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Topic: Using Exact Audio Copy V 1.8 to create a WavPack and an MP3 file (Read 2574 times) previous topic - next topic
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Using Exact Audio Copy V 1.8 to create a WavPack and an MP3 file

Hi Everyone,

I used to use EACH 0.95 but things have changed.

The latest version of EAC is V1.8 and all the settings and arguments have changed.

To start I tried to create a FLAC file using the default settings that came with EAC.

Path of Compressor
C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\FLAC\FLAC.EXE

Additional Command Line Options:
-6 -V -T "ARTIST=%artist%" -T "TITLE=%title%" -T "ALBUM=%albumtitle%" -T "DATE=%year%" -T "TRACKNUMBER=%tracknr%" -T "GENRE=%genre%" -T "COMMENT=%comment%" -T "BAND=%albuminterpret%" -T "ALBUMARTIST=%albuminterpret%" -T "COMPOSER=%composer%" %haslyrics%--tag-from-file=LYRICS="%lyricsfile%"%haslyrics% -T "DISCNUMBER=%cdnumber%" -T "TOTALDISCS=%totalcds%" -T "TOTALTRACKS=%numtracks%" %hascover%--picture="%coverfile%"%hascover% %source% -o %dest%

When I ran "Copy Image and create cue sheet"  I got an error that said

"External Compressor Returned an error!

Options: -6 -V -T "ARTIST=AAAA -T "TITLE=BBBB -T "ALBUM=CCCC -T "DATE=YYYY -T "TRACKNUMBER=%tracknr%" -T "GENRE=%genre%" -T "COMMENT=%comment%" -T "BAND=%albuminterpret%" -T "ALBUMARTIST=%albuminterpret%" -T "COMPOSER=%composer%" %haslyrics%--tag-from-file=LYRICS="%lyricsfile%"%haslyrics% -T "DISCNUMBER=%cdnumber%" -T "TOTALDISCS=%totalcds%" -T "TOTALTRACKS=%numtracks%" %hascover%--picture="%coverfile%"%hascover% %source% -o %dest%

File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\AAAA - CCCC.wav

I have substituted AAAA, BBBB, CCCC, YYYY etc. for the names of the Artist, Song Title, Album, Year, etc.
Before running "Copy Image and create cue sheet", I had unchecked "Delete WAV file after compression" just to see if a wav file is created but I could not find a WAV file either.

I am obviously doing something basic wrong. Does anyone have a clue?

Re: Using Exact Audio Copy V 1.8 to create a WavPack and an MP3 file

Reply #1
Substituting is going to make it difficult to see what's going on.

The default Additional Command Line Options should only be an issue if there were characters the encoder didn't like but your files shouldn't output to here
Code: [Select]
File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\AAAA - CCCC.wav
but you may have substituted the path too.
Where did you tell EAC to output the image file?

Re: Using Exact Audio Copy V 1.8 to create a WavPack and an MP3 file

Reply #2
Substituting is going to make it difficult to see what's going on.

Your files shouldn't output to here
Code: [Select]
File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\AAAA - CCCC.wav
but you may have substituted the path too.

The default Additional Command Line Options should only be an issue if there were characters the encoder didn't like but your files shouldn't output to here
Code: [Select]
File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\AAAA - CCCC.wav
but you may have substituted the path too.
Where did you tell EAC to output the image file?

This is the error I got.  I was only testing EAC so the the files output to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\ folder. Eventually, after I get it working I would choose a different folder.

When I start the Copy Image and Create Cue Sheet option I can see EAC working and creating a WAV file

Then instead of creating FLAC files from the WAV file, it says Copy Complete

Does this help?

Re: Using Exact Audio Copy V 1.8 to create a WavPack and an MP3 file

Reply #3
I changed the directory to D:\TEST and deselected the Use External Compression option and it created 14 individual WAV files. Then I selected the External Compression option and it created a WAV file, CUE file, and a single FLAC file. See the WAV, CUE, and FLAC files below.

