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Topic: Configure EAC with flac (Read 16983 times) previous topic - next topic
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Configure EAC with flac

Is it possible to confiqure eac so it outputs directly to flac, instead of wav or mp3?

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #1
Sure. No Problem.

Check out Case' EAC setup page for all the options for different encoders.

Hope that is what you meant.

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #2
Yes, thats exactly what I meant.  Thanks a bunch! 

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #3
but Case doesn't mention how to adjust quality (NOTE: I am not talking about sound quality, it's lossless anyway), like in the front-end that you get with the Flac installer, you get to choose settings -5 (standard) -8 (high), it's only for encoding, decoding speed is not affected, but how do I set those with EAC?
The Plan Within Plans

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #4
but Case doesn't mention how to adjust quality (NOTE: I am not talking about sound quality, it's lossless anyway), like in the front-end that you get with the Flac installer, you get to choose settings -5 (standard) -8 (high), it's only for encoding, decoding speed is not affected, but how do I set those with EAC?

Just add -8 or -5 or whatever to the command line options.  Thats all.
gentoo ~amd64 + layman | ncmpcpp/mpd | wavpack + vorbis + lame

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #5
well I did figured that part out, but where do I add it, in the beginning before the -T(like ogg) or at the end after %s thing?
The Plan Within Plans

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #6
I've added at the beginning - think it's true, and it's work.
And also I've added --lax option, which forces to generate non-streamable flac. Not sure, but seems it's decreases resulting size, and streaming in flac isn't need for me, only tags.

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #7
Here's what works for me...

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #8
ok, I'm probably being blind as usual, but I can't seem to find the list of switches on their website? where did you guys get your info from? I mean it will be much easier if I had some reference and wouldn't ask simple questions like this.
The Plan Within Plans

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #10
Is it possible to confiqure eac so it outputs directly to flac, instead of wav or mp3?

External compression
paramter passing scheme: User defined encoder
Use file extension: .flac
command line:
Code: [Select]
-V -8 -T "artist=%a" -T "title=%t" -T "album=%g" -T "date=%y" -T "tracknumber=%n" -T "genre=%m" %s

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #11
-6 -V -T "artist=%a" -T "title=%t" -T "album=%g" -T "date=%y" -T "tracknumber=%n" -T "genre=%m" -T "comment=EAC secure mode / FLAC 1.1.0 @ q6" %s
Chaintech AV-710

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #12
What is the difference between levels -0 and -8? Is it just encode/decode time and file size or is there a difference in sound quality as well?

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #13
No difference in sound quality.  Lossless is lossless.

I believe the decoding times between levels -0 and -8 are practically (exactly?) the same.  The only difference is level -8 gives somewhat smaller files and takes much longer to encode.

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #14

I´m using the following command-line in EAC:
-V --best -T "Artist=%a" -T "Title=%t" -T "Album=%g" -T "Date=%y" -T "Tracknumber=%n" -T "Genre=%m" %s

Is there any way to read the tags in Winamp?
Foobar recognizes the tags, but i would like to read them in WA too?

Another question about replaygain:

Is there any tool or workaround, like sweep.exe for MPC, to do the replaygain as a batch with the following advantages:
- store the replaygain-info album- and(!) track-based
- ignore files that are already replaygained
- use each Folder as one Album

Bombing for Peace is like
Fucking for Virginity
-No WAR-

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #15
I just read Case' EAC setup page... very interesting!!! 

But i wonder what this wapet.exe is for?
(It´s not used for Flac, but i also read the despription for the other encoders)

Someone, who can shortly explain?

Bombing for Peace is like
Fucking for Virginity
-No WAR-

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #16
Is there any way to read the tags in Winamp?
Foobar recognizes the tags, but i would like to read them in WA too?

Am not sure right now, but I think there is a new updated flac input that will send the tag info to Winamp.  As I said I am not sure right now, since I don't really use Winamp anymore.  Could be I am confusing it with Monkeys input right now.

Another question about replaygain:

Is there any tool or workaround, like sweep.exe for MPC, to do the replaygain as a batch with the following advantages:
- store the replaygain-info album- and(!) track-based
- ignore files that are already replaygained
- use each Folder as one Album

Although it doesn't do everything exactly the way you want, Foobars replaygain scanner is quite powerfull and takes care of all my replaygain needs.  (scan selection as multiple albums using album field, and it will add both album and track gain to your tracks simultanously).

But i wonder what this wapet.exe is for?
(It´s not used for Flac, but i also read the despription for the other encoders)

AFAIK it is used for adding APE tags from within EAC to certain filetypes, whose encoders don't support tagging directly.  Hence it is needed for tagging certain filetypes, whereas others can do without it.

