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Topic: Space out or prevent the same album from being repeated? (Read 1687 times) previous topic - next topic
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Space out or prevent the same album from being repeated?

I wanted to know if someone has ever glanced over this idea. Suppose I prevent an album from being repeated let's say in my Playlist there's...

Album A - 3 Tracks
Album X - 8 Tracks
Album C - 15 Tracks

So ideally speaking when the first track plays from Album A then I want it to switch to Album X or C instead of Album A. Theoretically speaking this prevents Album A from being played once which isn't an issue... However.

Suppose after Album A it switches to Album X, because we are only "preventing" the same album from being repeated after Album X it chooses either Album A or Album C... Is there something which can effectively "space" out the Album A from being played again in series? I feel like this would help to some degree in preventing repetition which occurs in a short time frame.

The ideal solution would be playing from Album A, then Album X, Album C and etc.. then after some fixed spacing limit/time switch back to Album A? I'm not sure if this is possible but I would like to get some idea regarding if someone has already figured this out before.


Re: Space out or prevent the same album from being repeated?

Reply #1
Some would argue you are asking for a too specific thing which can be done manually on a playlist.

But, what you ask is essentially a way to space out tracks with X tag. X being ALBUM in this case. No, there is no way to do that within standard foobar. You have Playlist Tools on my sig, which does that by configurable tags. It essentially mimics what spotify does when using shuffle, trying to not repeat Artist A, before B and C are played. In you example, since A has 3 tracks and the others have more, it would output something like A-B-C-B-C-B-C-A-....

Obviously the algorithm is somewhat automatic and you can not set the "spacing limit" or things like that, but maybe it gives a good start for you. It requires SMP 32 bits and thus foobar 32 bits.

Re: Space out or prevent the same album from being repeated?

Reply #2
Some would argue you are asking for a too specific thing which can be done manually on a playlist.

But, what you ask is essentially a way to space out tracks with X tag. X being ALBUM in this case. No, there is no way to do that within standard foobar. You have Playlist Tools on my sig, which does that by configurable tags. It essentially mimics what spotify does when using shuffle, trying to not repeat Artist A, before B and C are played. In you example, since A has 3 tracks and the others have more, it would output something like A-B-C-B-C-B-C-A-....

Obviously the algorithm is somewhat automatic and you can not set the "spacing limit" or things like that, but maybe it gives a good start for you. It requires SMP 32 bits and thus foobar 32 bits.

Thanks, I'm a bit confused as to how to setup Playlist Tools properly, I have SMP already installed and when loading buttons_toolbar.js and trying to add buttons not shows up. I'm a bit confused as to how to extract the files properly.

EDIT: Please disregard this message. I got it figured out. Will move any subsequent queries to your thread.