Re: Using Exact Audio Copy V 1.8 to create a WavPack and an MP3 file

Reply #4
You shouldn't try to extract to locations that require elevated permissions e.g. C:\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\
I see you worked that out.

I could not find a WAV file either.
Your files are likely in %localappdata%\virtualstore\  (C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\)
or more specific %localappdata%\virtualstore\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\
because EAC didn't have permission to write to C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\
The encoder was pointed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\ so it failed to find the wav file.

edit spelling if > it

Re: Using Exact Audio Copy V 1.8 to create a WavPack and an MP3 file

Reply #5
Your files are likely in %localappdata%\virtualstore\  (C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\)
or more specific %localappdata%\virtualstore\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\
because EAC didn't have permission to write to C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\
The encoder was pointed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Exact Audio Copy\ so it failed to find the wav file.
edit spelling if > it

Thank you so much. I am sorry I reply so slowly. There is a lot going on in my life.

I tried to create WavPack files using the default command line argument
-hh -m -w "Artist=%artist%" -w "Title=%title%" -w "Album Artist=%albumartist%" -w "Album=%albumtitle%" -w "Year=%year%" -w "Track=%tracknr%" -w "Genre=%genre%" -w "Composer=%composer%" -w "Comment=%comment%" -w "DiscNumber=%cdnumber%" -w "TotalDiscs=%totalcds%" -w "TotalTracks=%numtracks%" %source% %dest%

Where would I find the destination files? I assume EAC is unable to find the source file because that got created in D:\TEST. How do I tell EAC there to find the source file?



Re: Using Exact Audio Copy V 1.8 to create a WavPack and an MP3 file

Reply #6
'Add ID3 tag' should not be ticked
wav and wv should be in D:\TEST
No error message?
Try 'Test encoder' > Return code: No error occurred?

Edit I just ran a test using the settings you provided. File(s) created OK
When 'Add ID3 tag' is ticked: does not play in foobar2000

Re: Using Exact Audio Copy V 1.8 to create a WavPack and an MP3 file

Reply #7
'Add ID3 tag' should not be ticked
wav and wv should be in D:\TEST
No error message?
Try 'Test encoder' > Return code: No error occurred?

Edit I just ran a test using the settings you provided. File(s) created OK
When 'Add ID3 tag' is ticked: does not play in foobar2000

You are a genius. I found some files in D:\Test\test
But, these did not include individual files for each song.

I ran "Test encoder" for WavePack 4.2 and got this

I ran "Test Excoder for LAME 3.96.1 and got this

Re: Using Exact Audio Copy V 1.8 to create a WavPack and an MP3 file

Reply #8
There are a few things that were performed by Wack that won't be possible using EAC alone.

  • You won't be ripping to an Image. EAC won't split and encode as Wack did.

    If you selected Action > Copy Image & Create CUE Sheet > Compressed... before,
    you will need to select Action > Copy Selected Tracks > Compressed... instead.

  • You will not be able to save files to more than one drive.

    You will not be able to save to
    H:\wav\%artist%\%albumtitle%\%tracknr2% - %title% for WavPack
    G:\mp3\%artist%\%albumtitle%\%tracknr2% - %title% for MP3

    Instead you will set the naming scheme in EAC Options > Filename and EAC Options > Additional Filename to
    wav\%artist%\%albumtitle%\%tracknr2% - %title% for WavPack
    mp3\%artist%\%albumtitle%\%tracknr2% - %title% for MP3

    the rest of the path will be determined by the setting in EAC Options > Directories.

  • If you are keeping the WAV file(s), they will also be split into tracks.

    The files will be saved in the EAC Options > Filename location.

    If you are keeping the WAV file(s), you will likely want to add a couple steps before ripping
        Action > Detect Gaps (this will also add GAP information to the extraction logfile)
        Action > Create CUE Sheet > Current Gap Settings

    The individual WAV files can be rejoined to Image + CUE if that's how you store them.