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Topic: Context menu items don't get executed by keyboard shortcut (Read 2846 times) previous topic - next topic
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Context menu items don't get executed by keyboard shortcut

I converted a working context menu created with contextmenu_item_simple to a more dynamic one using contextmenu_item_node_root_popup.

The new context menu works perfectly and its actions are visible in the available Action list of the Preferences dialog.

I can map a keyboard shortcut to the action but it does not get called.

Before you ask:
- foobar2000 v2.2 2024-07-07 x64
- The same shortcut (Alt + Num 1, Global hotkey) calls main menu and standard context menu items just fine.
- mappable_shortcut() returns true for the contextmenu_item_node_leaf objects.

On a side note: why can't Alt + 1-9 be used to map an action?

It's surely a bug in my code... Any hints?

- Switching back to contextmenu_item_simple the Preferences dialog complains about missing actions with the GUID I use for the root of the context menu. The GUID has not changed. Remapping the actions makes the shortcut keys work with the contextmenu_item_simple version of the context menu in v2.1.5.
- Alt + 1-9 can be used in v2.1.5 x64