ReplayGain info not stored in file tags to be not actually used for playback, making built-in ReplayGain scanner not very useful if you don't let it update the tags. Problem has just been corrected in today's beta build.

Another limitation is that scanned info isn't matched (never was) if file is played through folder browsing, rather than library browsing. It will be addressed in a later update.
Thank you!