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Topic: Issues with starting Foobar as an administrator in Windows  (Read 1264 times) previous topic - next topic
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Issues with starting Foobar as an administrator in Windows


I'm in a dilemma.
It seems that I can't delete files from within Foobar with the delete function in file operations unless I start foobar as an administrator.
But if I set foobar to always start with admin privileges, I can't open files with foobar from the file explorer.
Is there a solution to this?



Re: Issues with starting Foobar as an administrator in Windows

Reply #1
The proper solution is for you to fix your file permissions and stop running foobar as admin.

Re: Issues with starting Foobar as an administrator in Windows

Reply #2
The proper solution is for you to fix your file permissions and stop running foobar as admin.
That sounds proper, but I don't know how to do it. So much so that I almost have no idea what you're talking about.
File permissions? Where? In windows or in foobar? And how?
I don't find such a setting in foobar.

Re: Issues with starting Foobar as an administrator in Windows

Reply #4
The permissions are handled by the OS.

Ah, that's what you meant. I call that folder permissions and I had already done that.
But you guessed right, although I already had "full control" permission on the Music folder, something was not right, maybe because the folder inherited the permission from the drive, vs me specifically giving permission for that particular folder.
I tried now, and it's weird because now my UserName is there twice, both with full control, once inherited from the drive, once given directly.
And now it works.
Much better. Thanks.