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Topic: EAC, freedb, and DATA? (Read 1445 times) previous topic - next topic
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EAC, freedb, and DATA?

It appears that freedb has been altered in a way that all music is now categorized as "data." No other genre is ever listed for any disc I rip, and I imagine changes I submit to the database aren't recorded. This has been the case for at least a couple months, I believe.

Anyone have insight as to what happened?

As for why I use freedb and not one of the other databases—because it will be suggested: I try to avoid UNICODE in file names, something that plagues other services. Freedb also allows me to upload metadata for unknown CDs, which I've never managed successfully with other services. Finally, I've used freedb for over 20 years. Why change now?

Re: EAC, freedb, and DATA?

Reply #1
Magix ceased in 2020. is redirected to

It appears that freedb has been altered in a way that all music is now categorized as "data." No other genre is ever listed for any disc I rip, and I imagine changes I submit to the database aren't recorded. This has been the case for at least a couple months, I believe.
see for their explanation.

The freedb plugin was removed from EAC starting with v1.7.
see also
Gnudb change of policy (
Discussion continues in

Re: EAC, freedb, and DATA?

Reply #2
Thanks for the response!

I'm not around enough to keep up with all the changes. I do remember it was down for some time, then began working again—this seems to align with what I've read.

The posts seem to confirm my suspicion that submissions were not being recorded. I think . . . .

Freedb works most of the time. There are always misspellings to correct. The most important thing is that UNICODE is rare in the old freedb database, as UNICODE wrecks Windows file names and the functionality of other applications, such as LAME.

 I do hope this "new" database service sees the light of day in the near future.

I tried switching to MusicBrainz years ago, but gave up after spending hours and hours trying to correct other people's mistakes with no clear way to upload changes or additions. GD3 is subscription based. I'm simply not familiar with CUETools DB Metadata Plugin V2.1.6. Besides, the name is too long.

That was a joke . . . .

Re: EAC, freedb, and DATA?

Reply #3
EAC v1.8's built-in plugin is setup for using AccurateRip Meta (replacing the freedb built-in plugin). Submissions not available yet.

Re: EAC, freedb, and DATA?

Reply #4
You can modify and submit data as before. However, to view your submission, perform a query to retrieve the unique gnucdid assigned to it. This gnucdid enables you to access your submission's content. Queries always return the updated gnucdid. While older submissions may still be accessible via their original discid, using the gnucdid is the most reliable method to read your data, especially for new entries.

To address some weaknesses in the old discid used in the CDDB protocol, we introduced a new ID called gnucdid. The gnucdid retains the 8-character hex format but is unique to each set of metadata. Queries are performed using the CD layout as usual. The response from gnudb will include one or more gnucdids, sorted by the closest matching layout first. Currently, there are over 5,500,000 unique CD layouts with corresponding metadata. Categories have been removed, and we always return the category "data" to ensure compatibility with older programs.