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Topic: foobar2000 SDK bug: use after free in `fb2k::callLater` (Read 3136 times) previous topic - next topic
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foobar2000 SDK bug: use after free in `fb2k::callLater`

It seems there is a bug in SDK 2023-09-23:

- `fb2k::callLater` method registers a timer and stores it in smart pointer.
- Smart pointer and user callback are captured by value in lambda that is stored inside timer object.
- During lambda execution it releases smart pointer first and then calls the user callback.
- Since smart pointer was released, all the data stored inside is invalidated, including the user callback. Which results in UB and crash.

Fix seems to be rather straightforward: invoke callback first, then release the pointer.

Relevant code:

Re: foobar2000 SDK bug: use after free in `fb2k::callLater`

Reply #1
Problem noted, thanks for reporting.
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