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Which spectral descriptor is the most useful in regards to music production and post-production?

Spectral centroid
[ 1 ] (33.3%)
Spectral spread
[ 1 ] (33.3%)
Spectral rolloff
[ 1 ] (33.3%)
Spectral flatness
[ 0 ] (0%)
Spectral kurtosis
[ 0 ] (0%)
Spectral skewness
[ 0 ] (0%)
Spectral slope
[ 0 ] (0%)
Spectral crest
[ 0 ] (0%)
None of above
[ 0 ] (0%)

Total Members Voted: 1

Topic: Spectral centroid and other spectral descriptors (Read 2889 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Re: WebAudio API spec...
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Spectral centroid and other spectral descriptors

BTW, I've made these two smaller projects (one for spectral features and another for FIFO averaging and crest spectrum) related to this, these are something for @Crossover and @Klymins
If you're wondering about these single-valued spectral features (e.g. spectral centroid, slope, kurtosis, etc.), they describe the timbre of the sound or something else based on its FFT spectrum in different ways

So now, are these things useful in the regards of music/EDM production and post-production stuffs (in-addition to spectrum analyzers)? And what does each spectral features (including spectral crest) actually mean for describing the sound?