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #17
Thanks so far, picmixer! 
Although it doesn't do everything exactly the way you want, Foobars replaygain scanner is quite powerfull and takes care of all my replaygain needs. (scan selection as multiple albums using album field, and it will add both album and track gain to your tracks simultanously).

What do you mean with "using album fields"? - Does foobar use the tag to determine if the tracks are from one album or not?

Bombing for Peace is like
Fucking for Virginity
-No WAR-

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #18
Does foobar use the tag to determine if the tracks are from one album or not?


Configure EAC with flac

Reply #19
Thanks so far, picmixer!  
Although it doesn't do everything exactly the way you want, Foobars replaygain scanner is quite powerfull and takes care of all my replaygain needs. (scan selection as multiple albums using album field, and it will add both album and track gain to your tracks simultanously).

What do you mean with "using album fields"? - Does foobar use the tag to determine if the tracks are from one album or not?


As ancl said, yes it does and it works absolutely sweet in case you have all your files tagged properly.

And for that purpose you could use it's excellent Masstagger.

Maybe you wan't need that Winamp plugin after all  (just kidding). 

Maybe someone else can answer your Question about Winamp tag supprt more properly.

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #20
To summarize, you can use something like this (omitting any tags you don't care to use):
-V -6 -T "title=%t" -T "artist=%a" -T "album=%g" -T "date=%y" -T "tracknumber=%n" -T "genre=%m" -T "comment=whatever rip and source info you want to include" %s

EAC doesn't actually output compressed files.  It still rips to wav, then starts up an external encoder to compress.  The relevance being:
- If it helps, you can start multiple encoding threads (the setting is in EAC Options,  Tools)
- The way parameters get passed (or rather, don't get passed) for some of the more unique applications.  I wouldn't even try to use EAC to do replaygain - I don't think the parameters can get passed properly to do album gain.  It doesn't take that much time to do it in a second pass after it's encoded to flac.  It would do track gain, but that's rarely what you want, especially when using EAC.

WinAmp - if you get the WinAmp2 plugin you can play flac files; it will use the tags for display; and you can edit the flac tags.  Not super-easy but it does the job for a quick fix up of the automatic tags.

Rarewares has the WinAmp2 plugin.  That goes in the WinAmp plugins folder.

To access the tags from inside WinAmp, right click, File Info or Alt+3

Couldn't tell you about WinAmp3.  See

Compression. It seems nutty to use anything but 4, 5 or 6 for flac.  The gain in compression beyond that, or savings in time below that, is minimal.  At least if these graphs and my experience are to be believed.

EAC parameters you can use to pass data for the switches and tags:
Q:  Which flags can I use in the external compression scheme "User Defined Encoder"?

A:  In the field "Additional command line options" you could use replacements for the selectable options :

%s  Source filename
%d  Destination filename
%a  CD artist
%g  CD title
%t  Track title
%y  Year
%n  Track number
%m  Music genre
%e  Comment (as selected in EAC)

- EAC FAQ link

As noted above, you can see what the flac switches do at the  flac documentation page.

Here's an older thread and another one on this topic with a couple more details.

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #21
what is the best command line?
like the "insane encoding" one....

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #22
technically there is no "best command line". it's lossless, so any setting sent to the encoder only affects the file size.

however, the default command of -5 encodes in an efficent (speed vs. compression) manner for most people.

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #23
I tested it with System of a Down - Toxicity.

Diference between -5 and -8 was only 1mb with the whole album.
But -8 took 3x more ...

[edited] Btw , I am sticking with
--lax -8 -V -T "artist=%a" -T "title=%t" -T "album=%g" -T "date=%y" -T "tracknumber=%n" -T "genre=%m" %s

Because I have no need of streaming and it can save a little extra bytes , and time is not important for me cuz , even it taking more time , encoding was pretty fast at 1800+ with 1 gig ram.

[Edited 2]
[To ScorLibran]

I was looking at the Flac documentation and according to you tag you dont need to set -m 
because according to the docs --best =  -8 = -l 12 -b 4608 -m -e -r 6

the other ones still valid , cuz they will overwrite the standard ones.
FYI , the bigger the -l the bigger compress (need to be less than 32) and the best -r should be -r 0,16
Kind Regards , Tcmjr

Aka HellSnoopy

Configure EAC with flac

Reply #24

I'm a little confused.  You said...

  Diference between -5 and -8 was only 1mb with the whole album.
  But -8 took 3x more ..

am I misunderstanding you?  It sounds like you are saying that -8 -lax really save you almost nothing and yet take three times as long.  So why do that?