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Topic: unpadded tracks numbers (Read 1772 times) previous topic - next topic
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unpadded tracks numbers

is there possibile to let cueripper write the files with unpadded tracks numbers?
for example
no -> 01. track name
but like this
1. track name

in case it's not possible ,could be moved to the request features?
sometime i can't access to the wiki page , the guide page



Re: unpadded tracks numbers

Reply #1
%tracknumber% is (at least) 2 digits.
As a feature request, what are you asking for? Two examples are:
  • add an additional placeholder (e.g. %track number% - similar to foobar2000) where single digit track numbers are not padded with an extra 0
  • add an additional placeholder where single digit track numbers are only used when %tracktotal% < 10 (do not pad when a rip contains less than 10 tracks total; pad the extra 0 when a rip contains 10 tracks or more)
This additional placeholder would need to be available for use in an audio filename 'track' template.

Re: unpadded tracks numbers

Reply #2
%tracknumber% is (at least) 2 digits.
As a feature request, what are you asking for? Two examples are:
  • add an additional placeholder (e.g. %track number% - similar to foobar2000) where single digit track numbers are not padded with an extra 0
  • add an additional placeholder where single digit track numbers are only used when %tracktotal% < 10 (do not pad when a rip contains less than 10 tracks total; pad the extra 0 when a rip contains 10 tracks or more)
This additional placeholder would need to be available for use in an audio filename 'track' template.
Hi Korth
I would like for example
1. trackname
2. track name
3. track name
9. track name
10. track name

As a feature request, what are you asking for? Two examples are:
, i don't know exactly
just because in foobar i use
Code: [Select]
$num(%tracknumber%,1). %title%
, to have 1.  track name and so on.
thanks Korth

Re: unpadded tracks numbers

Reply #3
Okay, that's what %track number% does in foobar2000 (example 1 in my previous post)


Re: unpadded tracks numbers

Reply #4
Okay, that's what %track number% does in foobar2000 (example 1 in my previous post)
Hi Korth
yes , i mean like foobar  %track number%
might you please add in the request?