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Topic: What does fix offset do if you leave it on? (Read 2429 times) previous topic - next topic
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What does fix offset do if you leave it on?

I just reencoded ton of FLAC rips. I just noticed CUETools was set to Action/Encode/Fix offset (0 selected) the entire time. Does this do anything bad? lol

Re: What does fix offset do if you leave it on?

Reply #1
Anytime you change the offset you remove samples from one end of the rip and pad zeroes (null samples) to the other end.
Some may consider that bad.

The original purpose of the script was: If your rip didn't match a certain set of conditions with regard to AccurateRip (ARv1) confidence, apply an offset to an alternative pressing that did. The goal being an accurate result without the need to check other pressings.
So having the script enabled may do nothing, may offset by a few samples, or by hundreds of samples. That would depend on how many pressings (offsets) are in the AccurateRip database, the AccurateRip confidence (ARv1) of each track of each pressing, the AccurateRip confidence of each track of your original rip (without additional offset), and the settings on

There should be a message in the .accurp log file if any offset was applied.
Code: [Select]
Offset applied:

Re: What does fix offset do if you leave it on?

Reply #2
Thank you for the info! :D .. CUETools is pretty confusing to me. hehe

I looked in all the recent logs and didn't find anything applied. I am using 2.2.2 cause i'm too lazy to update most of the time. Does that mean it's basically the same output as if I had used encode if verified? No need to redo from the source files?

Cheers :D

Re: What does fix offset do if you leave it on?

Reply #3
Both will throw a warning and stop if the rip is not in the AccurateRip database.
'encode if verified' doesn't apply offset and only encodes if AccurateRip verified (again based on conditions).
'fix offset' will still encode if 'fix' conditions aren't met. It just won't apply (fix) offset.

If concerned, notepad++ can quickly scan all .accurip files. Then if you want, redo any that were offset.

Re: What does fix offset do if you leave it on?

Reply #4
Thanks again. :)

Re: What does fix offset do if you leave it on?

Reply #5
Both will throw a warning and stop if the rip is not in the AccurateRip database.
'encode if verified' doesn't apply offset and only encodes if AccurateRip verified (again based on conditions).
'fix offset' will still encode if 'fix' conditions aren't met. It just won't apply (fix) offset.

If concerned, notepad++ can quickly scan all .accurip files. Then if you want, redo any that were offset.

Just wanted to say thanks one more time.. I finally got around to checking (LOL). I had no idea you could search like this :P