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Topic: Amplifying MP3's (Read 942 times) previous topic - next topic
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Amplifying MP3's

Hello. How can I amplify the global gains of all of the frames of an MP3 file to increase the volume without creating generation loss?


Re: Amplifying MP3's

Reply #3
Hello. How can I amplify the global gains of all of the frames of an MP3 file to increase the volume without creating generation loss?
Alternatively you can set ReplayGain tags in the file which instruct the player to normalise the audio on playback.  Whichever route you use, beware of the risk of clipping at the output.
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Re: Amplifying MP3's

Reply #4
Also e.g. foobar2000 can apply either gain or a selected value.

IIRC, mp3gain writes undo information to APEv2 tags.